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Messages - Calamity

Pages: [1]
Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / [Tuto] groovyMAME pour borne arcade
« le: Mercredi 27 Juin 2012, 18:24:12 pm »

For those of you using VMMaker with the "magic" resolutions stuff, you may be interested in the new version of the tool (VideoModeMaker 1.3c + Arcade_OSD 1.3a), which makes it automatic to create these "magic" resolution table out of MAME's XML, just by selecting the option "ModeTableMethod_XML = 2", without the need of adding those to ReslList.txt. Check the VMMaker.ini file for details:


Emulateurs, Frontends & Distributions / [Tuto] groovyMAME pour borne arcade
« le: Samedi 05 Novembre 2011, 22:25:12 pm »
Quand je quitte le jeu, j'ai plus le bon signal, je suis obligé d'éteindre et de rallumer l'écran.

Voici le log comme convenu

Hi vintage76,

Sorry I have to write in English...

Having a look at your log it's clear that there's a problem in your system:

DirectDraw: Configuring device RADEON 9250 Series
DirectDraw: Warning - Device does not support hardware stretching
DirectDraw: Warning - Device may not perform well for DirectDraw rendering
DirectDraw: primary surface created: 384x224x32 (R=00FF0000 G=0000FF00 B=000000FF)
DirectDraw: New blit size = 384x224
DirectDraw: Error 88760233 creating blit surface

This is probably caused by a bad installation of the driver. Run dxdiag and go to the screen tab, check if DirectDraw acceleration is enabled.

If it's disabled, then you need to reinstall the driver. Unfortunately this happens in some systems, and the solution is to clean it from any previous ATI software (use Catalyst Uninstaller, better starting in Safe Mode). Sometimes you even need to install the driver several times. You'll know it's ok when running dxdiag shows DirectDraw acceleration enabled.

Another option is to try enabling -video d3d option instead of ddraw.

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