Si tu mets en paramétres stretch hardware, il l'appliquera pour n'importe quel jeux, qui'l soit horizontal et verticale.
Donc tu mets l'option strecth Hardware (-hwstretch) une seule fois et cela devrait s'appliquer pour tous.
Pour info, la commande mame -showusage te donne toutes les commandes pour paramétrer meme en ligne de commande. En combinant tout çà , on peut faire pas mal de choses.
Edit : Voila les commandes, çà peut toujours servir
*** Frontend Related ***
-help / -h show help message
-? show help message
-list / -ls List supported games matching gamename, or all,
gamename may contain * and ? wildcards
-listfull / -ll short name, full name
-listgames year, manufacturer and full name
-listdetails detailed info
-gamelist output gamelist.txt main body
-listsourcefile driver sourcefile
-listgamespersourcefile games per sourcefile
-listxml / -lx all available info on driver in XML format
-listclones / -lc show clones
-listsamdir shared sample directory
-listcrc CRC-32s
-listsha1 SHA-1s
-listmd5 MD5s
-listdupcrc duplicate crc's
-listwrongmerge / -lwm wrong merge attempts
-listromsize rom size
-listromdistribution rom distribution
-listromnumber rom size
-listpalettesize / -lps palette size
-listcpu cpu's used
-listcpuclass class of cpu's used by year
-listnosound drivers missing sound support
-listsound sound chips used
-listnvram games with nvram
-wrongorientation wrong orientation
-wrongfps wrong fps
-[no]clones enable/disable clones
-listroms list required roms for a driver
-listsamples list optional samples for a driver
-verifyroms report romsets that have problems
-verifysets verify checksums of romsets (terse)
-vset verify checksums of a romset (verbose)
-verifysamples report samplesets that have problems
-vsam verify a sampleset
-romident compare files with known MAME roms
-isknown compare files with known MAME roms (brief)
-sortname sort by descriptive name
-sortdriver sort by driver
*** Windows path and directory options ***
-rompath / -rp <string> path to romsets
-samplepath / -sp <string> path to samplesets
-inipath <string> path to ini files
-cfg_directory <string> directory to save configurations
-nvram_directory <string> directory to save nvram contents
-memcard_directory <string> directory to save memory card contents
-input_directory <string> directory to save input device logs
-hiscore_directory <string> directory to save hiscores
-state_directory <string> directory to save states
-artwork_directory <string> directory for Artwork (Overlays etc.)
-snapshot_directory <string> directory for screenshots (.png format)
-diff_directory <string> directory for hard drive image difference files
-ctrlr_directory <string> directory to save controller definitions
-cheat_file <string> cheat filename
-history_file <string> no help available
-mameinfo_file <string> no help available
*** Windows video options ***
-[no]autoframeskip / -[no]afs skip frames to speed up emulation
-frameskip / -fs <int> set frameskip explicitly (autoframeskip needs
to be off)
-[no]waitvsync wait for vertical sync (reduces tearing)
-[no]triplebuffer / -[no]tb triple buffering (only if fullscreen)
-[no]window / -[no]w run in a window/run on full screen
-[no]ddraw / -[no]dd use DirectDraw for rendering
-[no]direct3d / -[no]d3d use Direct3D for rendering
-[no]hwstretch / -[no]hws (dd) stretch video using the hardware
-screen <string> specify which screen to use
-cleanstretch / -cs <string> stretch to integer ratios
-resolution / -r <string> set resolution
-refresh <int> set specific monitor refresh rate
-[no]scanlines / -[no]sl emulate win_old_scanlines
-[no]switchres switch resolutions to best fit
-[no]switchbpp switch color depths to best fit
-[no]maximize / -[no]max start out maximized
-[no]keepaspect / -[no]ka enforce aspect ratio
-[no]matchrefresh attempt to match the game's refresh rate
-[no]syncrefresh syncronize only to the monitor refresh
-[no]throttle throttle speed to the game's framerate
-full_screen_brightness / -fsb sets the brightness in full screen mode
-frames_to_run / -ftr <int> sets the number of frames to run within the
-effect <string> specify the blitting effect
-screen_aspect <string> specify an alternate monitor aspect ratio
*** Windows Direct3D 2D video options ***
-zoom / -z <int> force specific zoom level
-[no]d3dtexmanage use DirectX texture management
