Auteur Sujet: rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1  (Lu 53450 fois)

Hors ligne jonis

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #96 le: Mercredi 26 Mars 2008, 22:06:38 pm »
The original cpu fan is an AMD 70x15mm. The loudest fan i have ever heard.  8)

As i said before, a papst 60mm will do the trick and it fits just perfect. Since the fan seem to run 100% all the time i'm not really worried about cooling, the orginal cpu would probably run with just the heatsink without any problems.

Here is a picture of how it looked originally:

Hors ligne jonis

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #97 le: Mercredi 26 Mars 2008, 22:19:30 pm »
Found some better pictures in my camera..

Original fan is out

New fan is getting tightened

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #98 le: Jeudi 27 Mars 2008, 01:29:37 am »
i think im going to do some case mods as well got some angled Aluminum going to make a hard drive mounting plate and get a hard drive cash so i can take it in and out of the machine with out having to plug the ide cable in and out all the time will post some pictures. as i make it got to find the hard drive inclosures.

if you were to change the proccessor would it have any affect on the opperating system as im game anything to max the potencal of the machine. just need to know it slot type and what can it have installed on the board.

mame 0.124b now 100% opperational will post faq on here and my site tommorow night if i can walk let alone talk off to amsterdam for a quick day trip been coding way too much lol talking about which i have to be up to leave for the airport in under 3 hrs better get some sleep got a 22hr day tommorow lol.

lazer disc emulation i am determind to get it working got the full set now.

what games to add any good ones we need to add to the system a matter of life and death type thing?
« Modifié: Jeudi 27 Mars 2008, 01:42:03 am par MaNiAc-Uk »
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Hors ligne jonis

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #99 le: Jeudi 27 Mars 2008, 11:24:35 am »
Sounds like a good idea. I use a small 2-hd rack from an old computer screwed down next to the machine. Looks like this when it was still loose. Very convenient.

Hors ligne vwcox47

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probleme avec carte 1066
« Réponse #100 le: Jeudi 27 Mars 2008, 15:14:17 pm »
salut a tous

je possede une borne dans laquelle j'ai installé une carte multijeux 1066 elle fonctionnait bien jusqu'a hier 
j'ai allumé la borne le carte c'est ensuite allumée petit temps d'attente habituel et la plus rien juste des point blanc sur mon ecran
si quelqu'un a deja eu ce probleme ou peut me venir en aide je l'en remerci d'avance

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #101 le: Vendredi 28 Mars 2008, 01:19:29 am »
jonis somthing like that will show you it when i have done it. mines going to be hot swapple so i just turn the key will unslot from the system and plug straight in to my spare swap cash that i will have my easy ide pluged in to will have a look on ebay for the swappable hard drive cases.

also going to mount the 3&4 pcb control board some were atm its kicking around the bottom cabinet.
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Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #102 le: Vendredi 28 Mars 2008, 01:54:48 am »
Latest guide to adding latest version of mame 0.124b

This guide was written to add new games supported under a newer version of mame

create a duplicate folder game2 just copy and paste then rename to game22 go into game22 folder del play1.exe del mame.ini del

go download latest version of mame un zip copy mame.exe to game22 rename play1.exe now pull up a command prompt type c:\emu\games22\play1.exe -cc this will create a new mame.ini file you will need to edit this have copied and pasted my changes  will have to look through mame.ini to edit.

rompath                   c:\game_rom\roms
samplepath                c:\game_rom\roms\samples
artpath                   artwork
ctrlrpath                 ctrlr
inipath                   .;ini

artwork_crop              0
use_backdrops             0
use_overlays              0
use_bezels                 0

mouse                     0
joystick                  1
lightgun                  0
multikeyboard             0
multimouse                0
steadykey                 0
offscreen_reload          0
joystick_map              auto
joystick_deadzone         0.3
joystick_saturation       0.85

paddle_device             joystick
adstick_device            joystick
pedal_device              joystick
dial_device               joystick
trackball_device          joystick
lightgun_device           joystick
positional_device         joystick

bios                      default
cheat                     1
skip_gameinfo             1

screen                    auto
aspect                    auto
resolution                640x480x16
view                      auto
screen0                   auto
aspect0                   auto
resolution0               640x480x16
view0                     auto
screen1                   auto
aspect1                   auto
resolution1               640x480x16
view1                     auto
screen2                   auto
aspect2                   auto
resolution2               640x480x16
view2                     auto
screen3                   auto
aspect3                   auto
resolution3               640x480x16
view3                     auto

changes to partition C:

