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Messages - Akiles

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Simulateurs / WIP Sega TouringCar Championship Deluxe
« le: Mardi 23 Février 2016, 16:46:26 pm »
I have uploaded in the first post two videos of my simulator of Sega Touring Car finished.I hope like you.

Simulateurs / WIP Sega TouringCar Championship Deluxe
« le: Mardi 14 Juillet 2015, 15:48:55 pm »
Iro now works both speakers of seat and subwoofer of seat too,the problem was in that the out audio of pc was bad.Thanks.

I would like to connect also the two tweter speakers and the others two speakers of inside of cabinet of Sega Touring.
Do you know how I can connect them to 5.1 audio card of my pc or I can,t do it?

Also I need buy a rubber dumper for the brake pedal because it,s broken,Do you know where can I get one?

Simulateurs / WIP Sega TouringCar Championship Deluxe
« le: Vendredi 12 Juin 2015, 10:04:26 am »
BTW Iro today I have tested the RCA wire connected to a out of headphone of a portatil and sound the speakers perfectly of cabinet but if I connect the RCA wire to out green of PC that I,m using in the cabinet don,t sound.
Maybe it,s because exists a conflict with the two speakers of Led monitor with the dvi-hdmi wire that I,m using

In options of sound reproduction I have select the speakers of Samsung of Led Tv but there is other option that says HDMI.

Do you know what option in sound reproduction I have to choose because with the option of Led speakers selected looks that has any conflict when I connect the RCA wire of speakers of cabinet.

I need that all speakers of cabinet and the two speakes of monitor sound one time.
How can I do that Iro? something I,m doing wrong.

Simulateurs / WIP Sega TouringCar Championship Deluxe
« le: Vendredi 12 Juin 2015, 09:50:25 am »
At the end I have solved the issue.It was in the condenser, it was damaged.I have changed by other and now works perfectly:

Simulateurs / WIP Sega TouringCar Championship Deluxe
« le: Dimanche 07 Juin 2015, 17:59:15 pm »
Ok Iro but at the end I go to install a 2.1 speakers in the seat.

Now I have other problem with steering wheel.I have a hack of steering wheel using the L2M2 board,worked fine still that today I have tested and do only that it,s see in the video.
Does anyone if the problem it,s of any component damaged of L2M2 board or it,s damage the motor of steering wheel?

Simulateurs / WIP Sega TouringCar Championship Deluxe
« le: Mercredi 03 Juin 2015, 14:21:32 pm »
Yes Iro.

Simulateurs / WIP Sega TouringCar Championship Deluxe
« le: Mercredi 03 Juin 2015, 10:47:57 am »
Iro in that connector CN3 I have connected the two wires of out of audio of PC like it,s see in the image,but doesn,t work only sound a noise of background in the speakers nothing else.
If I open a game of cars for example no sound the music of the game,always sound a noise of background.
I don,t know why? It had that sound the music in both speakers hadn,t?

Simulateurs / WIP Sega TouringCar Championship Deluxe
« le: Mardi 02 Juin 2015, 19:06:06 pm »
I don,t know connect the two speakers of seat of my simulator of Sega Touring Car to sound with the speakers of TV.
I have connected a minijack since the out green of pc to the DC out + and DC Out - of connector CN3 marked in the scheme but  no sound nothing only sound a beep of noise in the speakers.
Does anyone how is there to connect the speakers of seat to sound with the speakers of TV?
Here you go a image of scheme marked where I have connceted the wires of minijack:

I need help to finish my simulator.

Simulateurs / WIP Sega TouringCar Championship Deluxe
« le: Lundi 01 Juin 2015, 23:07:31 pm »
I need help to configurate the gear shift of two speeds of my sega touring car cabinet and butterflies of sequential change
I,m using a interface usb like this to connect al buttons and analog controls.

I have connected the two switchs of gear shift of two speeds to the terminals Up analog of joystick and Down analog of joystick that interface.
And also I have connected the two butterflies of the sequential change to the terminals Up analog of joystick and Down analog of joystick that interface.

I would like to know if its that the correct way to connect those analog controls or not?
Also does anyone could you upload a screenshot of correct configuration of controls of a game of Sega Model 2 emulator?

Of configuration of analog controls I don,t understand much.

Simulateurs / Configurating emulators
« le: Mercredi 05 Novembre 2014, 22:04:50 pm »
Hi Juju49 soon I,ll upload the final process.for the moment I,m doing the first tests with the emulator Sega Model 2.


Simulateurs / Configurating emulators
« le: Mercredi 05 Novembre 2014, 16:31:26 pm »
I have a doubt with my simulator works with a resolution of 1920x1080 the screen.
What resolution do recomend to me 1920x1080 or 1280x1024 to Sega Model 2?
Does anyone can to upload the sega model 2.ini file?
I would like to see which would be the perfect configuration in Sega Model 2 using L2m2 and a resolution of 1920x1080

Simulateurs / WIP Sega TouringCar Championship Deluxe
« le: Mercredi 27 Novembre 2013, 13:09:21 pm »
A friend me need a L2M2 board.He have sent a email to etronicsfr@gmail.com but he has not answered.
Does anyone know his private email or how contact with him to built a L2M2 board to my friend.

Simulateurs / WIP Sega TouringCar Championship Deluxe
« le: Dimanche 22 Septembre 2013, 20:34:48 pm »
Thanks AsPiC.

Simulateurs / WIP Sega TouringCar Championship Deluxe
« le: Mercredi 11 Septembre 2013, 08:59:03 am »
Thanks AsPiC.

Simulateurs / WIP Sega TouringCar Championship Deluxe
« le: Mardi 10 Septembre 2013, 23:47:56 pm »
Updated  ^-

Simulateurs / WIP Sega TouringCar Championship Deluxe
« le: Mardi 13 Août 2013, 15:22:02 pm »
I supposed that.

Thanks AsPiC.

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