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Messages - vib_ribbon

Pages: [1] 2
Panels, boutons & contrôles / Montrez vos control panels
« le: Mercredi 04 Mars 2009, 14:33:14 pm »
all my rotary sticks  ;D

Salons & Shows ... / Collector Fantasies - Malines - 08/02/2009
« le: Lundi 09 Février 2009, 17:17:55 pm »
great photos.

i love that new indiana jones pinball. i played it at the pinball hall of fame in vegas.

Simulateurs / ## WIP ## Daytona USA Twin to Out Run2 TWIN !!!
« le: Samedi 24 Mai 2008, 10:05:32 am »
very nice! i cried a little for daytona until you placed the disclaimer!!  ^- now i can sleep better at night.  :-*

Anciennes News / Rambo :: un come back vers l'arcade :: ça se confirme
« le: Jeudi 15 Mai 2008, 23:17:25 pm »
i want to play as colonel trautman...  :'(

Bornes génériques Japonaises / Atmomiswave SD - WIP
« le: Samedi 12 Avril 2008, 21:38:02 pm »
why does the "START" text look strange and off centered...? or is it because we're looking at it from a strange angle?

2eme Bordel en cours de tri / Trackball in my Candy, oh yes...
« le: Jeudi 10 Avril 2008, 14:28:35 pm »
Want to share a speedy version of my quest to get a trackball into one of my candy cabs!  :-)= I wanna play Combat School & Cabal!!  :P

Arcadefever sent me a WICO 2 1/4" trackball, old skool feel, all is well.

After some careful marking, I realised that the trackball unit is just too damn big for the cab...

So it started with sawing chunks out of the trackball housing:

A bit from the control panel housing:

And then grinding away one some of the vertical uprights that re-enforces the strength of the control panel... (I dont need that!  ;D )

I went and bought a hole cutter which comes with the world's biggest allen key...

Time to start cuttin'!

Oops, that doesnt work...

After much sweat and some blood... break through!!

GAME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The game is tough!!  :'( Help me...

Arcade dédiée vintage de 71 à 89 / :: Workshop :: Da Donkey Kong Story
« le: Mercredi 02 Avril 2008, 15:11:16 pm »
another crazy video production by darth.  ;D haha, loved it!!

it's always good to see the game being played, and that it's not just about the restoration. you made me wanna play some donkey kong myself now...  :-*

the music is just too cheesy, dude.  :P

Bordel en cours de tri / Hong Kong, Pcb and co
« le: Vendredi 15 Février 2008, 11:04:06 am »
Salut à tous!

je suis un membre ici, aussi! j'aime ce website!!  :-*

il y a plus d'rapports ici de Hong Kong.

...back to English...  ;D

...I think there's more to see on the website about HK in other areas of the forum if you register.


If your friend does visit Excellentcom, I suggest that he makes contact with them first on the telephone or via email and don't do what I did, just turn up unannounced. Also, I had sent Fannie the URL to that post on the forum so she has seen it already. When I was there we did talk about helping each other out and if the post has helped the profile of Excellentcom then that's brilliant. Tell your friend to tell her that he's seen the post too.  :P

hello arcadefever!  =:)) we meet here again.

Vos Roadtrips ! / petit road trip du mercredi
« le: Jeudi 07 Février 2008, 11:19:10 am »
i don't think you brought a big enough trailer!  ;)

Votre avis sur... / Votre avis sur "Le supergun Vogatek"
« le: Lundi 19 Novembre 2007, 20:07:19 pm »
J'ai ce Supergun aussi. Il est utile comme deuxième opinion quand les jeux ne travaillent pas au cabinet.

Voici un Supergun pareillement classé, mais il a continué la surchauffe, ainsi je l'ai renvoyé au vendeur.

Sorry for my crazy French.  ::)

Le Bistrot de l'Arcade / Mais si ça va rentrer dans la remorque!
« le: Jeudi 15 Novembre 2007, 13:37:29 pm »

Land of the Giants!  :)

Bornes génériques modernes / Do you like Mahjong? (English Post)
« le: Dimanche 04 Novembre 2007, 23:23:30 pm »
Oh no, I hope I've not triggered an argument here.

I can only speak for myself, but I came here because I know there are a lot of great articles not found on other forums, eg, workshops and road trips especially. I did not expect people to make things bilingual to accomodate me though so far people have been very welcoming and accomodating.

Whenever I visit France, I don't expect people to start speaking to me in English, on the contrary, I enjoy speaking to them in my very broken and limited French learnt when I was in high school almost 20 years ago. They must laugh that there is this Chinese guy trying to speak French to them.  ::)

So that's my opinion anyway... if I get stuck I'll start crying for help. Fred will help me.  :-*

Bornes génériques modernes / Do you like Mahjong? (English Post)
« le: Samedi 03 Novembre 2007, 22:35:53 pm »
VIB what are you doing here ?  :D

Causing trouble and spreading rumours about you, what else?  ;D

Bornes génériques modernes / Do you like Mahjong? (English Post)
« le: Samedi 03 Novembre 2007, 19:41:51 pm »
The basics are not difficult to learn. Firstly you must learn 1 - 9 in chinese, and then if you can grasp the simple rules then you will start playing in no time. The more complex stuff you can pick up later.

good resource can be found here:

Vos Roadtrips ! / :: 10th Anniversary UK roadtrip :: All Classics !!!
« le: Jeudi 01 Novembre 2007, 19:16:11 pm »
How was your experience with Arcade Warehouse? I havent dealt with them before, but plenty of UK gamers dislike them.

it seems like you go on a road trip every weekend... what/ when's the next one??  :D

Vos Roadtrips ! / :: 10th Anniversary UK roadtrip :: All Classics !!!
« le: Jeudi 01 Novembre 2007, 11:57:12 am »
Border control must have you on their systems by now surely!

"This guy is running some sort of operation...! We must monitor him!"

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