How to genorate .cfg files i do this by having a full romset set up on pc with mame32 on run the game it will automaticly make one in the cfg folder and if the game need nvram will also create this too just copy them over to game22\cfg and the nvram to game22\nvram as shown below


edit the following


Just add the following to this file just instert it under one relating  to game2

xcopy / s / y / vc: \emu\game22\cfg\ *.* d:\filebak\cfgbak\game22\cfg
xcopy / s / y / vc: \emu\game22\nvram\ *.* d:\filebak\cfgbak\game22\nvram

Now edit this file


When you oppen this file scroll down to nere the end of the file if you on the latest version of the offical software it will be
if% 1==rampage goto emu2 if your running older think it was rtype or something simular. every time i add i also add a place marker wich is done using the rem command as shown below. add the following

rem Mame0.124b games added by MaNiAc-Uk

if% 1 == pacland goto emu22

now scroll down you will see emu2 just make a space and paste the following just telling the rom which emulator to use

cd \emu\game22
1% play1.exe
goto end

save the file and move on to the next file nearly done with drive c


pacland = 1

c:\game_rom\roms <---- Add new rom to this folder

c:\emu\snap <---- add screen shot here if its a new rom wont already be in there make sure its called the same as the rom ie. pacman.png

**Now to edit the second partition d:**

copy *.cfg to and *.nv to the following directorys



Edit this file just go to the end of the file and add


pacland = 1

this edit is has to be done right there are 10 line spaces between each new game added the last added game must have 11 line spaces othe wise it will spit up errors and not show the list right.


Pacland <rev7>

Thats it all done re install your hard drive and your good to go enjoy
« Modifié: Vendredi 28 Mars 2008, 17:04:11 pm par MaNiAc-Uk »
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Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #103 le: Samedi 29 Mars 2008, 03:56:06 am »
wip Have fixed Vector Support now for 15hz monitors. Starwars working fine.

mame.ini version 0.124b

antialias                 2 <----- Changed from 1 to 2
beam                      3.0 <---- Changed from 1.0 to 3.0
flicker                   0

all working now now working on cfg files for stubbon games that dont seam to play quite right.
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Hors ligne jonis

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #104 le: Samedi 29 Mars 2008, 14:00:11 pm »
Good work Maniac.

The thing about using the original frontend the bugs me the most is that we have to go trough the hassle of adding the game to a list etc when we want to update instead of just adding the game to a folder. Same thing if we like to add more emu's, it won't be as easy as it could be. I'm quite sure this could be solved by using Mamewah. Although, I suspect that there might be some complications with the installation. I haven't figured out the connection between the dipswitches on the board & the software for example and that feels quite necessary.

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #105 le: Samedi 29 Mars 2008, 15:21:44 pm »
the only way i think it could be done is find the launch script for the application on windows start up and edit it to point to mamewah instead of the babystar.exe but it also runs coinme.exe and vgatv or somthing like that as well we know babystar.exe is the menu system so if you were to substitute that for mamewah would probably work but dont knoe if the 3&4 board would work with it and would you be able to change video settings save cfg etc.

its not hard to add games at all its just a challenge and if it was that easy every one would do it lol.

but been looking at maximus arcade as well another system that would run probably but it all depends on how the conectons react ie coin start joystick from all my tests they seems to be pritty standard so whos going to give it ago.
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Hors ligne Jeston

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #106 le: Samedi 29 Mars 2008, 18:58:00 pm »
ok, corrective pack is out.

