en fait pour faire simple j'ai ete choppé un pc2jamma.ini sur le web ainsi qu'un sneskey et j'ai tout recopier tout ca sur mon dd sans rien changer....
en pensant que le joystick arcade de ma borne allait fonctionner direct...mais apparemment il faudrait reconfigurer le sneskey? il n'est pas standard?
voici mon sneskey.ini
// does the snes get power from the port
InternalPower = TRUE
// address of parallel port to use
Port = 0x378
// what key simulation method should be used (old, new, newest)
KeySimMethod = newest
// address in the 8042 to use (0 to 1F, usually 1F)
8042Addr = 0x1F
// if DirectMode is on, scan codes are not faked, it is assumed that the
// target program uses the SNESKey API to ask for scan codes
DirectMode = FALSE
// how large of a key queue to create (in bytes)
KeyQueueSize = 128
// the interrupt to hook for the majority of the work
MainInt = 0x70
// the interrupt to hook for the wake up function
WakeUpInt = 0x08
// should the old handler (the one there before SNESKey is run) for the main
// int be called allong with the new one
ChainMainInt = FALSE
// should the old handler (the one there before SNESKey is run) for the wake
// up int be called allong with the new one
ChainWakeUpInt = TRUE
// the type of keep alive to perform (2 is "harsher" than 1, and 0 is neither)
TweakType = 1
// how often (in Hertz) to call the new handler, this will be slightly rounded
TickFreq = 60
// should the status dots be drawn?
DrawDots = FALSE
// what is the default repeat rate?
RepeatRate = 20
[Arcade Config]
NumInputs = 16
Input0 = Up
Input1 = Down
Input2 = Left
Input3 = Right
Input4 = A
Input5 = B
Input6 = C
Input7 = D
Input8 = W
Input9 = X
Input10 = Y
Input11 = Z
Input12 = D1
Input13 = D2
Input14 = D3
Input15 = D4
les boutons 3 et 4 correspondent a quelle ligne?
merci de votre aide