Auteur Sujet: rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1  (Lu 53495 fois)

Hors ligne Mathdea

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #32 le: Samedi 15 Mars 2008, 00:17:43 am »
Super topic!  ^- Il est d'autant plus intéressant que le front end (layout) est
(je trouve) assez laid sur ces cartes et que l'impossibilité de rajouter des roms
est pénilbe sur ces cartes! J'attends la suite avec impatience! ^-

Merci à vous!

Pour répondre à Jeston :

1) Le hardware de la 465in1 est identique à celui du 1069in1
2) Il n'y a pas de dongle sur la 1069in1
3) Le contenu de la CF sur une 465in1 est a priori illisible. D'ailleurs si vous avez des idées sur la question, je suis preneur!

« Modifié: Dimanche 16 Mars 2008, 20:07:54 pm par Mathdea »

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #33 le: Lundi 17 Mars 2008, 16:55:06 pm »
Bonjour espoir vous pouvez me comprendre en tant qu'im personne non de langue française en utilisant un paquet de traduction.

N'a pas voulu offenser par l'inscription en anglais.

Avaient joué avec mon 1069 dans 1 pendant quelques semaines maintenant que j'ai commencé à remonter un dossier d'aide. L'embout avant est basé sur mamewah/mamewin que je pense de mes expériences.

Le développement de peau peut être réalisé en éditant le D:\filebak\english\main.bmp. Le développement de disposition en retitrant D:\filebak\english\ à myskin.lay peut employer le concepteur de disposition de mamewah pour éditer la position de couleur de police et classer et la couleur de choix juste font vos changements et les retitrent au système de ski s'adaptera alors à la nouvelle disposition.

Été une lecture ce qui a été suggérée pour ajouter des ROM au système n'a pas mis à jour au dernier mame comme les ROM que j'ai voulu m'ajouter sont soutenus par le mame 106.0 dans la chemise game2.

Ont suivi les instructions que le jeu révèle dans la liste de jeu mais comme titre de ROM pas comme nom de liste. Et ne lancera pas.

Toutes suggestions.

here it is again in english just incase it doesnt make sence.

Hi hope you can understand me as im a non French speaking person using a translation package.

Didn’t want to offend by writing in English.

Have been playing with my 1069 in 1 for a few weeks now i have started to put together a little help file.

Front end is based on mamewah/mamewin  i think from my experiments.

Skin development can be achieved by editing the D:\filebak\english\main.bmp.

Layout development by renaming D:\filebak\english\ to myskin.lay can use mamewah layout designer to edit font colour position and size and selection colour just make your changes and rename to .ski system will then adapt to new layout.

Been reading what was suggested to add roms to the system didn’t update to latest mame as the roms i wanted to add are supported by 106.0 mame in game2 folder.

Have followed the instructions game is showing up in game list but as rom title not as list name. And will not launch.

Any suggestions.
« Modifié: Lundi 17 Mars 2008, 16:59:55 pm par MaNiAc-Uk »
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Hors ligne Mathdea

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #34 le: Lundi 17 Mars 2008, 20:14:38 pm »
Thanks for the help dude and there is no offense to speak english here. According to me it's even better than the would be translation from the webtool  :D

It would be of great help i guess for a lot of dudes around to compile in a single
file all the informations we manage to grab dealing with those xxx in 1 cards. We even may try to do a bilingual file french/english. I can help with the french/english
translation if required.

The infos you have provided for the layout are of great interest for all 1066in1 owner. Any chance to have such information for the 465in1 babystar card ?



Hors ligne wawy

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #35 le: Lundi 17 Mars 2008, 21:33:07 pm »
Yes ! I have in the belook ! ^-^

Plus serieusement

3) Le contenu de la CF sur une 465in1 est a priori illisible. D'ailleurs si vous avez des idées sur la question, je suis preneur!

Quand tu dis illisible c'est que la CF apparait vierge ou alors qu'il semble y avoir des fichiers/dossiers à la con ???
« Modifié: Lundi 17 Mars 2008, 21:37:23 pm par wawy »
I have in the belook !

Hors ligne Jeston

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #36 le: Lundi 17 Mars 2008, 22:33:45 pm »
comme je l'ai dit plus haur, le 465 in 1 tourne sous un Linux et utilise donc a priori le systeme de partition Linux qui est invisible sous Windows, sauf peut-etre avec certains logiciels.

A noter que il sera logiquement necessaire de posseder le dongle (watchdog HW).

Le frontend quand a lui semble etre ArcadeOS.

il vaut mieux, je pense, s'atteler a la modification du 106x en 1, celui-ci etant moins securise et je pense beacoup plus accessible.
Il me semble theoriquement tout a fait possible de faire tourner des jeux verticaux en natif en modifiant le mame.ini, seul le frontend resterait a l,horizontal...

