Auteur Sujet: Sega Power Drift Pcb Audio and Video Problems...  (Lu 532 fois)

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Sega Power Drift Pcb Audio and Video Problems...
« le: Jeudi 27 Juin 2013, 10:13:41 am »
I got this upright more than a years ago and was in not good conditions.....but with my wife and a good friend of mine i manage to have it restored (thank to Stephen of arcadefixit too, for selling me some nos items.... ;D)
This is how the cab was when i got it:

This is how the cab is now:

But.....i've some problems with the board fitted in my Power Drift Upright machine......
I got this cab and is workign apart for two problems.....
One is that the board show some little point on screen sometimes when in play and Always on the first image where the name Power Drift is, on the edge of the words.....and sometimes (just one time until now) for example arrived at stage 3 the board block itself and i've to shutdown the cab and restart to have it work again.
Here you can clearly see the video problems....all that little White dots on the screen...

Second problem is that i cannot hear the audio at all.....
I was think about the power amp etc., but i change it and a friend of mine tested all the audio components and they were all fine (from hardware point of view).
So maybe the audio problem is related to the board itself.
Here you can find some pics of the board itself and in particular of the audio part of the cpu board...

Could you tell me what you think about it?
I've to buy another board or the board can just be repaired (in case do you know from who)?

Please help me finally restoring my power drift cab.
« Modifié: Vendredi 28 Juin 2013, 08:31:37 am par glstar »