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Messages - perjmolsen

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Alimentation, Electricité, & Cablage / Sega G-loc down again :(
« le: Jeudi 07 Décembre 2017, 19:17:34 pm »

A small update

I have followed the steps in this repair guide

Step 1 to 3 is complete and all checks out OK, so far so good  :-)=

But step 4 there is no input voltage at "D9" - so i have to figure out why.  =?=
so i am stuck at this step at the moment

If any have some imput please feel free to comment :)

Kind regards

Alimentation, Electricité, & Cablage / Sega G-loc down again :(
« le: Jeudi 30 Novembre 2017, 10:47:31 am »
Hi There :)

Goodday to all in the forum, I am writing again because my Sega G-loc deluxe is down again  :'(

I have restored the powersupply in this tread http://www.gamoover.net/Forums/index.php?topic=36585.0

And it had worked great,  I have played the game, and it had been fun :)
But yesterday when I where playing.. suddenly BANG... and power where out and a bad smell....

So now my beloved Sega gloc is down one more time.

I have looked at the powersupply and it is the same one that i rebuild who has failed, the one who is powering the right motor

It seems visual that it is the K1250 mosfet who has been fried

A bit at the corner

What can cause the K1250 to be fried?

Hopefully GC339 and all the other great people who helped me the last time is still around, and see my post :) you where all super help last time

My plan so far..get the energy back :) - take a deep breath, coffie-- think, more coffee and then :)
Remove All the Mosfets at the H bridge and test them all, and replace the bad ones.
But what might had caused the breakdown..?

Kind Regards


Just an update

I just had recived the 10 L2 transformers from china :)

Now i can get to work restoring my last two powersupplys so if all goes well i have two spares  ^-

Le Bistrot de l'Arcade / GC339? where is he
« le: Mardi 02 Mai 2017, 11:11:35 am »

Does someone know where "GC339" is?
- I have not heard from him the last two months, normal he is around this forum ones a week..

I hope that nothing has happen to him :(

I just want to thank him for his help with my restoration of my powersupply to my sega g loc deluxe.If it not had been for gc339 and his great work and all his help with my sometimes stupid questions, i could not have fixed my power supply, so if someone talks to him - let him know it :)

Kind regards

Alimentation, Electricité, & Cablage / Sega G-loc deluxe motor power supply
« le: Jeudi 27 Avril 2017, 12:17:58 pm »

An update - it where just some bad connections, now 5V are present - and i have re tested all the other volts one more time. Tested in the Gloc and everything works  :-)=

Hopefully it stays that this time :)

Alimentation, Electricité, & Cablage / Sega G-loc deluxe motor power supply
« le: Mercredi 26 Avril 2017, 14:00:00 pm »
Thanks - but....

yesterday when i where playing.. suddenly a burning smell

It seems that it is due to a bad connection

But i have no 5V at IC2, leg 8 - I have changed the L7805 at IC1. And there is 7V at D3
All the other volts are present, I have to dig into it...

UPDATE: I think that i have traced it to that the "upper" connection on IC1 at the middle leg is not connected - this is the input from D3... so therefore no 5V output.
Ill keep you updated when i get it fixed :)

Alimentation, Electricité, & Cablage / Sega G-loc deluxe motor power supply
« le: Samedi 22 Avril 2017, 07:09:43 am »

Thanks for the nice words, i will find some pictures of the restoration process,and post them.
If someone also need to replace the L2 transformer on the PCB, then here is the specification for it.

I am waiting for 10 L2 transformers to arrive from china, then i will attack the two last power supplys that i have, hopefuly i can restore them also, now i have a better understanding of that electronics ( I hope)  :D or just pure luck

The spec document can be downloaded here https://www.dropbox.com/s/nhiun74mj9whwna/K352%2BPQ20169Y17%20Mingyuda.pdf?dl=0

Alimentation, Electricité, & Cablage / Sega G-loc deluxe motor power supply
« le: Vendredi 21 Avril 2017, 12:05:59 pm »
YES! AT LAST!!!  :-)= :-)=

ZD11 where the reason for the missing down movement! -> It where shorted!
I changed that to a new one, and FINALLY after nearly 3 years without movement IT MOOVES!! ITS ALIVE!!!  ^-

Check it out here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xo8k730kgn03095/Gloc_working_2017mp4.mp4?dl=0

The funny thing is that the power supply that i have rebuild is faster in movement than the other one, but you do not notice it when the game plays, only in test mode.

Then i just wait for the Chinese to send me some new L2 transformers.. then i might also be able to rebuild the first power supply where i fried the L2 transformer.. then if i am so lucky i have a repaired spare  8)

Alimentation, Electricité, & Cablage / Sega G-loc deluxe motor power supply
« le: Jeudi 20 Avril 2017, 12:20:33 pm »

Whuu  :-)= A GIANT step for me!

I finally got some movement, I have changed ZD6 and ZD7 with some new 16V zener diode (the old ones where shorted)

Now i have movement, but it stays in upright position in that side where i have mounted my repaired powersupply. The other side does self test ok up and then down.

I have checked that the switches are OK - also if i switch the powersupplys the problem moves to the other side.

