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Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #128 le: Vendredi 04 Avril 2008, 15:53:15 pm »
yup thats what they have done so follow any instructions written just always copy to the c:\filebak\whatever file path pointed to instead of d:\filebak\filepath\

and if that dont work would give tim a shout he has a updated hard drive for sale.

so how many roms does yours have on it as standard?

i think the reson for the 2 partitions is if a hard drive does fail some time it only destroys 1 partition and seeing as all the config is being retreaved of partition 2 thats the one which will have a file error but its all backed up with in the mame system as well so it could be restored with ease.

then again i have had hard drives set fire lose partition maps and alsorts think out of all the years exsperince as a server builder / networks manageer the one thing i say i back up back up back up.

talking of witch i have to make a new image of my drive just incase of any problems seeing as mine is now running 1222 games and a jukebox.

will be adding more after the week end.  Was thinking about copying a full 20 dvd rom set including chd files over to roms folder as then i wouldent have to faf around hunting for the roms in my direcorys then copying them over to the drive have already copyed over full set of snap dir so i dont have to hunt the .png .jpg.

also wondering if some one has a complete cfg folder as well then wouldent have to create cfg files for each added rom other wise you get the usal please enter ok thing every time unless you add them. might google that later on.

just had a look full rom set sitting around 79gb so if i was to install a 200+ gb hard drive would make sence and just remove non working games from the system. shame i have used a 500gb drive that i had kicking around for another project other wise would put that in and have my mp3 libray and all the roms as well mind probably get a 320gb or somthing like that see what happens later on.

if i did that then writing a game adding script wouldent be that hard i could write one in a macro senario that would just add the roms to the games list and the .bat file .ini files would be a time saving system would be alot of wasted data but with mame envolving all the time most of the games could be added over time then just remove the redunded roms and shrink drive back to right so no more can be added then creat a 3rd partition for interaction with the jukebox for mp3s cover art and anything else.
think i will be making a trip to pc world later on to get one.
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Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #129 le: Vendredi 04 Avril 2008, 20:38:57 pm »
400gb hard drive soon to be installed just copying over data from old drive to new then will copy complete mame 0.123 rom set over and add to mame.ini so its readable. Now i dont have to copy over a new rom every time i want to play somthing new i just add it to the list or write a macro to do it for me. will also exspand my jukebox to have all my mp3 libary on it yay must make the controlls a little more user friendly as i have noticed some glitches with them.

just need a complete cfg file and nvram file as well then my job is done lol.

going to work on a script to add games automaticly next by just adding 2 lines of text will add to the file well hopfuly if i can get the system working will know if windows 2000 will take such a large drive shortly. 33 mins till 79gb is over on the drive.
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Hors ligne jonis

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #130 le: Samedi 05 Avril 2008, 14:11:56 pm »
yup thats what they have done so follow any instructions written just always copy to the c:\filebak\whatever file path pointed to instead of d:\filebak\filepath

Thanks for the tip but thats already been taken care of.  ;) I was mostly curious of how big of a difference there is between the older & newer systems.
« Modifié: Samedi 05 Avril 2008, 14:21:26 pm par jonis »

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #131 le: Dimanche 06 Avril 2008, 01:33:17 am »
having dificulty getting to see a bigger drive dident like the 400gb think i have cracked it using a 250gb drive instead will try in the morning  going to make a back up of the 60 gb one so i have a recovery image as i done too much to lose it now then will copy the image to the 250gb one and up the partition size to around the 200gb size and see what happens then going to add a full set of roms so i don't have to hunt the roms in the roms dir.
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Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #132 le: Dimanche 06 Avril 2008, 21:30:00 pm »
dont think i can get away with a 250gb drive might look for a smalller one i know i can run under a 60gb one with out trouble. might now try 150gb till i can find out the max it can take.
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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #133 le: Dimanche 06 Avril 2008, 21:53:01 pm »
This probably due to the OS, win2000 isn't that friendly with high capacity hd depending of the sp installed. I remember to have to bias with maxtor internal
tool to install a 320go hd on a system sometime ago.

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #134 le: Lundi 07 Avril 2008, 09:55:20 am »
well going to figure out what is that max size i can install on it if its the last thing i do lol. going to find a 120 and see if i can get away with that.

just sorting out a new domain for the help site for all our findings. will be adding more games today if i get 5 mins now have the rom set nice and local and a good way of finding roms i think will let you lot know how it all pans out.

Later on.
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Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #135 le: Lundi 07 Avril 2008, 19:50:14 pm »
New EMU2 and EMU22 roms added and tested. all 100% working some cfg reprogramming was required.

