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Hors ligne Jeston

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« Réponse #64 le: Samedi 22 Mars 2008, 01:11:53 am »
ok, few hours later...
on the 1066in1

- Pluggin a keyboard mess the encoder. You have to unplug the PS/2 connector on the PC2Jamma board before (boot, unplugPS/2, plug keyboard)
However, when exiting to the OS, it crashes or runs a hideos, anyway black screen...

WIP report :
I can add a new mame.
I can add new roms to a new mame or an already installed one (need to try the other emu)
I can run vertical games on original orientation
I fixed the switch back to VGA problem

I can't get it to have the right control input
If I try to input it myself passing by the TAB menu, I can get it, but no as it should. Quarter circle moves doesn't works (Hadouken and so on...) and also it can't be saved.

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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« Réponse #65 le: Samedi 22 Mars 2008, 20:00:33 pm »
Well, report of the last works...

I managed to install some roms and launch them with a newly installed mame (0.123)

I also fixed the ugly streching for vertical games for having them like original orientation (rotation clockwize)

Still I have few probs...

1- I can't get the contols to save : might be fixed by the TEST MENU/SAVE CONFIG after editing the .bat

2- When mame loads it switches in VGA and so when it returns to the frontend it's on VGA... I don't know where to look as my mame.ini is set as the other mame.

please let me know what you did to get mame 0.123 workin as i getting screen issues with the version i have installed.

how did you fix the vert games as well intrested in that too will add any thing to help file.

as for you control issues make sure you copy defult.cfg from game2 to cfg folder in copy to new mame cfg and also to files game99 cfg as it contains the layout for joysticks / buttons.

think all we need now is to see how easy it is going to be to add new emulators to the system as said going to try adding lazer discs and snes nes and genniss emulation to then will make it a great alrounder.
« Modifié: Samedi 22 Mars 2008, 20:11:14 pm par MaNiAc-Uk »
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« Réponse #66 le: Samedi 22 Mars 2008, 21:08:18 pm »
Pour les jeux verticaux je propose de modifier le mame.ini de la sorte:

scale_effect            none
hwstretch               1
# screen                <NULL> (not set)
cleanstretch            auto
resolution              640x480x16
zoom                    2
refresh                 60
scanlines               0
switchres               1
switchbpp               1
maximize                1
keepaspect              1
matchrefresh            0
syncrefresh             0
throttle                1

Celà permet d'avoir les jeux verticaux sur un écran horizontal avec de jolie bande noir à droite et à gauche.
Attention dans le répertoire ini il y a des .ini pour certain jeux verticaux qu'il faut aussi modifier.

Hors ligne Jeston

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« Réponse #67 le: Dimanche 23 Mars 2008, 01:43:04 am »
ah ben non :) c'est pas ca

comme dit plus haut

autoror 1

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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« Réponse #68 le: Dimanche 23 Mars 2008, 14:30:25 pm »
Right will have alook see when i get back to the office later on tonight was using the mame.ini from earlyer original instals will modifie the mame.ini and try running some more roms when i get back.

i tried running.

Aladin <japan Bootleg> this split the screen on the monitor think it trying to up the resolution.

Pacland this scrambled the screen as if it swiched back in to vga mode.

thats all i have had time to do as work and the girlfriend over all week end so havent had much chance to mess with the system any ideas for adding new emulators i think i can do it by adding in the games.bat like so going to try this when i got the roms for lazer disc

by adding games23 installing the emulator there

editing games.bat

if%1==lair   goto   emu23

daphne.exe lair vldp -framefile "c:emu\game24\framefilepath\lair.txt" -fullscreen -noserversend
goto end

adding to the games0.lst

and .fav file should do the trick i think let me know if any one else has come up with a better soulution as i said this is a therory but will give it a go maybe later on tonight got 2 games i can try running on it to see what happens.

road blaster and astro chase.

other emulators will be easyer to run as the rom files are just 1 file snes nes sega mega drive.

just by adding a new game folder installing the emulator

intalling the roms in to the roms folder

adding a exicute file for the emulator in the game.bat file and adding the if= line.

this is just ideas atm but hopfult will become reality.

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Hors ligne Jeston

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« Réponse #69 le: Dimanche 23 Mars 2008, 15:43:52 pm »
adding emulator is pretty easy if they support command line :
play1 -ssf2t

need to run at 640x480x16 resolution

the main problem with new emu is to map the correct keys.

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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« Réponse #70 le: Dimanche 23 Mars 2008, 15:55:05 pm »
does anyone know what the key map is for the system layout then should be able to transpose the key commands to any system. ie for snes coin 1 could be start usage of other keys could addapted just need a lay out file so can reprogram any system to exsept it.

