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Messages - bytestorm

Pages: [1]
MVS / Samurai Spirits 5 Special MVS Convert on PROGBK1 & CHA512 possible?
« le: Mercredi 02 Novembre 2016, 20:03:53 pm »
Hello all!
I tried to introduce myself in the introductions section but it is somehow "off limits" to me :(

Very well, I have a little question for you MVS tech gurus!

I have a fully decrypted set of Samurai Spirits 5 Special and I wonder if there is any way to make a PROGBK1 pcb to accept 2x 4096 KB P-roms?

All other "big/new" games are max:

P1 - 1024 KB
P2 - 4096 KB

.. But samsho 5 sp is:

P1 - 4096 KB
P2 - 4096 KB

Any ideas about if this is even possible? P1 slot is max 1024, but is there any way to bankswitch the rest?


Thanks for reading!

Pages: [1]