-d3dfilter / -flt <int> interpolation method
-d3dfeedback <int> feedback strength
-d3dscan <int> scanline intensity
-[no]d3deffectrotate enable rotation of effects for rotated games
-d3dprescale <string> prescale effect
-d3deffect <string> specify the blitting effects
-d3dcustom <string> customised blitting effects preset
-d3dexpert <string> additional customised settings (undocumented)
*** Windows misc options ***
-[no]sleep allow MAME to give back time to the system when
it's not needed
-[no]rdtsc prefer RDTSC over QueryPerformanceCounter for
-[no]high_priority increase thread priority
*** Windows sound options ***
-audio_latency <int> set audio latency (increase to reduce glitches)
-wavwrite <string> save sound in wav file
*** Input device options ***
-[no]mouse enable mouse input
-[no]joystick / -[no]joy enable joystick input
-[no]lightgun / -[no]gun enable lightgun input
-[no]dual_lightgun / -[no]dual enable dual lightgun input
-[no]offscreen_reload / offscreen shots reload
-[no]steadykey / -[no]steady enable steadykey support
-[no]keyboard_leds / -[no]leds enable keyboard LED emulation
-led_mode <string> LED mode (ps/2|usb)
-a2d_deadzone / -a2d <float> minimal analog value for digital input
-ctrlr <string> preconfigure for specified controller
-paddle_device / -paddle enable (keyboard|mouse|joystick) if a paddle
<string> control is present
-adstick_device / -adstick enable (keyboard|mouse|joystick|lightgun) if an
<string> analog joystick control is present
-pedal_device / -pedal enable (keyboard|mouse|joystick|lightgun) if a
<string> pedal control is present
-dial_device / -dial <string> enable (keyboard|mouse|joystick|lightgun) if a
dial control is present
-trackball_device / -trackball enable (keyboard|mouse|joystick|lightgun) if a
<string> trackball control is present
-lightgun_device <string> enable (keyboard|mouse|joystick|lightgun) if a
lightgun control is present
-digital <string> mark certain joysticks or axes as digital
*** Mame CORE video options ***
-[no]norotate do not apply rotation
-[no]ror rotate screen clockwise
-[no]rol rotate screen anti-clockwise
-[no]autoror automatically rotate screen clockwise for
vertical games
-[no]autorol automatically rotate screen anti-clockwise for
vertical games
-[no]flipx flip screen upside-down
-[no]flipy flip screen left-right
-debug_resolution / -dr set resolution for debugger window
-gamma <float> gamma correction
-brightness / -bright <float> brightness correction
-pause_brightness <float> additional pause brightness
*** Mame CORE vector game options ***
-[no]antialias / -[no]aa draw antialiased vectors
-[no]translucency / -[no]tl draw translucent vectors
-beam <float> set beam width in vector games
-flicker <float> set flickering in vector games
-intensity <float> set intensity in vector games
*** Mame CORE sound options ***
-samplerate / -sr <int> set samplerate
-[no]samples use samples
-[no]resamplefilter resample if samplerate does not match
-[no]sound enable/disable sound and sound CPUs
-volume / -vol <int> volume (range [-32,0])
*** Mame CORE misc options ***
-[no]artwork / -[no]art use additional game artwork (sets default for
specific options below)
-[no]use_backdrops / use backdrop artwork
-[no]use_overlays / use overlay artwork
-[no]use_bezels / -[no]bezel use bezel artwork
-[no]artwork_crop / crop artwork to game screen only
-artwork_resolution / -artres artwork resolution (0 for auto)
-[no]cheat / -[no]c enable/disable cheat subsystem
-[no]debug / -[no]d enable/disable debugger (only if available)
-playback / -pb <string> playback an input file
-record / -rec <string> record an input file
-[no]log generate error.log
-maxlogsize <int> maximum error.log size (in KB)
-[no]oslog output error log to debugger
-[no]skip_disclaimer skip displaying the disclaimer screen
-[no]skip_gameinfo skip displaying the game info screen
-[no]skip_validitychecks skip doing the code validity checks
-[no]crconly use only CRC for all integrity checks
-bios <string> change system bios
-state <string> state to load
*** Configuration options ***
-createconfig / -cc create the default configuration file
-showconfig / -sc display running parameters in rc style
-showusage / -su show this help
-[no]readconfig / -[no]rc enable/disable loading of configfiles
-[no]verbose / -[no]v display additional diagnostic information