ok, few hours later...
on the 1066in1
- Pluggin a keyboard mess the encoder. You have to unplug the PS/2 connector on the PC2Jamma board before (boot, unplugPS/2, plug keyboard)
However, when exiting to the OS, it crashes or runs a hideos, anyway black screen...
WIP report :
I can add a new mame.
I can add new roms to a new mame or an already installed one (need to try the other emu)
I can run vertical games on original orientation
I fixed the switch back to VGA problem
I can't get it to have the right control input
If I try to input it myself passing by the TAB menu, I can get it, but no as it should. Quarter circle moves doesn't works (Hadouken and so on...) and also it can't be saved.