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Messages - parodius

Pages: [1]
Raspberry Pi / Un projet sympa : Naomi Pi
« le: Lundi 17 Novembre 2014, 00:07:08 am »
J'ai fait une image basee sur Raspbian, le principal (seul ?) interet par rapport a celle d'origine etant qu'elle marche sur le B+ :

Piforce Tools

This is a stock Raspbian distro (2014-09-09-wheezy-raspbian image) with a modified version of Piforce Tools 1.2 installed.
The official website of Piforce Tools is : http://capane-us.github.io/piforcetools/

The reason for creating this disk image is that apparently the 1.2 image provided by its author is based on ArchLinux,
and the version that was used is not compatible with the Pi B+.
ArchLinux images are not readily available anymore from the raspberry.org website,
and Raspbian is much more widely used and documented, so I went for this distro instead.
Funny to mention that Piforce Tools actually evolved from Raspbian to ArchLinux during the course of development (look at the Git repository),
because ArchLinux is lighter and faster to boot.

I kept the original author's idea to have all the relevant configuration and Piforce Tools files on the FAT32 partition,
so that they can be easily edited under Windows with an SD card reader (being a Windows user myself).
Note : if Windows does not want to read the FAT32 partition on your SD card... try with another SD card reader.
The onboard reader in my Sony Vaio couldn't read it, but a cheap Transcend one could.

So basically you can follow the exact same installation steps mentioned on http://capane-us.github.io/piforcetools/

In case you want to install Piforce Tools yourself on an existing Raspbian SD card, I will list the steps below.


Changes that were made to Raspbian after copying the image onto an SD card :
The 'pi' account's password is still the default one : 'raspberry' - so no change on that one.
Ran 'sudo raspi-config' and changed the name of the Raspberry to 'PiforceTools'.
Packages to use the Adafruit 16x2 Character LCD were installed using this tutorial :

Using 'sudo bash', moved the network interfaces config file from /etc/network/interfaces to the FAT32 partition /boot :
cd /etc/network/
cp interfaces /boot/
mv interfaces interfaces.bak
ln -s /boot/interfaces

Then I made another backup of /boot/interfaces as /boot/interfaces.bak, and edited /boot/interfaces to be able to use a crossover cable :
iface eth0 inet static

If you want to connect the Raspberry to a router with DHCP instead, just rename /boot/interfaces to something else, and /boot/interfaces.bak as /boot/interfaces

Lastly, to make Piforce Tools start at boot, I edited rc.local :
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
and added this line in it :
sudo /usr/bin/python /boot/piforcetools/piforcetools.py &


Installing Piforce Tools :
Created /boot/roms to hold roms & decrypted isos.
Copied version 1.2 of Piforce Tools Python scripts in /boot/piforcetools.
Changes made to piforcetools.py :
Commented the 2 lines regarding daemon usage (as we are starting with rc.local).
Added 2 Atomiswave games which were recently released as Naomi roms.
Replaced version number 'Ver. 1.2' by '1.2.1-raspbian', and increased version display to 5 seconds.


All credit goes to capane-us of course.
Feel free to distribute, licenses remain the same.

Nov 16, 2014

Vos Roadtrips ! / Road trip to EuroAirport (en Suisse Alsacienne)
« le: Samedi 16 Juin 2007, 16:43:17 pm »
C'est peut etre *vraiment* une Atomiswave qui a ete maquillee en Egret 3...

Vos Roadtrips ! / Road trip to EuroAirport (en Suisse Alsacienne)
« le: Samedi 16 Juin 2007, 05:00:40 am »
Comme je le disais sur Arcade-System :
J'ai appris recemment (sur KillerCabs) que les bornes Egret III derniers modeles n'ont plus l'ecran Toshiba mais un Wei-Ya.
Pour les distinguer sans allumer la borne, le Tosh a un OSD donc il n'y a que tres peu de boutons sur la board de reglage.

Attention donc au modele d'ecran !
Le prix de l'Egret III ne se justifie pas si c'est un Wei-Ya puisque c'est le meme ecran que les Atomiswave SD.
Ca revient moins cher de prendre une AWSD + panel Egret III neuf + stickers et header Egret III neuf => hop une Egret III :)

Pages: [1]