right cracked it been a busy man today. have cloned the 10gb hard drive to a 60gb hard by taking the hard drive off the motherboard installing it in my xp machine.
Then using selfimage software made a image of the 10gb drive to my 250gb backup drive i then removed the original hard drive and installed a spare 60gb maxstor cloned the drive from the image. I then using partition magic have resized C: to a 40gb partition so i can add lots more roms and even diffrent emulators to the system still got 17gb spare if i run out of space.
Have customized my menu back ground buy editing
D:\filebak\english\main.bmp (menu background file)
Then have customised layout so the on screen colours are not so bright on the eyes
by renaming the myskin.ski file to myskin.lay then using mamewah layout designer to change the colours of the menu from green to white the selected game colour to green , the games list counter to brite green and the list title to white saved the file then changed it back to .ski
the c:\emu folder brakes down like this.
There are a number of emulators being used to provide the games:
emu\game1 Mame 0.96
emu\game2 Mame 0.106
emu\game7 Final Burn Alpha
emu\game9 ZiNc 1.1
emu\game11 Nebula 2.25
emu\mult1 Mame 0.96u3
emu\mult2 Mame 0.106
emu\mult7 Final Burn Alpha
emu\mult11 Nebula 2.25
to add older roms to the system get your self a nice script editor as you need to do some additions to some files to get the system working.
what i have been doing is runing mame32 on my other pc finding the roms i want to add playing the rom once which genorates the .cfg file and the .nv nvram file then copying them over to c:\emu\game2 there folders cfg and nvram and to D: \filebak\cfgbak\game2\ same files the system reads off this partition. After that i have copied over the rom to c:\game_roms\roms\ the snap file in C:\emu\snap seems to have most of the sreen shots already installed.
now for the editing.
files of intrest
D:\filebak\cfgbak\batch\game.ini (game delay launch file)
Scroll to the bottom of the file add new line with romname=delay as shown on next line
C:\emu\batch\game.bat (pointer file tells the system which emulator to use to launch game)
scroll down till you get to the end of the games list will see something like this
if%1==rampage goto emu2 make a new line copy and past the last line change rampage to rom name then save
do the same to multi.bat in the same folder not sure if this is needed but did it all the same.
Then its back to drive d:
D:\filebak\english\lstbak\files\game.fav scroll to the end of file and add the following.
rom menu title
i not sure what it does exsactly but thought i would add it as was used earlyer in the post.
last file to edit the one which is important if you dont space this right it wont work properly as i found out earlyer.
D:\filebak\english\lstbak\files \game-0.lst
the way i did it was to copy the first discription and the 11 spaces after then paste it at the end of the file then edit it first line is rom name second line is menu rom title eg.
Ghosts 'n Goblins
make sure the is 11 returns after it other wise will spit up errors and might not desplay right wont see the snap image.
other things i have noticed is that if your playing on a arcade machine running a 15hz monitor they dont seem to like vector games added starwars was not as crisp as a pc monitor. there are some issues with midway games they dont like running on the system nba jam is too lagged and so is mortal combat II not sure why but dont like to run on the system.
Will be adding the latest version of mame to the list later on today as of the instructions from Sakpoubel.
Going to upgrade the ram as i have found out its DDR PC3200 (400Mhz) 184-pin DIMM Ram might up it to 1gb of ram just for the hell of it.
also going to try to get daphne the lazer disc emulator to run off the system as i fancy having space ace and dragons lair 1,2 and some other lazer disc classics.
after looking at mamewah config ini file might be able to also add a boot up movie as well but not to sure if the system will take it but from my understanding of the system it seams as if mamewah was mamewin or one is based off the other.
after reading Sakpoubel instructions have had had some ideas on how to get it to all work. will add more information as we descover it.
starting to put this information in to a webpage or pdf with pictures on how to do diffrent things with the system ie hard drive removal plugging in a pc monitor so you can run ghost to back up the system and how to make images of hard drive and make bigger partitions to add lots more to the system. some one was telling me that they have added a wifi card to one and have a juke box systme streaming off another server will look in to this too.
if any one has any more information on system hacks please post them so i can add them to my file as by the sounds of things we all have had the same idea but not been able to find out information. then can publish a file for all to view.
465 in 1 i dont own one so cannot comment on the file system but i can say might be time to sell it and get your self a 1069 in 1 much more adaptable and customizable