P1 start =
P2 start =

Joystick 1

Up =
Down =
Left =
Right =

Joystick 2

Up =
Down =
Left =
Right =

P1 button 1 =
P1 button 2 =
P1 button 3 =
P1 button 4 =
P1 button 5 =
P1 button 6 =

P2 button 1 =
P2 button 2 =
P2 button 3 =
P2 button 4 =
P2 button 5 =
P2 button 6 =

Coin 1 =
coin 2 =
Quit =

once we have this you can program mame to exsept each game with custom buttons by just adding them to the cfg file.

and should be able to modifie any system to be able to play game with.

will have a look at the defult file when i get back to my office later on this evening.
« Modifié: Dimanche 23 Mars 2008, 16:01:04 pm par MaNiAc-Uk »
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« Réponse #71 le: Dimanche 23 Mars 2008, 16:15:52 pm »
even with copying C:\emu\game1\cfg\default.cfg to my C:\emu\newemu\cfg\default.cfg I can not get it to work, I don't really know why...

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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« Réponse #72 le: Lundi 24 Mars 2008, 00:07:43 am »
you missed one thats not were the system reads from you need to copy it also to


other wise wont see it try that first.
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Hors ligne Jeston

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« Réponse #73 le: Lundi 24 Mars 2008, 00:09:24 am »
did you get success with it ?

Hors ligne Jeston

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« Réponse #74 le: Lundi 24 Mars 2008, 02:36:06 am »

OOooookay, here's the latest WIP report

- Vertical Games will now be displayed as they should : Full Screen; Vertical

- Mame cheats will now be avaible trough the TAB/Adj.2 menu

- Metal Slug 6 won't be displayed as Metal Slag 6 anymore  ;D

- "Wrestle Games" list will now be displayed as "Fighting Games" list

- Samples have been added (there should be sound in Space Invaders now)

- Frontend background has been replaced by a new one (

- About 75 games have been added, they should all be playable.
  However I didn't had time to test them all :

- Dragon Blaze
- Fantasia
- Fantasia II <Explicit>
- Fantasia II <Less Explicit>
- Fever S.O.S. <International Ver. 98/09/25>
- Hyper Street Fighter II : The Anniversary Edition <Asia 040202>
- Hyper Street Fighter II - The Anniversary Edition <Japan 031222>
- Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken <Asia 990108, NOCD>
- Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken <Asia 981202, NOCD>
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Heritage for the Future/Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken : Miraie no Isan <Japan 990913, NOCD>
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Heritage for the Future/Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken : Miraie no Isan <Euro 990913, NOCD>
- New Fantasia
- Puzz Loop 2 <Euro 010302>
- Puzz Loop 2 <Japan 010205>
- Samurai Shodown V Special/Samurai Spirits Zero 5 Special <set1, uncensored>
- Samurai Shodown V Special/Samurai Spirits Zero 5 Special <set2, censored>
- Samurai Shodown V Special/Samurai Spirits Zero 5 Special <set3, less censored>
- Street Fighter III : New Generation <Asia 970204, NOCD>
- Street Fighter III 2nd Impact : Giant Attack <Asia 970930, NOCD>
- Street Fighter III 3rd Strike : Fight for the Future Rev.B <Japan 990608, NOCD>
- Street Fighter III 3rd Strike : Fight for the Future Rev.A <Japan 990512, NOCD>
- Sonic Wings Limited (still has lag issues)
- Street Fighter II YYC
- Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha <Asia 960826>
- Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha <Japan 960805>
- <3D> Aqua Rush <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Beastorizer <US> *bootleg*
- <3D> Beastorizer <US>
- <3D> Bloody Roar 2 <JP>
- <3D> Dunk Mania <US> DM2 Ver.C
- <3D> Dunk Mania <JP> DM1 Ver.C
- <3D> Ehrgeiz <US> Ver.A
- <3D> Fighting Layer <JP> Ver.B
- <3D> Fighters Impact A <JP 2.00J>
- <3D> Justice Gakuen <JP 991117>
- <3D> Kikaiho <JP 980914>
- <3D> Mr. Driller <JP> ver.A
- <3D> Paca Paca Passion <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Plasma Sword <US 980316>
- <3D> Prime Goal EX <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Psychic Force 2012 <World 2.4>
- <3D> Psychic Force 2012 <JP 2.4J>
- <3D> Psychic Force EX <JP 2.0J>
- <3D> Rival Schools <ASIA 971117>
- <3D> Rival Schools <US 971117>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 <US 980312>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 <JP 980312>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 Plus <US 990611>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 Plus <ASIA 990611>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 Plus <JP 990611>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX <US 961219>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX <ASIA 961219>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX <JP 961130>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX Plus <US979497>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX Plus <JP 970311>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX Plus <US 970311>
- <3D> Strider Hiryu 2 <JP 991213>
- <3D> Soul Edge <JP> S03 Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge <JP> S01 Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge Ver.II <JP> S04 Ver.C
- <3D> Star Gladiator <US960627>
- <3D> Star Gladiator 2 <JP980316>
- <3D> Stider 2 <ASIA 991213>
- <3D> Tech Romancer <US 980914>
- <3D> Tekken 2 <WORLD> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken 2 <JP> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken 2 <WORLD> Ver.A
- <3D> Tekken 3 <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Tekken <WORLD> Ver.C
- <3D> Tekken <WORLD> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken <JP> VER.B
- <3D> Tetris The Grand Master <JP980710>
- <3D> Battle Arena Toshinden 2 <US 951124>
- <3D> Battle Arena Toshinden 2 <JP951124>
- <3D> Xevious 3D/G Ver.A
Actually, some where already there...