Previously added games have been removed from gamelist due to bad emulation status or controller related problem.
It is not exclude that some will be added later :

- <3D> Aqua Rush <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Dunk Mania <US> DM2 Ver.C
- <3D> Dunk Mania <JP> DM1 Ver.C
- <3D> Ehrgeiz <US> Ver.A
- <3D> Fighting Layer <JP> Ver.B
- <3D> Fighters Impact A <JP 2.00J>
- <3D> Mr. Driller <JP> ver.A
- <3D> Paca Paca Passion <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Prime Goal EX <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge <JP> S03 Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge <JP> S01 Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge Ver.II <JP> S04 Ver.C
- <3D> Tekken 2 <WORLD> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken 2 <JP> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken 2 <WORLD> Ver.A
- <3D> Tekken 3 <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Tekken <WORLD> Ver.C
- <3D> Tekken <WORLD> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken <JP> VER.B
- <3D> Xevious 3D/G Ver.A

Added the following games :

- Progear <US 010117>
- Progear <Asia 010117>
- Progear No Arashi <Japan 010117>

Fixed the control problem with those :

- Puzz Loop 2 <Euro 010302>
- Puzz Loop 2 <Japan 010205>

Added hiscores support for mame games

Removed doubles games from gamelists

Added extra files to get the horizontal+stretched orientation for vertical games, as they were.

download here

Hors ligne liodel

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probleme avec carte 1066
« Réponse #107 le: Samedi 29 Mars 2008, 19:04:19 pm »
salut a tous

je possede une borne dans laquelle j'ai installé une carte multijeux 1066 elle fonctionnait bien jusqu'a hier 
j'ai allumé la borne le carte c'est ensuite allumée petit temps d'attente habituel et la plus rien juste des point blanc sur mon ecran
si quelqu'un a deja eu ce probleme ou peut me venir en aide je l'en remerci d'avance

le mieux c'est que :

1 - tu te présentes ici :

2 - que tu ouvres ensuite un sujet concernant uniquement ton souci ici :

c'est mieux, on te répondra sans polluer le sujet actuel

ensuite, tu peux aussi mettre a jour ton profil avec ta localisation (quoiqu'on se doute au vu de ton pseudo)
et tu peux prendre un avatar, même si c'est une cox... :D

"Chuck Norris a déjà compté jusqu'à l'infini. Deux fois." - "Chuck Norris ne se mouille pas, c'est l'eau qui se Chuck Norris." - © Chuck Norris facts - fr

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #108 le: Samedi 29 Mars 2008, 22:00:50 pm »
ok, corrective pack is out.

Previously added games have been removed from gamelist due to bad emulation status or controller related problem.
It is not exclude that some will be added later :

- <3D> Aqua Rush <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Dunk Mania <US> DM2 Ver.C
- <3D> Dunk Mania <JP> DM1 Ver.C
- <3D> Ehrgeiz <US> Ver.A
- <3D> Fighting Layer <JP> Ver.B
- <3D> Fighters Impact A <JP 2.00J>
- <3D> Mr. Driller <JP> ver.A
- <3D> Paca Paca Passion <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Prime Goal EX <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge <JP> S03 Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge <JP> S01 Ver.A
- <3D> Soul Edge Ver.II <JP> S04 Ver.C
- <3D> Tekken 2 <WORLD> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken 2 <JP> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken 2 <WORLD> Ver.A
- <3D> Tekken 3 <JP> Ver.A
- <3D> Tekken <WORLD> Ver.C
- <3D> Tekken <WORLD> Ver.B
- <3D> Tekken <JP> VER.B
- <3D> Xevious 3D/G Ver.A

Added the following games :

- Progear <US 010117>
- Progear <Asia 010117>
- Progear No Arashi <Japan 010117>

Fixed the control problem with those :

- Puzz Loop 2 <Euro 010302>
- Puzz Loop 2 <Japan 010205>

Added hiscores support for mame games

Removed doubles games from gamelists

Added extra files to get the horizontal+stretched orientation for vertical games, as they were.

download here

cool will download and add on monday or tomorrow if i get some time.

This weeks plan of acton for the XXXX in 1

- going to be adding vector games in the next day or so.
- will look in to config issues with controls on zinc in the next day or so
- fix controls under mame 0.124b as some games are working some not.
- going to add snes emulation and sega emulation.
- waiting on responce from daphne soon as i got it will work on adding space ace and dragons lair will also add dragon lair II
- been looking in to nba jam and mortal combat might try running under new mame see if this fixes the problems.
- add roms.
- pinball not to sure if i can be botherd but will look in to it as i have found a wrapper which will work with the system.
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Hors ligne Jeston

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #109 le: Dimanche 30 Mars 2008, 17:16:07 pm »
maniac, I think you forgot something in your mame124 tutorial :

Copy C:\emu\game22\cfg to D:\configbak\game22\cfg
Copy C:\emu\game22\nvram to D:\configbak\game22\nvram

same as what is said in cnfsafe.bat

About HW modifications, especially the fan, I don't really see the point of it, as the system is used inside the cab and is far less noisy than many arcade systems such as Naomi, AtomisWave and CPS2.
As for the HD rack, I don't think about changing the HD every day.
For the CPU change, I think it could result in instablility in the main OS, so I would't recommend it.

