Salut alors voila, jai commandé quelques objet chez ultimarc: JPAC... le Jeudi9NOV, jai recu une confirmation de qui dit:
Your order from Ultimarc has been successful
The unique reference for this transaction is: xxxxxx
Dear Mr xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you for your order. Your payment has been processed successfully.
Please quote your order number xxxxxx in all correspondence with either Ultimarc or Protx....
Ensuite jai recu un mail du celebre ANDY qui dit:
Thank you for ordering from - Ultimate Arcade Controls
Order Number: xxxxxxxx
Date: 09/11/2006 Time: 13:20:50
1 x , J-PAC JAMMA Interface.
Cable Type: USB and VGA Cable
1 x , PC VGA Adaptor for AracdeVGA
1 x , PSX AV to J-PAC/Speaker Adaptor
1 x , Start Logo Pushbuttons.
Logo: Start 1
1 x , Start Logo Pushbuttons.
Logo: Start2
order.... blablabla
A Tracking number will follow later. (Excluding "Free Air Mail option" orders)
Mais je nai aucun numero de suivi pour le truc Ups ou dhl la, vai je en recevoir un? Ou que se passe t'il?