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Messages - Nandi

Pages: [1]
Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Sega Model 1 ou 2 sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Lundi 26 Septembre 2016, 20:32:12 pm »
Thank you!

But can I interface the force feedback with the Daytona USB? Do I need the driver/FFB board for that?

And by Daytona USB do you mean the M2Pac?


Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Sega Model 1 ou 2 sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Dimanche 25 Septembre 2016, 17:08:46 pm »
Hello guys,

My questions would be, is this motor compatible with the L2M2?

It is from a Sega Touring Car Championship, which is Model 2C.

Thank you!

Pages: [1]