Auteur Sujet: vers la fin de mame, ou changement de propriétaire?  (Lu 656 fois)

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vers la fin de mame, ou changement de propriétaire?
« le: Mardi 15 Juin 2004, 22:16:10 pm »
I was quite happy when SNK declared that SSZS was to be the last release on the NeoGeo. This may have marked the end of an important system in the history of arcades (regardless of if you like the games or not it was an important system) but it also marked the end of the possibility of emulating the latest arcade games. This was a good situation, it would allow the gap between arcade releases and their emulation to grow naturally, people would realise that the latest games just couldn't be emulated, people wouldn't be wasting thousands of $ buying and dumping bootlegs of brand new games. Instead I had hoped that there would be an increased interest in the emulation of older titles, fixing the bugs, protection issues and encryption issues in games from the 80s and 90s again, putting the effort where it really needes to go to ensure these games aren't lost. Instead a majority of people only seem to be interest in the emulation of new systems, with an opinion something along the lines of the newer a system the more worthwhile the emulation of it is.

Then this DC emu comes along, people start to believe Naomi and Atomiswave emulation are a real possibility, since its a new system I imagine no end of effort will be made in hongkong/taiwan etc. to crack the encryption and so once again instead of the focus being turned back to the old games that need attention once again.

I'm sorry, but what is more important? working out how to decrypt old data east games, figuring out the protection on old kaneko games, or finding a way to emulate the latest arcade releases. Based on general page views, the type of email I was getting etc. It seems to be the latter. People who could potentially emulate and figure out the protection on these old games are instead figuring out the protection on Naomi. I can't tell people what to do, but I can express my concern at the situation and I can also find it demotivating (which is the problem I'm facing right now.) to me it just seems like a waste of talent to see developers caring far more about brand new systems and what the kiddies want than old ones.

The expectation is there now because somebody proved it is possible, this is why I wasn't very enthusiastic over the release of the DC emu in the first place, emulating the hardware that is the basis of the latest games was not a good idea.

The emulation of new games on an old platform (neogeo) is potentially less of a problem the emulation of new games on a relatively new platform as the old platform was dying, the new one really is just getting started.

Edited by Haze (Sun Jun 13 2004 03:02 PM)  

from #MAME in newnet
[18:38] <@]Haze[> i'm just not interested anymore .. people keep wanting to emulate newer and newer hardware .. and as they do i get less and less interested
[18:38] <@]Haze[> now people think naomi / atomiswave is viable .. naomi is emulated almost working .. i really couldn't give a **** anymore
[18:40] <@]Haze[> i'm not interested in emulation of new systems..
[18:49] <@]Haze[> i have very little interest in the emulation anymore ..

je suis tout a fait d'accord avec lui, l'emulation dreamcast est un pas vers, et non pas, une fabulation mais une realité qui dit....

On veut de la nouveauté.... on veut des STARS, mais on oublie les autres, et leur efforts et leurs perséverance sont bien touchés peut etre !

Perso, je deplore tout c diff , c update car cela vient au détriment de la QUALITE...  mame ne mourra pas, mais si on perd qq'un comme lui pour emuler le dernier dump arcade a 10 % ... ou juste mettre des drivers...

mais a qd un status d'emulateur plutot qu'un status de musée pour mame ?

vos impressions? réactions?