It might be usefull to update the RAM of the system using DDR PC3200 (400Mhz) 184-pin.
:-*I can play CPS3 games with only 512Mb extra RAM :-*
« Modifié: Lundi 24 Mars 2008, 02:38:27 am par Jeston »

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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« Réponse #75 le: Lundi 24 Mars 2008, 15:07:33 pm »
Yup it worked for me as with out the defult.cfg file will try running the keyboard config not the joy stick one.

cool how did you add the cheat file to mame take it you added the full zinc set? hehe

Might try adding dragons lair and space ace tonight if i get some time to go to work

should have the latest sets of zinc and daphne on monday to add if my mate turns up with them.

Just orderd 1gb ram for the board so should have that in the next day or so from ebay.

will check out my config mame.ini file and edit it to see if that works with my image problem then going to add more roms have added about 14 roms so far

think might look in to diffrent emu system to get nba jam and mortal combat working properly  or should i say midway games working properly. might try running them under the latest mame and see if they run ok if not time for a new emu me thinks.

also need to figure out how to get vector games working better under they system have had starwars running but its not good quality missing tops and bottoms of letters.

Might try putting 500gb hd in there then theres plenty of space for roms and any other systems i might install ie jukebox.

will add missing samples to system later on today.

any one else got some other good ideas for the system?
« Modifié: Lundi 24 Mars 2008, 16:01:22 pm par MaNiAc-Uk »
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« Réponse #76 le: Lundi 24 Mars 2008, 21:27:27 pm »
<a href=";v3=1" target="_blank" class="new_win">;v3=1</a>
As you can see, hardware performances are good enough.

The left side is the original CPS3 Hardware, the right side is the 10xxin1.
To be honest, I wasn't expecting a result as good a this ^-^

and I am a kind guy I uploaded a pack on rapidshare with all the following stuffs :

- Vertical Games will now be displayed as they should : Full Screen; Vertical

- Mame cheats will now be avaible trough the TAB/Adj.2 menu

- Metal Slug 6 won't be displayed as Metal Slag 6 anymore (>____<)

- "Wrestle Games" list will now be displayed as "Fighting Games" list

- Samples have been added (there should be sound in Space Invaders now)

- Frontend background has been replaced by a new one (if you don't like it, just don't copy the following files "D:\filebak\english\main.bmp" and "D:\filebak\english\")

- About 75 games have been added, they should all be playable.
  However I didn't had time to test them all :

