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Messages - mentalmike

Pages: [1]
So it is normal for it to get extremely hot? I will add a fan and test to see if it keeps it cooler.

I am having a problem with m2 emulator where if I hit a wall or competitor I have no feedback but do if I slide or turn sharply. Does anyone have the best settings to use for the emulator as I have found a few versions on here.

I have to say a big thank you to Aganyte and Iro. I've made the circuit and got it working!

My only question is that the heatsink I have on the transistor Q1 is getting extremely hot when feedback is being sent to the sega motor. When not in use it cools extremely quick. Is this something I should worry about? I'm worried that with a lot of use it will overheat.

Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Sega Model 1 ou 2 sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Mercredi 20 Avril 2011, 19:23:56 pm »
Thanks Iro, can you recommend which 4.7nf and 470nf you would get from that site? I haven't got my PCB yet and don't want to get the wrong size so they don't fit.

Could someone recomend what rating and type of capacitors I need for the following: C1,C2 4.7 nF and C3 470 nF. There are a lot of different types to choose from. A part number or link to any electronics site would be great!

Thanks for any help!

Iro you had no problems with the BTA06600C? If not I will get them. I have ordered two PCBs from etronics. Just need to get the components!

I have looked again and the part numbers have an additional character at the end of the number:

Maximum Gate Trigger Current Maximum Holding Current Part Number
10mA 15mA BTA06600SW
50mA 25mA BTA06600C
5mA 15mA BTA06600T
100mA 50mA BTA06600B
35mA 35mA BTA06600CW

Aganyte does it matter which type I use? Which is best?

Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Sega Model 1 ou 2 sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Mercredi 13 Avril 2011, 18:14:54 pm »
Hi Iro,

Sorry for the English! The tutorial looks good. I have a couple of questions.

Firstly what specification BTA06600 do I need? I found the following different types of BTA06600:

Maximum Gate Trigger Current Maximum Holding Current
10mA 15mA
50mA 25mA
5mA 15mA
100mA 50mA
35mA 35mA

Secondly what size do I need to get the holes drilled in on the PCB?


Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Happ sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Mardi 12 Avril 2011, 19:52:30 pm »
Hi Stef,

I have read the sega post and I think I am going to give that a try. I have two cabinets that I want to get working so I will compare happ with amc and sega with aganyte's board. If I prefer the happ I will look to make aganyte's board for that.

Thanks all for the help. I will let you know how I get on!

Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Happ sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Jeudi 07 Avril 2011, 18:31:58 pm »
Hi Ben,

Am I right in thinking I'll have to change these settings everytime I change game in the logitech control panel?

I've only just found this post that uses the sega steering unit. Does anyone know how this compares to the happ as I have two of these from my Daytona cabs. I need to read that post properly to see what's involved to make it work but may make one of those to compare with the happ as at some point I intend to make both my Daytona cabs work.

Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Happ sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Mardi 05 Avril 2011, 21:00:53 pm »
Thanks for the info! I think I'm going to try and make agante's PCB. Where can I find details of the most current version?

I found this post here. From looking at the dates I'm guessing this isn't up to date with newer versions in this post.

Thanks for the help!

Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Happ sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Lundi 04 Avril 2011, 12:02:24 pm »
Hi, sorry for writting in English! I am going to try out this mod and wanted to make sure I understand everyting. I have read the whole of this post through google translate.

From my understanding there are two ways to make the happ work. First way through an AMC amp - supply the logitech PCB with 12v and the AMP with 24v. Am I correct in understanding that this way will produce vibrations when the wheel is centered?

The second way is to make a custom PCB as shown here. Which version is best as several are shown?

My main question is which creates the best results? Is it possible to avoid the vibration with the amp or the custom pcb? I currently have a logitech driving force ex and a AMC 30a8 amp so I will be trying that out, but wanted to know if the custom PCB will create better results?

Thanks for any advice!

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