Hello again, i haven't wired the supergun yet, but all is ready in place, soon i should have it running.
As you can see on the pic of the front of the supergun, there is a DB25 connector for hooking up a gamepad/wheel; this will be for the analogue controls (steering,brake,accelerate) and shift up/down digitals; the plan is to get a pc gamepad (first a gamepad to see if all is ok, later a wheel) and connect the controls from the supergun (pcb) to the gamepad's analog potentiometers - > mini analog joystick for steering, shoulder analogs for brake/accel. and 2 of the digitals for shift up/down.
So i need a cheap (test) gamepad with analog stick(s) and 2 analog buttons; best i found was this:
http://www.logitech.com/en-us/gaming/controllers/gamepad-f310A little pricy for a test gamepad, so if any of you have other suggestions please let me know (or know that this gamepad is appropiate for what i described).
Also, would any potentiometer work from any gamepad work? Or they need to be 5K / 10K ohms (meaning i need to measure from pcb/check schematics in detail)?