Super nouvelle, j'essaye ASAP.
Ca aussi c'est intéressant:
- Full PowerStrip integration, so at least in theory many more cards are now supported (i.e NVidia).
sinon pour ceci ca serai quoi pour une arcades electronics 25 pouces ?:
New monitor presets added. Check the most suitable for you:
Code: [Select]
custom Define your own custom by means of -crt_range lines
pal PAL TV - 50 Hz/625
ntsc NTSC TV - 60 Hz/525
generic_15 Generic 15.7 kHz
arcade_15 Arcade 15.7 kHz - standard resolution
arcade_15ex Arcade 15.7-16.5 kHz - extended resolution
arcade_25 Arcade 25.0 kHz - medium resolution
arcade_31 Arcade 31.5 kHz - high resolution
arcade_15_25 Arcade 15.7/25.0 kHz - dual-sync
arcade_15_25_31 Arcade 15.7/25.0/31.5 kHz - tri-sync
m2929 Makvision 2929D
d9200 Wells Gardner D9200
d9400 Wells Gardner D9400
d9800 Wells Gardner D9800
k7000 Wells Gardner K7000
k7131 Wells Gardner 25K7131
m3129 Wei-Ya M3129
h9110 Hantarex MTC 9110
polo Hantarex Polo
pstar Hantarex Polostar 25
ms2930 Nanao MS-2930, MS-2931
ms929 Nanao MS9-29
vesa_480 VESA GTF
vesa_600 VESA GTF
vesa_768 VESA GTF
vesa_1024 VESA GTF