Je comprend très bien que certains préfèrent se tourner vers du gratuit.
Mais je le trouve vraiment pas mal ce logiciel, j'ai la version demo de 30 jours, installé sans problème, clair et précis sur les possiblilités qu'offre MA... et tous mes émulateurs préférés sont activable sur ce front end. Bon le jukebox est à revoir, mais le reste est ok, visual pinball est aussi de la partie... le system de batch est des plus simple à configurer... l'interface graphique est très pro et sobre... je trouve que ce logiciel vaut largement ses 20 Dollars, et va passer à 25 Dollars en Fevrier 2006. J'attend de le tester sur ma borne et si ça passe, je crois que je vais craquer. J'ai pas trop envie de me casser le crâne pour configurer de A à Z un Front End et là c'est une bonne opportunité.
De plus une nouvelle mise à jour est annoncé, avec un éditeur de skin simplifié, que demander de plus.
Fe Atomic est surement un très bon front end, mais un peu trop compliqué à mettre en place, comme la plupart des fronts End multi.. d'ailleurs. Ceci dit Maximus Arcade devait être dans ce genre avant d'arriver payant.
Hi all,
Many changes since the last version. I'm in the final stages of my own testing so look for a beta version to be available very soon. Since it is a beta, I'll be looking for assistance in finding any glaring bugs in both the skin editor and the front end. The first thing that you will notice when it is made available is the enormous download size. The skin files now contain high quality PNG images and they are resized based on screen resolution for optimal quality, so they look quite nice when the skin resolution is set to 1024x768. The skin resolutions also include some EDTV and HDTV equivalent resolutions. I don't have a television that supports either resolutions so if their are some more compatible formats for your PC-to-HDTV setups let me know. Skins developed with the skin editor will only work with version 2.06 of the frontend. While in the process of developing the skin editor the skin 'format' has gone through many changes. The skin format is now optimized for multiple resolution support plus the ability to include TrueType fonts in your skin files.
I initially tried using placed PNG files in Flash to cut down the skin size and still retain and alpha, but Flash has a long outstanding bug where a raster based alpha doesn't display properly when the screen is set to 16-bit. I changed the preferences panel yet again. It now has a standard Windows GUI appearance with all of the appropriate functionality you would expect.
Due to the enormous development time of the skin editor the registration code will be bumped to $25(US) on Febuary 2006. Sorry folks but if I didn't do this my wife would divorce me! BUT the skin editor will be a free update to all current and future registered users until Febuary 2006. This means your existing registration code will work with the skin editor as it does with the frontend. Enjoy the free skin editor!
Maximus Arcade v2.06
- Skins have been optimized for specific standard and HD resolutions
- Skin assets are now loaded as needed to conserve memory
- Skin image assets are resized upon import for optimal display quality
- Removed fullscreen option / monitor automatically switches to selected skin resolution
- Skin audio is now MP3 format
- Added option to control the quality level of flash assets
- Added ability to manage the order and list of emulators displayed
- Added support for the Commodore 64 - WinVICE 1.17
- Added support for the Commodore Amiga - WinUAE 1.1.1
- Added support for the Raine 0.43.2 emulator and the Raine ClrMAMEPro database
- Added scan support for shortcuts under the Batch section
- Added scan support for IMG under the Playstation section
- Added an option to view a movie before startup of MA
- Added option to put a shortcut of MA into the startup folder
- There is now a 2 second delay before exiting when the 'quit executable' key is mapped to ESCAPE
- Added option for 'quit executable' key to have a configurable delay before exiting an emulator
- Replaced loading screens with a progress bar
- Preference window completely rebuilt (again)
- The previous and quit keys have split and now have their own keystroke option
- Added latency option for keyboard input
- More reliable keystroke capturing during quit routines
- Removed modifier key limitations / any key combo is now possible for keystrokes
- Added the command string '-nonewui' to the MESS setup
- More reliable image import routines when at 8 & 16-bit resolutions
- Screenshots displayed in the interface are no longer cropped of white border / use alternate program
- Completely rewrote image handling and animation routines
Bug Fixes
- Fixed error where folders labeled with '.mp3' weren't scanned properly
- Removed command line string '-skip_disclaimer' from MESS and MAME setup
- Fixed error where in some instances the preferences weren't saved
- Fixed error where images sometimes didn't import correctly
- Sega Genesis/32X/CD now uses long file name structure for loading roms
- Super Nintendo now uses long file name structure for loading roms
- If CUE and BIN/IMG files of a disc image are present only CUE is scanned
- Miscellaneous updates and fixes
Skin Editor v1.0
Create your own skins or edit existing ones. Save your TrueType fonts and MP3 sound effects into a skin file. You can also manage your assets for optimal viewing at different screen resolutions. Currently the following resolutions are supported.
- 640x480
- 800x600
- 848x480 (EDTV Compatible)
- 1024x768
- 1088x612 (HD Compatible)
Et supporte
* Visual PinMAME
* Daphne
* Kawaks
* Nebula
* Sony Playstation
* Sega Genesis
* Sega 32X
* Sega CD
* Sega Game Gear
* Sega Master System
* Nintendo 64
* Super Nintendo
* Gameboy Advance
* Gameboy Color
* Gameboy
* Nintendo Entertainment System
* Atari 2600
* Atari 5200
* Atari 7800
* Atari Lynx
* Atari Jaguar
* PC Engine
* Turbo-Grafx-16
* Intellivision
* ColecoVision
* Vectrex
* Odyssey 2
* Wonderswan
* Neo-Geo
* Neo-Geo Pocket Color
* Neo-Geo Pocket
* Batch Files
* Windows Media Player
* Built-in MP3 Jukebox