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Messages - SaraAB87

Pages: [1]
Simulateurs / Galaxy Force II Super Deluxe ... le rêve devient réalité
« le: Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017, 04:40:45 am »
I play Galaxy Force II Super Deluxe  =:))  ;D ^-

Simulateurs / Galaxy Force II Super Deluxe ... le rêve devient réalité
« le: Dimanche 17 Juillet 2016, 17:40:23 pm »
Nice! The person who sent me the pictures of the apache 3 has since passed away. I do not know what happened to it.

Simulateurs / Galaxy Force II Super Deluxe ... le rêve devient réalité
« le: Dimanche 17 Juillet 2016, 02:39:34 am »
Wow, un Galaxy Force II en opération au Canada!  ^-^

Not a valid youtube URL
…oui, nous sommes bien en 2015!  8)

Bruno, this is the Galaxy force that I live near.

164 pages of Galaxy Force! This thread is the best thread I have ever seen on any forum on the internet.

Hello DCE, you have done a great job restoring Galaxy Force!

Here is my video of the same Galaxy Force, this is me playing it.

Simulateurs / Galaxy Force II Deluxe ... Renaissance
« le: Dimanche 17 Juillet 2016, 02:34:39 am »
We do not have this version of Galaxy Force in the USA.

I enjoyed looking at the pictures of this restoration.

You are doing a great job!

The game will be very clean and nice when it is finished!

I don't know how you repaired the plastic on the seat, that must have been difficult!

I do not work in the Skylon tower arcade. I don't work in an arcade, I have never worked in an arcade.

I live in NY state. I did not see a lot of Canadian arcades when I was growing up but once when I was a teenager I went to the Skylon Tower to play the R360 and I was amazed at what they had. They had advertisements in brochures for the R360 so I went there because I saw the advertisement. If you were a kid who grew up playing Sega Genesis/Megadrive I could only imagine the experience for someone like that where you played the games at home then saw these huge cabinets that moved around and did stuff, it would be as if the machines came to life. Some people must have had very amazing experiences there when they were younger. The Skylon tower had almost every large Sega cabinet that was ever made at one point.

I also lived near a Galaxian 3 Theater 6 but I did not know it while it was here, I only found out recently there was one in my area. I do not know what happened to it, it is not in the place it was before, but I am trying to find out where it is. This is a very very long process.

I also had an experience when I was younger I came across an After Burner cockpit, when I played it I did not expect the game to be one that moved around, so that was quite shocking, it was as if the game came to life. I have grown to love afterburner a lot because of this. There are other people from my area that remember the same After Burner I played too.

I love these Sega machines, I think these machines have their own unique qualities, I think these machines have personality.

It is very hard to find these machines where I live now, most arcades don't have them. There is only a couple After Burners operating in the public in the USA these days that I know of. We also had a Thunder Blade and a G-LOC in other arcades where I live, and probably a few others. I have seen 2-3deluxe Outruns over the years as well.

That is my picture of the R360! Its nice that it made it all the way to France.

Do not worry about the games, I am protecting them the best I can.

My goal is to play the simulators.

The R360 was sold to another arcade a long time ago, but yes we did have it here. I have a great memory of playing it! After that, I do not know, I am trying to find out where it went. It is a very long search. I think I will find out that it ended up as scrap.

I cannot collect simulators as I do not have space here for them.

I like outrun too.

Hi bruno, yes this is the french side. There are a lot of good restorations on here and a few epic threads about Galaxy Force!

I don't speak French.

Even though I do not speak French, I enjoy looking at the pictures of restorations on here. Especially Galaxy Force restorations.

I will keep it simple.

I live near a working Galaxy Force Super Deluxe. I love the machine. The game is located in the basement of the Skylon Tower in Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada. It is one of only 2 known working Galaxy Force games in North America. It is being taken care of.

I wrote this about the arcade.


I love simulators.   8)

I like to take pictures of arcade games.

We also have G-LOC, Hang-On, Jambo Safari, Sega GT (Scud Race), Taito WGP, Super Monaco GP SDX, Space Harrier (not working), Thunder Blade, Sega 18 Wheeler, After Burner etc. Some of them are not working.

We used to have the R360, I Love the R360 more than anything else. We don't have it anymore.

These are not my games, they are being operated in arcades.

Here are some pictures.

Simulateurs / Galaxy Force II Super Deluxe ... le rêve devient réalité
« le: Mercredi 25 Mars 2009, 01:31:06 am »
Yeah ;) Welcome SaraAB87  <:) Maybe you can create a new topic dedicated to your machines ? I'm curious to know what beautifull machines you have.

Hem ::) I take the opportunity... hum... in your spare parts... maybe you have some galaxy force boards like a "Fet driver" or a "Power board 400-5083" no ?  :-\ Sure?  :'(


I am sorry, I actually don't own any machines.  I have a lot of photos.  I don't have spare parts for any machines, sorry.  I posted the Tatsumi Apache 3 as its very rare and thats the only picture I have ever seen of it.  I had never seen that 3 screen machine that was posted earlier (not even a picture of it), probably something that never made it to the USA. Perhaps the machine is more common in the UK or France?

I am just a fan of simulator type arcade games.

Simulateurs / Galaxy Force II Super Deluxe ... le rêve devient réalité
« le: Mardi 24 Mars 2009, 22:47:25 pm »

I can't read what everyone on here is typing but I get the general idea, someone is restoring a Galaxy Force Super Deluxe. I only speak english so please forgive me for writing here if you can't read it.  I am a big fan of simulators, all different kinds and especially the sega simulators.  I would like to share some pictures.

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