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Messages - jonis

Pages: [1]
Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Samedi 05 Avril 2008, 14:11:56 pm »
yup thats what they have done so follow any instructions written just always copy to the c:\filebak\whatever file path pointed to instead of d:\filebak\filepath

Thanks for the tip but thats already been taken care of.  ;) I was mostly curious of how big of a difference there is between the older & newer systems.

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Vendredi 04 Avril 2008, 12:42:25 pm »
Ah, alright, just wanted to confirm. Seems like mine is a bit different, probably because it's a few years old. It only uses one partition.

Root looks like this:

What have they put on the second partition, only the "filebak" folder?

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Jeudi 03 Avril 2008, 23:55:40 pm »
A quick question, did your drives come with 2 partitions out of the box?

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Jeudi 03 Avril 2008, 16:48:19 pm »
Is this the list you have found? http://arcade.codebot.org/arcade/top100/

In case it is, I would not rely on a list that has Gals Panic as Nr. 1  :D

Edit: The best top 100 list I have found so far is the one at KLOV. http://www.klov.com/TOP100.html

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Mercredi 02 Avril 2008, 18:35:24 pm »
Jeston, have you tested the hiscore function? Played a few games and I could't get any of them to keep the scores.

I think one have to use a special build, the 0.113u2 version of mame for it to work. I might have missed something here, please correct me if im wrong.

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Lundi 31 Mars 2008, 22:58:15 pm »
I have both future pinball & visual pinball with a bunch of roms but i belive the same thing as you do, they won't run proper without a proper graphics card and alot more ram. Might as well put the energy elsewhere. I am working on my own cocktail table with an old 28" television and a computer. The main purpose is to be able to play pinball on it. Might be neat.

regaring the ibm disks, I used them because those were the ones I had laying around. Might upgrade later, but i still have a full backup of it so it won't be any trouble if (when) it crashes.

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Lundi 31 Mars 2008, 13:26:35 pm »
Ah, no  wonder you guys ain't having any problems with the fan. I just noticed that atleast Maniacs is different from mine by looking at this photo: hdremoval.jpg. Mine sounded like an older vacuum cleaner, no kidding.  8)

What kind of pinball software are you looking to add Maniac, Visual Pinball, Future Pinball?

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Samedi 29 Mars 2008, 14:00:11 pm »
Good work Maniac.

The thing about using the original frontend the bugs me the most is that we have to go trough the hassle of adding the game to a list etc when we want to update instead of just adding the game to a folder. Same thing if we like to add more emu's, it won't be as easy as it could be. I'm quite sure this could be solved by using Mamewah. Although, I suspect that there might be some complications with the installation. I haven't figured out the connection between the dipswitches on the board & the software for example and that feels quite necessary.

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Jeudi 27 Mars 2008, 11:24:35 am »
Sounds like a good idea. I use a small 2-hd rack from an old computer screwed down next to the machine. Looks like this when it was still loose. Very convenient.

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Mercredi 26 Mars 2008, 22:19:30 pm »
Found some better pictures in my camera..

Original fan is out

New fan is getting tightened

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Mercredi 26 Mars 2008, 22:06:38 pm »
The original cpu fan is an AMD 70x15mm. The loudest fan i have ever heard.  8)

As i said before, a papst 60mm will do the trick and it fits just perfect. Since the fan seem to run 100% all the time i'm not really worried about cooling, the orginal cpu would probably run with just the heatsink without any problems.

Here is a picture of how it looked originally:

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Mercredi 26 Mars 2008, 18:09:32 pm »
I think that Mamewin is an early version of what later on became Mamewah so hopefully they should be quite compatible.

Some other things that are on my todo-list:

-Adding hiscore. Should be really easy, can't see why they have skipped this from the beginning. Info, see: http://www.mameworld.net/highscore/

-Adding an amigaemulator

Btw, are your cpu-fans very loud?  I changed mine to a Papst 60mm & can now enjoy the sounds of silence when im not playing. Clearly worth the 20$ the new fan cost.

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Mercredi 26 Mars 2008, 16:59:19 pm »
Hi guys! Backup has arrived from Sweden. Very nice to see that im not alone in trying to get the most out of the xxxx-in-1-gamebox. Haven't gotten that far yet, just bought my board a couple of weeks ago. Although, i have managed to make a complete copy & changed the drive to a bigger one. Also, the old skin needed to go so i made a new one & changed colours & fonts.

Has anyone thought of uppdating winmame to the latest Mamewah? Might be some hassle, but if we can get it to work im sure it would be worth it. Installing new emu's & other neat things would't be any problem at all.

Well, will keep my eyes on this thread & contribute as much as i can. Great work so far!

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