voici la reponse de l'auteur de CPCE..en plus il parle français....
voilà...qu'en pensez vous ...
; César Nicolás González - CNGSOFT/TOJIN ;
; cpce.emuunlim.com cngsoft@emuunlim.com ;
< Hello >
< Excuse me for my bad english (i'm french), i hope you understand
what i write :oP >
< Thanks for you great emulator CPCE. >
Good morning. First of all, you're welcome, and I thank you for using
CPCE and for writing about it!
And don't worry about your English,
you're handling it quite well. However, if you wish, we can write in
French next time; je parle et écris Français malgré beaucoup de fautes
grammaticales et ortographiques...
< We are many people would like to use it on our Arcade Cabinet. But
we have some little problem. >
< Do you think, you can add some future to your CPCE95 emulator ? >
< 1) I would like to open CPCE in many resolution and the emulator
screen is center if is smaller (always 1pixel = 1pixel).(My graphique
card for my arcade Cabinet use some curious low resolution (384x288,
640x288) >
< 2) Do you add the GUI from CPCE32 to CPCE95, it's more easy to use
on Arcade Cabinet >
The arcade cabinet resolutions are a quite interesting thing I hadn't
pondered yet, although there's already a somewhat related thing, and
it's to set IMAGE_DOUBLE=1 and IMAGE_SCANLINES=4 in CPCE.INI or to
start CPCE95 with /vc4 : hi-res graphics that are vertically
stretched by hardware. Maybe I should add something (for example,
IMAGE_SCANLINES=5) that would work like IMAGE_SCANLINES=4 but without
asking the video blitter to double the height, thus looking perfect in
modes such as 640x288. About the 384x288 mode, if you start CPCE with
IMAGE_WIDTH=3 and IMAGE_HEIGHT 3 its window will be 384x256, that will
look perfect when maximized or in full screen.
< I hope read you soon >
< Best Regards >
< Yann LEBRUN >
Well, this is all for now. Thank you very much for your attention and
read you soon!