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Messages - Jeston

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5
Jeux : Pcb & Systèmes arcadiens / IO Board Sega HS ?
« le: Samedi 28 Décembre 2013, 16:51:59 pm »
bon, je me reponds a moi meme, mais en gros, probleme regle.

J'ai teste avec une autre IO, meme probleme...

Pour faire court, je me suis fais avoir comme un novice... problemes de masses sur le cablage des boutons 4 5 6 (les masses n'etant pas communes entre 123 et 456).  J'ai recable tout ca et hop...

(ouais, je sais...  :0:)

faire couler du silicone.
Ca m'est arrive d'avoir une THT fendue qui faisait des arcs electriques, un coup de silicone et hop...

Cependant, c'est pas moi qui m'y suis colle pour le coup... donc sur le procede plus technique, j'en sais rien, mais je sais que c'est faisable

Jeux : Pcb & Systèmes arcadiens / IO Board Sega HS ?
« le: Dimanche 22 Décembre 2013, 13:49:57 pm »

je viens de recevoir une New Net City avec une IO board modele 837-14505, d'apres mes infos, il semblerait qu'il s'agisse d'une IO pour des jeux genre Ghost Squad, Let's Go Jungle, HOTD 4...

Photo ICI

Cependant, lorsque je tente de brancher un JVSPAC sur cette meme IO, mes controles sont a la masse (ouais, pas litteralement a la masse hein  =:)))
Certains boutons ne repondent pas, d'autres sont inverses... Aucun probleme pour les boutons starts et les touches directionelles...

J'ai bien verifie la connection des alim, les voltages, le branchement des boutons vers l'IO... rien...

J'ai 3 led sur 4 allumees sur l'IO, dont une qui clignotte legerement.

Est-ce possible de tester une IO sans carte mere naomi ?
Est-ce que mon IO serait incompatible (meme si JVS c'est cense etre standard) ?
Est-ce que mon IO est morte ?

J'ai eu quelques echanges mail avec le mec qui fabrique les JVSPAC, d'apres lui, l'IO et le JVSPAC communiquent correctement.
Il me parle de mauvais branchements (verife et tout est OK), ou d'une IO morte, ou incompatible (ce qui d'apres lui est peu probable, vu que les IO sont cense toutes etre compatibles au standard)

Est-ce qu'on oublie une possibilite ?

Vos Roadtrips ! / Egret II Review
« le: Vendredi 25 Juin 2010, 03:07:22 am »
;D déterrage de 3 ans pas mal...  :)))))

Je suis certain que Jeston appréciera ton remerciement quand il se connectera, après un an d'absence ça lui fera certainement plaisir....


Les choses ont bien changées en 3 ans...

Excellent !
Merci :D


Bornes génériques Japonaises / Problème écran atomiswave platine wei ya
« le: Jeudi 14 Août 2008, 02:05:31 am »
si tu vis au japon, tente riverservice pour un ecran

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Lundi 31 Mars 2008, 08:29:24 am »
for the C: and D: partitions looking as H: and I: on my system or E: and F: maybe on yours, just easy to insert something like a dialog box.

Point your C: drive
Point your D: drive

or maybe 2 .bat that would need to be executed from the main directories, one for C:, one to D:

laaaater.... morning is hard  :P

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Dimanche 30 Mars 2008, 17:16:07 pm »
maniac, I think you forgot something in your mame124 tutorial :

Copy C:\emu\game22\cfg to D:\configbak\game22\cfg
Copy C:\emu\game22\nvram to D:\configbak\game22\nvram

same as what is said in cnfsafe.bat

About HW modifications, especially the fan, I don't really see the point of it, as the system is used inside the cab and is far less noisy than many arcade systems such as Naomi, AtomisWave and CPS2.
As for the HD rack, I don't think about changing the HD every day.
For the CPU change, I think it could result in instablility in the main OS, so I would't recommend it.

About changing the frontend ;currently mamewin; for the latest mamewah, I don't really see the point neither.
For now, I think the systems works the following way :
- win2k (light) starts
- babystar.exe starts and launches coinme.exe and vgatv.exe
- coinme.exe launches mamep.exe (for english) or mamew.exe (for chinese)

So I think if you want to change the frontend, you would have to edit babystar.exe, so you will need to decompile it... so a really big mess for nothing much...

