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there was a mistake for the two resistances

now you can put 3 - 5 kohm in order to get all the details of the road

Thank you zebassprophet.
Unfortunately i don't know French language so it is very difficult for me to follow all the posts.
I have tried to translate with google but often the translation was wrong.

Now i have changed the two resistances from 10k to 3k and it's works. ^-

Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Sega Model 1 ou 2 sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Vendredi 18 Avril 2014, 10:26:20 am »
Il faut changer les deux résistances des filtres RC.
what do you mean?  ;D
which resistance?

Bon, je vais y aller en français et qui veut traduira.

Tu mesures avec le volant en charge ? Par exemple en demandant une commande du volant à gauche ou à droite avec le panneau de commande logitech.

Tu as combien sur l'autre extrémité du potard, celle qui n'est pas à la masse ?

As tu mis un condensateur de découplage ? il semble que beaucoup est du le mettre
Thank you Aganyte! ^-^

do you take your mesure with the wheel pluged in?
for example while asking left or right direction with the command of the logitech control panel?

What's your mesure on the other extremity of the trimmer, the one which isn't grounded

do you have use a capacitor? looks like lot of user have to
Thank you Zebassprophet!
Aganyte your pcb L2M2 is WONDERFUL!!!
You are a Genius!!! ^-^


My trimmer RV4 was set 0,0V: the black cable (multimeter) on ground and the red cable (multimeter) on the center potentiometer pin than the forcefeedback was very weak. >:(

I have set it to 1,70V: the black cable (multimeter) on ground and the red cable (multimeter) on the center potentiometer pin.
Now the forcefeedback is very strong! :D
If i put the black cable (multimeter) on ground and the red cable (multimeter) on the external pin, when I turn the steering wheel I have these measures:
9,86V left
9,78V right

I think that now it is very strong... i think to reduce to 1.30V...

The only problem that in the game i can't feel the car impacts, wall hits and grass vibration. >:(
How can i do? :-)=

Thanks to all!!!!

Whose pin of rv4?
black cable (multimeter) on ground and red cable on the center potentiometer pin

Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Sega Model 1 ou 2 sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Mercredi 16 Avril 2014, 23:10:00 pm »
Thanks to Aganyte i have set the trimmer RV1, RV2, RV3 and RV5 to the right value.

Now my RV4 is set to 0,0V.
It's right or i need to set to a different value?

Hi to all!

Sorry for my english but i don't speak French...

I have a daytona sega model2 pannel and i take the L2M2 pcb.

I have installed all the components but i don't know how to set the trimmer RV1, RV2, RV3 and RV5 to the exact wattage:

RV1 = 20V
RV5 = 20V
RV2 = 12,5V
RV3 = 12,5V

The pcb L2M2 must be turned on or turned off during the settings?
I need to use a multimeter for the settings?
where i should put the multimeter?

Please help me!

Thanks to all!!

Débuter en arcade / The Topic of the Welcome !!!!
« le: Jeudi 10 Avril 2014, 12:20:27 pm »
i'm a new user from Italy.

Sorry for my english but i don't speak French...

I'm glad to be part of your group!  :D

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