Hors ligne Mathdea

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #37 le: Lundi 17 Mars 2008, 23:29:28 pm »

Quand je dis illisible c'est que la carte CF n'est pas reconnue du tout. Cela fait comme si l'on avait à faire à un périphérique non formaté. Si effectivement, le système tourne sous linux et que vous connaissez le moyen de lire le contenu de la carte sous winblows, je suis preneur.

La 465in1 necessite effectivement une dongle (softdog) qui est usb. La dongle est reconnue sous windows comme "USB DONGLE" mais nécessite des drivers que bien évidemment sont introuvables (sic?) ou plus vraissemblablement installés sur la CF (?).

Comme le dit Jeston, la 1069in1 est sans nul doute plus accessible mais toutes les informations sont bonnes à prendre bien sûr  ^-



Hors ligne Jeston

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« Réponse #38 le: Lundi 17 Mars 2008, 23:42:51 pm »
bah, le dongle est un watchdog hardware, donc d'apres ce que j'ai pige il n'est pas duplicable et obligatoire (un peu comme les protections sur les syteme 246), donc on sait rien en faire.

Pour la lecture de la CF sous windows, tente te trouver sait-on jamais.

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #39 le: Mardi 18 Mars 2008, 03:06:33 am »
right cracked it been a busy man today. have cloned the 10gb hard drive to a 60gb hard by taking the hard drive off the motherboard installing it in my xp machine.

Then using selfimage software made a image of the 10gb drive to my 250gb backup drive i then removed the original hard drive and installed a spare 60gb maxstor cloned the drive from the image. I then using partition magic have resized C: to a 40gb partition so i can add lots more roms and even diffrent emulators to the system still got 17gb spare if i run out of space.

Have customized my menu back ground buy editing

D:\filebak\english\main.bmp (menu background file)

Then have customised layout so the on screen colours are not so bright on the eyes
by renaming the file to myskin.lay then using mamewah layout designer to change the colours of the menu from green to white the selected game colour to green , the games list counter to brite green and the list title to white saved the file then changed it back to .ski

the c:\emu folder brakes down like this.

There are a number of emulators being used to provide the games:
emu\game1 Mame 0.96
emu\game2 Mame 0.106
emu\game7 Final Burn Alpha
emu\game9 ZiNc 1.1
emu\game11 Nebula 2.25
emu\mult1 Mame 0.96u3
emu\mult2 Mame 0.106
emu\mult7 Final Burn Alpha
emu\mult11 Nebula 2.25

to add older roms to the system get your self a nice script editor as you need to do some additions to some files to get the system working.

what i have been doing is runing mame32 on my other pc finding the roms i want to add playing the rom once which genorates the .cfg file and the .nv nvram file then copying them over to c:\emu\game2 there folders cfg and nvram and to  D: \filebak\cfgbak\game2\ same files the system reads off this partition. After that i have copied over the rom to c:\game_roms\roms\ the snap file in C:\emu\snap seems to have most of the sreen shots already installed.

now for the editing.

files of intrest

D:\filebak\cfgbak\batch\game.ini (game delay launch file)
Scroll to the bottom of the file add new line with romname=delay as shown on next line

 C:\emu\batch\game.bat (pointer file tells the system which emulator to use to launch game)

scroll down till you get to the end of the games list will see something like this
if%1==rampage goto emu2 make a new line copy and past the last line change rampage to rom name then save

do the same to multi.bat in the same folder not sure if this is needed but did it all the same.

Then its back to drive d:

D:\filebak\english\lstbak\files\game.fav scroll to the end of file and add the following.
rom menu title
i not sure what it does exsactly but thought i would add it as was used earlyer in the post.

last file to edit the one which is important if you dont space this right it wont work properly as i found out earlyer.

D:\filebak\english\lstbak\files \game-0.lst
the way i did it was to copy the first discription and the 11 spaces after then paste it at the end of the file then edit it first line is rom name second line is menu rom title eg.

Ghosts 'n Goblins

make sure the is 11 returns after it other wise will spit up errors and might not desplay right wont see the snap image.

other things i have noticed is that if your playing on a arcade machine running a 15hz monitor they dont seem to like vector games added starwars was not as crisp as a pc monitor. there are some issues with midway games they dont like running on the system nba jam is too lagged and so is mortal combat II not sure why but dont like to run on the system.

Will be adding the latest version of mame to the list later on today as of the instructions from Sakpoubel.

