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Messages - PaTrYcK

Pages: [1] 2
Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Sega Model 1 ou 2 sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Mercredi 04 Mars 2015, 00:39:59 am »
Hi  ^-

My project L2M2 is still on stand by :(
I hope someone help me...I have a problem with the card L2M2, i assembled it long time ago but can't use it correctly because not work fine.
I have made a mistake assembly in the card, but I do not understand where:
Power on in the cabinet, turn the motor and the wheel turns violently to the left, led and trimmer voltage there are all ok ... i try it in other cabinet with L2M2 and i have same problem

This is my card:

What i can check for fix it?


Hi, finally i see sega rally in my daytona cabinet!

All led in my L2M2 is ok and i have regulated all trimmer, but i have problem with steering wheel, power on in the cabinet, the motor turn and the wheel turns violently to the left!

What could be the problem?


Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Sega Model 1 ou 2 sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Vendredi 18 Avril 2014, 14:47:19 pm »
1) Tu as raison. Je le change dans le tutoriel. La bonne valeur est maintenant 3kohm

Ok perfect!

do you mean the frequency of the screen of the cab?
yes, freq of screen, you used 15 or 25khz?

there was a mistake for the two resistances

now you can put 3 - 5 kohm in order to get all the details of the road

ok, i have ready 3,3k, now installed it, thanks!

Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Sega Model 1 ou 2 sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Vendredi 18 Avril 2014, 10:12:42 am »
Hi, thanks for your answer

Vous êtes lourd les mecs, c'est toujours les mêmes questions. Lisez un peu le thread.
yes, right, sorry, but unfortunately, I do not know French language and it is difficult for me to follow all the posts

1) It's written on you paper
2) Whatever. Pour les tensions des condos, j'ai ajouté cette note sur le tuto :
"Si la tension n'est pas indiquée pour les condensateurs  , n'importe quelle fera l'affaire."
3) Frequency ??

1) yes, i see it but maybe there is an error, in the paper i read "marron noir rouge or", this is 1khom:

also in the photo i see that resistence R1 & R2 with 10khom value (have orange, not rouge):

2) ok for the tension

3) yes, 15 or 25khz frequency?


Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Sega Model 1 ou 2 sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Vendredi 18 Avril 2014, 00:48:00 am »
Hi to all!
Finally i start project, i have pcb and some component there are mounted, but i have some questions:

1)Resistences R1 & R2 there are 3khoms or 10khoms?
2)C1, C2, C3, which voltage is needed?
3) Which frequency you use, 15 or 25khz?

Best regards!

Hi, this is the neck board of well gardner 19k4915:

you have tryed to adjust trimmers shown below in the photo ?
While right trimmers there are used for gain red and green...

If yu have tryed to adjust it but not have red color you must check if there are some broken solder, if is all ok the problem could be in the broken red transistor (these are highlighted in the photo), put the red transistor instead of blu (or green) transistor, if that's the problem you have red ok but blu (or green) missing

Bonjour! Très bien, restauration excellente!

J'ai aussi enfin terminé la restauration mon 2ème super-sprint!


1 previsu de mon super sprint Manquee le rouge toujours
Vous avez trouvé le problème?
Avez-vous un wells gardner je suppose, mais ce modèle?

Arcade dédiée vintage de 71 à 89 / [WIP] super sprint Atari besoin d aide merci
« le: Mercredi 05 Septembre 2012, 01:14:08 am »
Bonjour, prendre des photos de votre super sprint, nous sommes curieux!
Quel problème sont vos jeux?
J'ai aussi deux super sprint, l'un d'eux j'ai restauré, maintenant commencer la restauration de la deuxième;)

Bien, je vais utiliser google traducteur  ^-

Arcade dédiée vintage de 71 à 89 / [WIP] super sprint Atari besoin d aide merci
« le: Dimanche 02 Septembre 2012, 21:35:23 pm »
Beautiful super sprint, you have restored it?

Simulateurs / Brancher un volant Sega Model 1 ou 2 sur un driving force Logitech
« le: Mercredi 21 Mars 2012, 00:09:27 am »
Hi wolfsoft  ;)

I have some questions:
-Where i can get some PCBs of the L2M2
I bought it from Dan (etronicsfr@gmail.com)

-Can you list up the game Cabinets with the right Steering wheel
Sure you can use:
Logitech driving force
Logitech driving force GT
Logitech driving force PRO

I hope do it fine...thanks!  ^-

Simulateurs / Sega decal reproduction
« le: Mardi 20 Mars 2012, 12:21:10 pm »
PaTrYcK, you said you have uploaded the file here. Where is it ?

It is here  ;)


p.s. original size is 68x57mm

Finally i'm ready to build the L2M2 interface  :D

I see your table,this is still ok or the component's list has changed??



Simulateurs / Sega decal reproduction
« le: Samedi 17 Mars 2012, 22:24:39 pm »
Je suis curieux, il va ou celui là sur la borne ?
Sorry, i don't understand, what means it?
This decal is put here:

Simulateurs / Sega decal reproduction
« le: Samedi 17 Mars 2012, 20:33:46 pm »
Hi, i have reproduct decal "seat adjuster", if anyone want it...
Original size is 68x57mm

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