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Pages: [1]
Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Sega Model 1 ou 2 sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Dimanche 28 Novembre 2010, 02:51:11 am »

J'ai reçu ça par mp mais je sèche un peu sur la traduction, une âme charitable... =?=

I'm the sender of that MP. And to be honest, you are right it's a mess and full of errors  :?

What I mean is:
-Clutch output signal is VERY disturbed
-If I touch Pin 1 of U4 with an oscilloscope probe the cluch will be more powerfull

To resolve that issue I put a 1uF capacitor on clutch output.

The clutch output signal is now stable and without any ripple.

And I burned the Logitech output chip becouse of my messy prototype setup, I was sure it was disconnected, but it wasn't  >:(


Simulateurs / Galaxy Force II Super Deluxe ... le rêve devient réalité
« le: Mercredi 31 Mars 2010, 05:26:34 am »
yes, my tailor is rich, and bobbie is in the kitchen ^^

anyway, we've got no problem here with english, i think anyone who want to take an arcade machine @home must speak a little bit english :)

BTW, where are you from ?


Not too far away... Italy
I'd love to restore mine as DCE did!!! He did an amazing work!

Simulateurs / Galaxy Force II Super Deluxe ... le rêve devient réalité
« le: Dimanche 28 Mars 2010, 03:17:26 am »
surtout que (si c'est bien le même ) il avait l'air en très bon état
avant de ce faire  :'( :-((

No it's not the same :)

This is my GF2 it will be one of my project for the next year. Motor Trouble anyone???
The one i posted is in Poland (IIRC).
sorry for posting in English, but "merci" is the only French word i know, and using a translator cause only missunderstand I think.

Simulateurs / Galaxy Force II Super Deluxe ... le rêve devient réalité
« le: Samedi 27 Mars 2010, 00:29:10 am »

I found a fourth "GF2"....

You like it right??  :'( :'( :'(

Pages: [1]