Going to upgrade the ram as i have found out its DDR PC3200 (400Mhz) 184-pin DIMM Ram might up it to 1gb of ram just for the hell of it.

also going to try to get daphne the lazer disc emulator to run off the system as i fancy having space ace and dragons lair 1,2 and some other lazer disc classics.

after looking at mamewah config ini file might be able to also add a boot up movie as well but not to sure if the system will take it but from my understanding of the system it seams as if mamewah was mamewin or one is based off the other.

after reading Sakpoubel instructions have had had some ideas on how to get it to all work. will add more information as we descover it.

starting to put this information in to a webpage or pdf with pictures on how to do diffrent things with the system ie hard drive removal plugging in a pc monitor so you can run ghost to back up the system and how to make images of hard drive and make bigger partitions to add lots more to the system. some one was telling me that they have added a wifi card to one and have a juke box systme streaming off another server will look in to this too.

if any one has any more information on system hacks please post them so i can add them to my file as by the sounds of things we all have had the same idea but not been able to find out information. then can publish a file for all to view.

465 in 1 i dont own one so cannot comment on the file system but i can say might be time to sell it and get your self a 1069 in 1 much more adaptable and customizable
« Modifié: Mardi 18 Mars 2008, 03:59:11 am par MaNiAc-Uk »
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Hors ligne Jeston

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #40 le: Mardi 18 Mars 2008, 08:17:10 am »
WOW ! that was quick   ^-^

Still few questions remais to me.
What is the original HD size ? 20GB ? 10GB EDIT : ok 10GB
Is it possible to use the PCB's backup recovery program (it requires VGA) instead of making a ghost running windows ? (I bet yes) If yes, should I need a same size HD ?
I guess it would be possible to edit the mame.ini to display vertical games as unstretched and orizontal orientation (well, as native), could someone confirm this ?

About the 465 in 1, no need to sell it, just grab a 10xx in 1 HD backup (jammaboards sell them for about 37USD) however I still need to grab one,

Anyway  :-*
« Modifié: Mardi 18 Mars 2008, 09:40:52 am par Jeston »

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #41 le: Mardi 18 Mars 2008, 08:31:09 am »
Miam ca deviens carrement bien interessant ces petites X in 1 :D

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #42 le: Mardi 18 Mars 2008, 12:46:13 pm »
The only problem i had with the ghost software was when i tryed mounting the hard drive after it had cloned using the ghost system the partitions were non readable and unformated in a windows format but then again i was trying to clone to a bigger hard drive.

The system is fitted with a 10gb quantum Fireball hard drive as standard but from my expseriments should be able to put a 500gb in there with some mods via partition magic.

to get a pc monitor to work with the system just unscrew the 2 small cross head screws take the circet board out of the vga slot and plug a monitor in make sure sw2 number 4 switch is on you will see the bios screen come up and a message about hitting f10 hit player 2 start when you see this and it will launch ghost.

i used self image as it works quicker and now that i have a image can back up any time i want when i have fineshed modding the drive will reimage it so can make copys so have a back up at all times im going to have a seprat hard drive mounting point so i can take the drives in and out quick for development reasons.

Link for selfimage software its freeware.
Self Image software

would recomend to any one who is going to buy a system as tim the owner is a realy nice person who will help answer questions and is a realy good tech head.

i had a problem with the 3&4 player config card one of the ic had come off in transit he replaced it free of charge with no fuss.

im going to see if i can get the updated version mame on today and try installing daphne to the system wish me luck.
« Modifié: Mardi 18 Mars 2008, 13:07:15 pm par MaNiAc-Uk »
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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #43 le: Mardi 18 Mars 2008, 13:19:32 pm »
Si le hdd est sous linux pourquoi ne pas essayer de le lire a l'aide d'un liveCD (knopix oua autre , par exemple une DSL (damn small linux) en bootant sur le cd DSL avec le hdd branché au pc.

If the hard drive is under linux why dont you try to read it using a linux liveCD (like knopix or DSL (damn small linux)
you boot on you DSL disc with you hdd plugged on your PC motherboard.

hihi sorry for my poor english ;)

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #44 le: Mardi 18 Mars 2008, 13:45:37 pm »
On the 1069 in 1 the hard drive is windows 2000 chinese operating system so there is no need for linux the 465 in 1 might be using linux as i said dont have access to one to play with it and see how its put together

your english seams fine just feel bad that my french sucks suffer from dislexia so not to good with english ether lol.
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Hors ligne Jeston

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« Réponse #45 le: Mardi 18 Mars 2008, 14:44:25 pm »
the 465 in 1 runs Linux, I own one.

However, trying to modd it with a live Cd wouldn't be really usefull as it's quite easier to mod the HD from the 10xx in 1, plus the 465 in 1 uses a dongle and the CF is only 1 GB... so it's really not of any interest
« Modifié: Mardi 18 Mars 2008, 18:07:32 pm par Jeston »

Hors ligne mario022

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #46 le: Mardi 18 Mars 2008, 16:46:51 pm »
 :-\ A tu essayer ?
directement en selectionant le jeux  directement sur la born avec le connecteur board 3e4p et de configurer avec inputthus game?

Hors ligne _n3o_

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #47 le: Mardi 18 Mars 2008, 17:05:41 pm »
I suffer from dislexia too ;)