What I mean is that the purpose of the 10xxin1 was to provide an all in 1 plug & play device instead of an homemade PC config.
I think if we go too far in HW and SW mods it will just loose its advantage over the homemade PC, as the homemade PC.

It's far easier to config an homemade PC using mamewah than a 10xxin1, also the homemade PC will output native resolution wich is more enjoyable (mostly 321x240) while the 10xxin1 outputs  filtered 640x480 (however I think the 465in1 outputs native).

Conclusion, if you really want a customized system, mayble it would be better to starts on a good basis wich is the homemade PC.

I think the more we could do for the 10xxin1 would be to write a script for automaticly add new games, but I don't have any knowledge about scripting.
Maybe a simple .bat would do the job.
I think the SETUP/UPDATESYSTEM option is about that...

wait and see..

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Samedi 29 Mars 2008, 18:58:00 pm »
ok, corrective pack is out.

Previously added games have been removed from gamelist due to bad emulation status or controller related problem.
It is not exclude that some will be added later :

- <3D> Aqua Rush <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Dunk Mania <US> DM2 Ver.C
- <3D> Dunk Mania <JP> DM1 Ver.C
- <3D> Ehrgeiz <US> Ver.A
- <3D> Fighting Layer <JP> Ver.B
- <3D> Fighters Impact A <JP 2.00J>
- <3D> Mr. Driller <JP> ver.A
- <3D> Paca Paca Passion <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Prime Goal EX <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge <JP> S03 Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge <JP> S01 Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge Ver.II <JP> S04 Ver.C
- <3D> Tekken 2 <WORLD> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken 2 <JP> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken 2 <WORLD> Ver.A
- <3D> Tekken 3 <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Tekken <WORLD> Ver.C
- <3D> Tekken <WORLD> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken <JP> VER.B
- <3D> Xevious 3D/G Ver.A

Added the following games :

- Progear <US 010117>
- Progear <Asia 010117>
- Progear No Arashi <Japan 010117>

Fixed the control problem with those :

- Puzz Loop 2 <Euro 010302>
- Puzz Loop 2 <Japan 010205>

Added hiscores support for mame games

Removed doubles games from gamelists

Added extra files to get the horizontal+stretched orientation for vertical games, as they were.

download here

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Mercredi 26 Mars 2008, 20:21:12 pm »
Ok, I'll see tonight for the fixes.

I don't know about the 3D ones, is it emulation status related problem, a missing config file or a lack of hardware, I will check it.

For puzz loop, I'm pretty sure I can make it works.

I'll see for the Midway games too.

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Mercredi 26 Mars 2008, 16:43:31 pm »
I, won't...

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Mercredi 26 Mars 2008, 16:08:04 pm »
I can fix it if you want, actually I clearly see where the problem is...
As I said, I clearly had no time to test them all. I am planning to release a corrective pack for this on rapidshare soon.

I can already tell you that you won't have any control with puzzloop2 and that new fantasia is missing.

For the laggy namco games, there's nothing to do as it's a hardware lack, I tought maybe with more RAM in it it would be fine, but I hadn't as much RAM.

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Lundi 24 Mars 2008, 21:27:27 pm »
<a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/x4u0hf?autoPlay=1&amp;v3=1" target="_blank" class="new_win">http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/x4u0hf?autoPlay=1&amp;v3=1</a>
As you can see, hardware performances are good enough.

The left side is the original CPS3 Hardware, the right side is the 10xxin1.
To be honest, I wasn't expecting a result as good a this ^-^

and I am a kind guy I uploaded a pack on rapidshare with all the following stuffs :

- Vertical Games will now be displayed as they should : Full Screen; Vertical

- Mame cheats will now be avaible trough the TAB/Adj.2 menu

- Metal Slug 6 won't be displayed as Metal Slag 6 anymore (>____<)

- "Wrestle Games" list will now be displayed as "Fighting Games" list

- Samples have been added (there should be sound in Space Invaders now)

- Frontend background has been replaced by a new one (if you don't like it, just don't copy the following files "D:\filebak\english\main.bmp" and "D:\filebak\english\myskin.ski")

- About 75 games have been added, they should all be playable.
  However I didn't had time to test them all :