- Dragon Blaze
- Fantasia
- Fantasia II <Explicit>
- Fantasia II <Less Explicit>
- Fever S.O.S. <International Ver. 98/09/25>
- Hyper Street Fighter II : The Anniversary Edition <Asia 040202>
- Hyper Street Fighter II - The Anniversary Edition <Japan 031222>
- Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken <Asia 990108, NOCD>
- Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken <Asia 981202, NOCD>
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Heritage for the Future/Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken : Miraie no Isan <Japan 990913, NOCD>
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Heritage for the Future/Jojo's Venture/Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken : Miraie no Isan <Euro 990913, NOCD>
- New Fantasia
- Puzz Loop 2 <Euro 010302>
- Puzz Loop 2 <Japan 010205>
- Samurai Shodown V Special/Samurai Spirits Zero 5 Special <set1, uncensored>
- Samurai Shodown V Special/Samurai Spirits Zero 5 Special <set2, censored>
- Samurai Shodown V Special/Samurai Spirits Zero 5 Special <set3, less censored>
- Street Fighter III : New Generation <Asia 970204, NOCD>
- Street Fighter III 2nd Impact : Giant Attack <Asia 970930, NOCD>
- Street Fighter III 3rd Strike : Fight for the Future Rev.B <Japan 990608, NOCD>
- Street Fighter III 3rd Strike : Fight for the Future Rev.A <Japan 990512, NOCD>
- Sonic Wings Limited (still has lag issues)
- Street Fighter II YYC
- Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha <Asia 960826>
- Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha <Japan 960805>
- <3D> Aqua Rush <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Beastorizer <US> *bootleg*
- <3D> Beastorizer <US>
- <3D> Bloody Roar 2 <JP>
- <3D> Dunk Mania <US> DM2 Ver.C
- <3D> Dunk Mania <JP> DM1 Ver.C
- <3D> Ehrgeiz <US> Ver.A
- <3D> Fighting Layer <JP> Ver.B
- <3D> Fighters Impact A <JP 2.00J>
- <3D> Justice Gakuen <JP 991117>
- <3D> Kikaiho <JP 980914>
- <3D> Mr. Driller <JP> ver.A
- <3D> Paca Paca Passion <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Plasma Sword <US 980316>
- <3D> Prime Goal EX <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Psychic Force 2012 <World 2.4>
- <3D> Psychic Force 2012 <JP 2.4J>
- <3D> Psychic Force EX <JP 2.0J>
- <3D> Rival Schools <ASIA 971117>
- <3D> Rival Schools <US 971117>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 <US 980312>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 <JP 980312>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 Plus <US 990611>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 Plus <ASIA 990611>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX 2 Plus <JP 990611>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX <US 961219>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX <ASIA 961219>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX <JP 961130>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX Plus <US979497>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX Plus <JP 970311>
- <3D> Street Fighter EX Plus <US 970311>
- <3D> Strider Hiryu 2 <JP 991213>
- <3D> Soul Edge <JP> S03 Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge <JP> S01 Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge Ver.II <JP> S04 Ver.C
- <3D> Star Gladiator <US960627>
- <3D> Star Gladiator 2 <JP980316>
- <3D> Stider 2 <ASIA 991213>
- <3D> Tech Romancer <US 980914>
- <3D> Tekken 2 <WORLD> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken 2 <JP> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken 2 <WORLD> Ver.A
- <3D> Tekken 3 <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Tekken <WORLD> Ver.C
- <3D> Tekken <WORLD> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken <JP> VER.B
- <3D> Tetris The Grand Master <JP980710>
- <3D> Battle Arena Toshinden 2 <US 951124>
- <3D> Battle Arena Toshinden 2 <JP951124>
- <3D> Xevious 3D/G Ver.A

Drop me a PM for the download links and the password.

the pack is about 1.7GB, so I think you'll need to change the HD for a bigger one.

Anyway it's better to keep a backup. Some bugs might still need to be corrected, as I didn't had time to test them all. If some fixes are needed, it should be easy to correct.
« Modifié: Lundi 24 Mars 2008, 21:33:06 pm par Jeston »

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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« Réponse #77 le: Lundi 24 Mars 2008, 22:23:20 pm »
were is every on getting this mame 0.123 the verson i have got isnt working right its as if its in a higher resolusion and the screen splits what release of mame you running Jeston?

wip can ad roms up to mame 0.106
wip can customise back grounds
wip can custmise controls
wip can add zinc roms
wip auto rotation no squashing of screen works well
wip can add mp3 Jukebox (joystick remamped and working with gui page next and page prev)

Jukebox skin:
going to develop one that will work with my machine ie match the menu screen i have designed will let you know how that goes tommorow.

Not complete laser disc support:

having issues with screen settings but when i get my mate over he is a guru in the matter so will have alook see what he has written.

its sort of working just got to mess with settings to get it launch right.

Mame update to 0.123:

need to find a version that supports my 15hz monitor any help would be appricated
« Modifié: Lundi 24 Mars 2008, 22:52:21 pm par MaNiAc-Uk »
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« Réponse #78 le: Mardi 25 Mars 2008, 15:20:38 pm »
love the video dident see it before have pm for password and link chears will add it to my scripting look foward to seeing if it fixes my updated mame problem.
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« Réponse #79 le: Mardi 25 Mars 2008, 15:34:01 pm »
really good work
i will read all what you've done her soon ;)