Par curiosité, il m'arrive de jeter un oeil sur les étiquettes collées sur les bornes et plus particulièrement celles affichant la liste de tous les numéros de brevets déposés par la marque qui les construisent. C'est assez interessant! On y apprend une foule d'information sur la borne, sa conception,des techniques, etc. Ce soir, je suis tombé sur une Patent assez comique: 4,017,642. Elle renvoie sur cela:
Wood and/or woody wastes, particularly coniferous woods, are treated to render them suitable as a high energy food for ruminating animals. Comminuted wood or woody wastes are impregnated with a glycol or glycol-ether solvent and a catalyst, and the mixture heated to a temperature of at least C. for a time sufficient to delignify the wood the desired amount and solubilize extraneous components in the wood which are detrimental to the digestibility of the treated wood by the ruminant. The treated wood is then defibrated and the glycol solvent and catalyst extracted from the treated wood and recovered for recycle and reuse. The pulp recovered from extraction is a substantially anhydrous pulp which can be injected with nutrients promoting greater digestibility of the pulp and rehydrated for feeding to the ruminant."
....Les bornes, c'est aussi bon pour les ruminants!