- Dragon Blaze
- Fantasia
- Fantasia II <Explicit>
- Fantasia II <Less Explicit>
- Fever S.O.S. <International Ver. 98/09/25>
- Hyper Street Fighter II : The Anniversary Edition <Asia 040202>
- Hyper Street Fighter II - The Anniversary Edition <Japan 031222>
- Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken <Asia 990108, NOCD>
- Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken <Asia 981202, NOCD>
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Heritage for the Future/Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken : Miraie no Isan <Japan 990913, NOCD>
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Heritage for the Future/Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken : Miraie no Isan <Euro 990913, NOCD>
- New Fantasia
- Puzz Loop 2 <Euro 010302>
- Puzz Loop 2 <Japan 010205>
- Samurai Shodown V Special/Samurai Spirits Zero 5 Special <set1, uncensored>
- Samurai Shodown V Special/Samurai Spirits Zero 5 Special <set2, censored>
- Samurai Shodown V Special/Samurai Spirits Zero 5 Special <set3, less censored>
- Street Fighter III : New Generation <Asia 970204, NOCD>
- Street Fighter III 2nd Impact : Giant Attack <Asia 970930, NOCD>
- Street Fighter III 3rd Strike : Fight for the Future Rev.B <Japan 990608, NOCD>
- Street Fighter III 3rd Strike : Fight for the Future Rev.A <Japan 990512, NOCD>
- Sonic Wings Limited (still has lag issues)
- Street Fighter II YYC
- Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha <Asia 960826>
- Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha <Japan 960805>
- <3D> Aqua Rush <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Beastorizer <US> *bootleg*
- <3D> Beastorizer <US>
- <3D> Bloody Roar 2 <JP>
- <3D> Dunk Mania <US> DM2 Ver.C
- <3D> Dunk Mania <JP> DM1 Ver.C
- <3D> Ehrgeiz <US> Ver.A
- <3D> Fighting Layer <JP> Ver.B
- <3D> Fighters Impact A <JP 2.00J>
- <3D> Justice Gakuen <JP 991117>
- <3D> Kikaiho <JP 980914>
- <3D> Mr. Driller <JP> ver.A
- <3D> Paca Paca Passion <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Plasma Sword <US 980316>
- <3D> Prime Goal EX <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Psychic Force 2012 <World 2.4>
- <3D> Psychic Force 2012 <JP 2.4J>
- <3D> Psychic Force EX <JP 2.0J>
- <3D> Rival Schools <ASIA 971117>
- <3D> Rival Schools <US 971117>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 <US 980312>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 <JP 980312>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 Plus <US 990611>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 Plus <ASIA 990611>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 Plus <JP 990611>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX <US 961219>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX <ASIA 961219>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX <JP 961130>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX Plus <US979497>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX Plus <JP 970311>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX Plus <US 970311>
- <3D> Strider Hiryu 2 <JP 991213>
- <3D> Soul Edge <JP> S03 Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge <JP> S01 Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge Ver.II <JP> S04 Ver.C
- <3D> Star Gladiator <US960627>
- <3D> Star Gladiator 2 <JP980316>
- <3D> Stider 2 <ASIA 991213>
- <3D> Tech Romancer <US 980914>
- <3D> Tekken 2 <WORLD> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken 2 <JP> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken 2 <WORLD> Ver.A
- <3D> Tekken 3 <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Tekken <WORLD> Ver.C
- <3D> Tekken <WORLD> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken <JP> VER.B
- <3D> Tetris The Grand Master <JP980710>
- <3D> Battle Arena Toshinden 2 <US 951124>
- <3D> Battle Arena Toshinden 2 <JP951124>
- <3D> Xevious 3D/G Ver.A

Drop me a PM for the download links and the password.

the pack is about 1.7GB, so I think you'll need to change the HD for a bigger one.

Anyway it's better to keep a backup. Some bugs might still need to be corrected, as I didn't had time to test them all. If some fixes are needed, it should be easy to correct.