So there must be something that controls down movement in the powersupply... but where  :-\

Alimentation, Electricité, & Cablage / Sega G-loc deluxe motor power supply
« le: Lundi 17 Avril 2017, 08:04:30 am »

A small update

Second powersupply(the one where all the volts are OK):

I have changed the three PC910 optocuplers and still bo movement when i mount it in the g-loc. (so i do not think that the old ones where defective at all)

If i make a motor test then there is some static on the screen and a small humm but no movement at all.
I have also changed the two caps at C36 and C18

Does anybody have expirenced the same when they had restored a powersupply?

First powersupply (the one where I burned the L2 transformer):
I have made a deal at a chineese company at alibaba.com, I have send the defective L2 transformer, PC2019 to china and they have made 10 new L2 transformers and shiped them yesterday, only 17 dollars, so hopefully when they arive i can get to work on that powersupply also.

Alimentation, Electricité, & Cablage / Sega G-loc deluxe motor power supply
« le: Mercredi 29 Mars 2017, 20:36:56 pm »
Hmm... I wonder if GC339 has left the planet  :(

I do not hope that my questions has scared him  :-[

I need his expert advice  :D

Kind regards

Alimentation, Electricité, & Cablage / Sega G-loc deluxe motor power supply
« le: Mardi 14 Mars 2017, 10:06:38 am »

Just an update of repairing my 2nd PCB -

I have all the required voltages - but no movement at all when it is mounted in Gloc.
Therefore the problem must be in the control logic part, and having no oscilloscope and do know how to use it - then i have tried to find another way to diagnose the no movement issue.

I have tried to measure  the PC910's on the PCB,  by measuring ohm,s between the annode (leg2) and cathode (leg3)

The following PC910,s i am unable to measure any ohms between PC2,PC3,PC4

So i have ordered some new from this seller

I hope that brings me closer to movement :)

Do i have overlooked something else? (what says GC339?)    ^-

Alimentation, Electricité, & Cablage / Sega G-loc deluxe motor power supply
« le: Dimanche 05 Mars 2017, 10:28:16 am »

Well.. i have testet the L2 transformer from the other PCB who where defective, and it seems that is is defective also..

The picture below shows my tests with my multimeter.
The one labeld "New salvage" is the transformer from my salvage PCB, and the other named "old" is the one that i blew up by turning the D3 diode the wrong way.. note I have also de soldred the D3 diode, it there broken i half..

So i think that where the final nail, not to get my Sega Gloc up and running  :'(
I am unable to find any transformers named PQ2016 on the web.. I have only found them on two pages, but they do not respond to my emails.


2 chance in getting my gloc up and running

I have a third and final PCB, the one i have been working on also.
I have managed to get the 12V and 5V present  ^-,
But there is no movement when i mount it in my g-loc, and i do not have the tools or the skills to use a oscilloscope, so that i can not test it.
The following steps in the guide is spon on http://www.gamoover.net/Forums/index.php?topic=28660.0

Step2: 12V and 5 Vold is present according to guide
Step3: 7V and 5V is present according to guide

Step4: Input 17V, ZD3 15V, PC7=5V,PC8=5V
Note changed "Q12" before the change of "Q12" there where 15V at PC8 (leg8) -> It may be the reason for the missing movement, that PC8 is dead due to high current?

Step5: test in step "A"  is spot on 15V and 5V Step "B" is spot on 15V and 5V
Step6,7,8: Tested the diodes - all checks fine in the china tester according to guide.
Step9: Unable to test, no skills
Step10:Unable to test, no skills
Step11:Unable to test, no skills
Step12: Tested sensor with solder iron and multimeter, it checks out good.
Step13:Unable to test, no skills
Step14:Unable to test, no skills

When i test it in my g-loc (i have one working PSU)
Then the g loc rises one in one side, the side where the woring PSU is mounted, if i run a test and try to power the PSU that i have fixed there is statc on the screen, and i can hear a humm but no motion at all.

So now i am dead in the water, and realy in need of rescue :)

Alimentation, Electricité, & Cablage / Sega G-loc deluxe motor power supply
« le: Vendredi 24 Février 2017, 10:17:12 am »
Hi Again...

I have found the reason why it blow up... When soldered the D3 diode in i have turned it the wrong way!
I always check my work.. but this time overlooked one with fatal consequences...

FUCK! >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D

I have another Power supply laying who also is dead... i might be able to salvage the L2 transformer from this and turn around the D3 diode BEFORE applying voltage...
But i wonder if there might has been more damage to this, so it might be a bad idea..

What are GC339 verdict? :)

Alimentation, Electricité, & Cablage / Sega G-loc deluxe motor power supply
« le: Jeudi 23 Février 2017, 21:17:01 pm »
A picture of the damaged arera... i am unable to upload the smell...

so so sad....

Alimentation, Electricité, & Cablage / Sega G-loc deluxe motor power supply
« le: Jeudi 23 Février 2017, 21:15:10 pm »

I soldered the "ZD1" zenner diode in, and also D5
The diodes D9,D10,D3 and D11 where still not soldered in.

Then i turned on the power and 12V at the FAN outlet  :-)= :-)=

The i soldered the D9,D10,D3 and D11 in - and turned on the power
12V still at FAN outlet... and the suddenly BANG and i lost the power in my room..and a smell.. FUCK!

I think that the L2 now is dead... is smells bad... Dammit! so close then back to start, and now i might be unable to fix it...

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