About changing the frontend ;currently mamewin; for the latest mamewah, I don't really see the point neither.
For now, I think the systems works the following way :
- win2k (light) starts
- babystar.exe starts and launches coinme.exe and vgatv.exe
- coinme.exe launches mamep.exe (for english) or mamew.exe (for chinese)

So I think if you want to change the frontend, you would have to edit babystar.exe, so you will need to decompile it... so a really big mess for nothing much...

What I mean is that the purpose of the 10xxin1 was to provide an all in 1 plug & play device instead of an homemade PC config.
I think if we go too far in HW and SW mods it will just loose its advantage over the homemade PC, as the homemade PC.

It's far easier to config an homemade PC using mamewah than a 10xxin1, also the homemade PC will output native resolution wich is more enjoyable (mostly 321x240) while the 10xxin1 outputs  filtered 640x480 (however I think the 465in1 outputs native).

Conclusion, if you really want a customized system, mayble it would be better to starts on a good basis wich is the homemade PC.

I think the more we could do for the 10xxin1 would be to write a script for automaticly add new games, but I don't have any knowledge about scripting.
Maybe a simple .bat would do the job.
I think the SETUP/UPDATESYSTEM option is about that...

wait and see..

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #110 le: Dimanche 30 Mars 2008, 18:20:22 pm »
**Now to edit the second partition d:**

copy *.cfg to and *.nv to the following directorys



didient copy to the other folder as thats just a restore point if anything messes up but i did notice that when you try to save config through mamewin save config it freazes will copy accross and try again see if thats why its not working as i was trying to with only one set.

will add to the turtorial had been up for 20hrs when i wrote it. lol. thanks for pointing it lol if there are any other mistakes please let me know.

as for the processor swap i think your right im sure win2000 lite wouldent like it as its compiled around a prossecor well as far as my memory servers me as i had a processor failure on a old win2000 machine and tryed swapping it and the system dident work,

my fan isnt that nosie but handy to know just incase it does fail in the future.

my hard drive mods just me want to make it all look nice and tidy will aslo be mounting the 3&4 config board some were easy to make changes.

had wired my led buttons to the +5v and -5v off a spare hd connector but seam to burn them out too quick might add the ultramark ledboard as then it will have the right voltage and can add atract modes through the system.

as for mamewah cannot be arsed as the amount of scripting to get it working would be loads.

as for game add script have been thinking about it should be able to do it even though i have never done anything like it nither but will have a look in to it would need a input screen so you could enter the <rom name> and <rom title> and some way of identifing c: and d: as when you mount it i wont show as c: unless your like me where my opperating system is on e: and i have moved dvd roms and other hard drives to letters after e: you would also need a full set of roms snap and cfg + nvram for the games that your going to install so you could just type the names.

would work like this

you enter rom name followed by rom title it would then copy the files accross that would be the easy bit then you would have to have to tell it were to insert in the bat files and and also have figure a way for it to insert in to game.ini and in to the games list might give it a go if i can find a automation scrip writting system.

will let you know what i come up with might even reserch it today wilst im at home.

think the easyist way of doing this would be a manual copy of the snap.jpg/png and rom.cfg rom.nv to there appropriate folders then a automation script to to the editing thats the best i could probably do. Think we nedd to find us some one who could write a programm to do this all as a complete automation exe would be wicked might have word with a mate who is doing a programming course atm see if he is up for a challeng.
« Modifié: Dimanche 30 Mars 2008, 19:01:47 pm par MaNiAc-Uk »
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Hors ligne Jeston

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #111 le: Lundi 31 Mars 2008, 08:29:24 am »
for the C: and D: partitions looking as H: and I: on my system or E: and F: maybe on yours, just easy to insert something like a dialog box.

Point your C: drive
Point your D: drive

or maybe 2 .bat that would need to be executed from the main directories, one for C:, one to D:

laaaater.... morning is hard  :P