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Lundi 24 Mars 2008, 02:36:06 am »

OOooookay, here's the latest WIP report

- Vertical Games will now be displayed as they should : Full Screen; Vertical

- Mame cheats will now be avaible trough the TAB/Adj.2 menu

- Metal Slug 6 won't be displayed as Metal Slag 6 anymore  ;D

- "Wrestle Games" list will now be displayed as "Fighting Games" list

- Samples have been added (there should be sound in Space Invaders now)

- Frontend background has been replaced by a new one (

- About 75 games have been added, they should all be playable.
  However I didn't had time to test them all :

- Dragon Blaze
- Fantasia
- Fantasia II <Explicit>
- Fantasia II <Less Explicit>
- Fever S.O.S. <International Ver. 98/09/25>
- Hyper Street Fighter II : The Anniversary Edition <Asia 040202>
- Hyper Street Fighter II - The Anniversary Edition <Japan 031222>
- Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken <Asia 990108, NOCD>
- Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken <Asia 981202, NOCD>
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Heritage for the Future/Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken : Miraie no Isan <Japan 990913, NOCD>
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Heritage for the Future/Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken : Miraie no Isan <Euro 990913, NOCD>
- New Fantasia
- Puzz Loop 2 <Euro 010302>
- Puzz Loop 2 <Japan 010205>
- Samurai Shodown V Special/Samurai Spirits Zero 5 Special <set1, uncensored>
- Samurai Shodown V Special/Samurai Spirits Zero 5 Special <set2, censored>
- Samurai Shodown V Special/Samurai Spirits Zero 5 Special <set3, less censored>
- Street Fighter III : New Generation <Asia 970204, NOCD>
- Street Fighter III 2nd Impact : Giant Attack <Asia 970930, NOCD>
- Street Fighter III 3rd Strike : Fight for the Future Rev.B <Japan 990608, NOCD>
- Street Fighter III 3rd Strike : Fight for the Future Rev.A <Japan 990512, NOCD>
- Sonic Wings Limited (still has lag issues)
- Street Fighter II YYC
- Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha <Asia 960826>
- Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha <Japan 960805>
- <3D> Aqua Rush <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Beastorizer <US> *bootleg*
- <3D> Beastorizer <US>
- <3D> Bloody Roar 2 <JP>
- <3D> Dunk Mania <US> DM2 Ver.C
- <3D> Dunk Mania <JP> DM1 Ver.C
- <3D> Ehrgeiz <US> Ver.A
- <3D> Fighting Layer <JP> Ver.B
- <3D> Fighters Impact A <JP 2.00J>
- <3D> Justice Gakuen <JP 991117>
- <3D> Kikaiho <JP 980914>
- <3D> Mr. Driller <JP> ver.A
- <3D> Paca Paca Passion <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Plasma Sword <US 980316>
- <3D> Prime Goal EX <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Psychic Force 2012 <World 2.4>
- <3D> Psychic Force 2012 <JP 2.4J>
- <3D> Psychic Force EX <JP 2.0J>
- <3D> Rival Schools <ASIA 971117>
- <3D> Rival Schools <US 971117>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 <US 980312>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 <JP 980312>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 Plus <US 990611>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 Plus <ASIA 990611>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 Plus <JP 990611>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX <US 961219>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX <ASIA 961219>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX <JP 961130>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX Plus <US979497>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX Plus <JP 970311>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX Plus <US 970311>
- <3D> Strider Hiryu 2 <JP 991213>
- <3D> Soul Edge <JP> S03 Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge <JP> S01 Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge Ver.II <JP> S04 Ver.C
- <3D> Star Gladiator <US960627>
- <3D> Star Gladiator 2 <JP980316>
- <3D> Stider 2 <ASIA 991213>
- <3D> Tech Romancer <US 980914>
- <3D> Tekken 2 <WORLD> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken 2 <JP> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken 2 <WORLD> Ver.A
- <3D> Tekken 3 <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Tekken <WORLD> Ver.C
- <3D> Tekken <WORLD> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken <JP> VER.B
- <3D> Tetris The Grand Master <JP980710>
- <3D> Battle Arena Toshinden 2 <US 951124>
- <3D> Battle Arena Toshinden 2 <JP951124>
- <3D> Xevious 3D/G Ver.A
Actually, some where already there...


It might be usefull to update the RAM of the system using DDR PC3200 (400Mhz) 184-pin.
:-*I can play CPS3 games with only 512Mb extra RAM :-*

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Lundi 24 Mars 2008, 00:09:24 am »
did you get success with it ?

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Dimanche 23 Mars 2008, 16:15:52 pm »
even with copying C:\emu\game1\cfg\default.cfg to my C:\emu\newemu\cfg\default.cfg I can not get it to work, I don't really know why...

Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« le: Dimanche 23 Mars 2008, 15:43:52 pm »
adding emulator is pretty easy if they support command line :
play1 -ssf2t

need to run at 640x480x16 resolution

the main problem with new emu is to map the correct keys.

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