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Messages - cageman

Pages: [1]
Débuter en arcade / The Topic of the Welcome !!!!
« le: Samedi 31 Décembre 2011, 14:01:32 pm »
Citation de: Oggy
Nice collection but can you put some photo pleaseeeeeee ?  ;)
A quick one  8):

Débuter en arcade / The Topic of the Welcome !!!!
« le: Samedi 31 Décembre 2011, 12:41:47 pm »
Hi All,

(I hope it is ok if I use English instead of French. I can read a little French, but cannot express myself in it  :-\)

My name is Arjan, I live in the Netherlands. I have been a long-time lurker on this forum, but decided to join.

I own a lot of console stuff (megadrive, pc engine, snes, PS3, etc, etc, etc), and also quite a lot of arcade stuff as well. I currently have four arcade cabs: an original Afterburner Climax, a Blast City, a New Astro City and (in bits and pieces) a Sega Touring Car cab. The Sega Touring Car will be converted to either Daytona USA or into a generic racecab.



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