yup thats what they have done so follow any instructions written just always copy to the c:\filebak\whatever file path pointed to instead of d:\filebak\filepath\
and if that dont work would give tim a shout
www.jammabords.com he has a updated hard drive for sale.
so how many roms does yours have on it as standard?
i think the reson for the 2 partitions is if a hard drive does fail some time it only destroys 1 partition and seeing as all the config is being retreaved of partition 2 thats the one which will have a file error but its all backed up with in the mame system as well so it could be restored with ease.
then again i have had hard drives set fire lose partition maps and alsorts think out of all the years exsperince as a server builder / networks manageer the one thing i say i back up back up back up.
talking of witch i have to make a new image of my drive just incase of any problems seeing as mine is now running 1222 games and a jukebox.
will be adding more after the week end. Was thinking about copying a full 20 dvd rom set including chd files over to roms folder as then i wouldent have to faf around hunting for the roms in my direcorys then copying them over to the drive have already copyed over full set of snap dir so i dont have to hunt the .png .jpg.
also wondering if some one has a complete cfg folder as well then wouldent have to create cfg files for each added rom other wise you get the usal please enter ok thing every time unless you add them. might google that later on.
just had a look full rom set sitting around 79gb so if i was to install a 200+ gb hard drive would make sence and just remove non working games from the system. shame i have used a 500gb drive that i had kicking around for another project other wise would put that in and have my mp3 libray and all the roms as well mind probably get a 320gb or somthing like that see what happens later on.
if i did that then writing a game adding script wouldent be that hard i could write one in a macro senario that would just add the roms to the games list and the .bat file .ini files would be a time saving system would be alot of wasted data but with mame envolving all the time most of the games could be added over time then just remove the redunded roms and shrink drive back to right so no more can be added then creat a 3rd partition for interaction with the jukebox for mp3s cover art and anything else.
think i will be making a trip to pc world later on to get one.