#Calorie Kun vs Moguranian
#Cannon Ball (Pacman Hardware)(mame 0.123 emu22)
#Cannon Ball (Yun Sung)
#Canyon Bomber
#Capcom Bowling (Set 1)
#Captain Silver (World)
#Chain Reaction (World V 2.2)
#Champion Wrestler
#Championship Bowling
#Championship Sprint (Rev 3)
#Change Air Blade (Japan)
#Change Lanes
#Charlie Ninja
#Check Man
#Chicken Shift
#Choky! Choky!
#Cisco Heat
#City Bomber (World)
#Colony 7
#Columns III - Revenge of Columns
#The Combatribes
#Cosmic Avenger
#Cosmic Chasm (Set 1)
#Cosmic Cop (World)
#Cosmic Guerilla
#Cotton - Fantastic Night Dreams
#Crazy War (no sound but good game)(mame 0.123 emu22)
#Crazzy Clownz(mame 0.123 emu22)
#Crystal Castles
#Cutie Q
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Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #136 le: Jeudi 10 Avril 2008, 18:22:31 pm »
well i have had some major stress here at work with a mac catching fire in the built in monitor lol oh well time for my latest updates to my now 1285 in 1

#D.D. Crew (set 4 3player version)
#Dambusters (US) (mame 0.123 Emu22)
#Danger Zone
#Dangerous Dungeons
#Darius (world)
#Darius II
#Dark Tower
#Dark Warrior
#Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO
#Desert Breaker
#Destroyer (Set 1)
#Devil World
#Diamond Run
#Diet Go Go
#Disco Boy
#DJ Boy (mame 0.123 Emu22)
#Do! Run Run
#Dock Man
#DoDonPachi (International Version)
#Dog Fight
#Doki Doki Penguin(mame 0.123 Emu22)
#Domino Block (mame 0.123 Emu22)
#Domino Man
#Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone
#Dragon Buster
#Dragon Saber
#Dream World (mame 0.123 Emu22)

seams like every one has gone quite here.
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Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #137 le: Jeudi 24 Avril 2008, 11:06:14 am »
got some major config problems hence why no more updates just trying to figure out why its not working think they have changed the config input style in the newer versions of mame got to figure out how to use the new ctrl system.
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Hors ligne emilealpi

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #138 le: Mercredi 04 Juin 2008, 09:48:23 am »
also the homemade PC will output native resolution wich is more enjoyable (mostly 321x240) while the 10xxin1 outputs  filtered 640x480 (however I think the 465in1 outputs native).

Now that's interesting !

I have just bought the new "2800 in 1" Game's Family for my Egret II, I can't test it since i will have my cab at the end of the month.

Can you tell us if the output of the xxxin1 if really far different from the native output of an original jamma board, and if yes, in wich ways. Or is this almost the same ?

-> Excuse my so miserable french english


Ca c'est intéressant,

J'ai récemment acqui la nouvelle "2800 in 1" pour mon egret II, je n'ai pas pu la tester car je ne reçois la borne que dans un mois.

Pourrais tu nous dire si le rendu de ces box (sur écran 15 khz de borne) est très différent des pcb originales, et si oui dans quelle mesure. ou s'il est "quasiment" le même.

Je pense ne pas être le seul intéressé par ces questions :)
« Modifié: Mercredi 04 Juin 2008, 12:27:27 pm par emilealpi »

Hors ligne MaNiAc-Uk

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #139 le: Jeudi 05 Juin 2008, 17:09:55 pm »
the xxxx in 1 puts out at 640x480 as thats what the systems set to do can be set up to other formats with a little bit of coding the 465 probably will do the same thing seeing as its produced at the same factory.

1069 in 1 runs unlocked windows and can be modified to do a whole host of trick things.
465 in 1 runs dongle protected linux and cannot be modified that easliy have herd roumors about people doing it but havent had any hard evedence.

just to let every one know have fixed the mk and nba jam issue i dumped the celron and added a P4 2.5Ghz 512 400 and all games now run right.

to find out more come over to the xxxx in 1 project
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Hors ligne Mathdea

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #140 le: Samedi 12 Juillet 2008, 20:27:08 pm »
Petit UP pour ce topic

Je suis en train de bidouiller une carte 1069in1, quelqu'un a-t-il déjà essayé de resizer la partition principale avec Partition Magic (PM) ? Partition Magic refuse de resizer la partition me disant que les disque dur n'est pas actif! Une idée ?

Merci pour votre aide!

Hors ligne emilealpi

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #141 le: Jeudi 17 Juillet 2008, 18:32:54 pm »
Il y a un tutoriel sur

Hors ligne Retro

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rajout de roms sur PCB 2800 in 1
« Réponse #142 le: Lundi 24 Août 2009, 10:00:37 am »
right cracked it been a busy man today. have cloned the 10gb hard drive to a 60gb hard by taking the hard drive off the motherboard installing it in my xp machine.

Then using selfimage software made a image of the 10gb drive to my 250gb backup drive i then removed the original hard drive and installed a spare 60gb maxstor cloned the drive from the image. I then using partition magic have resized C: to a 40gb partition so i can add lots more roms and even diffrent emulators to the system still got 17gb spare if i run out of space.

Have customized my menu back ground buy editing

D:\filebak\english\main.bmp (menu background file)

Then have customised layout so the on screen colours are not so bright on the eyes
by renaming the file to myskin.lay then using mamewah layout designer to change the colours of the menu from green to white the selected game colour to green , the games list counter to brite green and the list title to white saved the file then changed it back to .ski

the c:\emu folder brakes down like this.

There are a number of emulators being used to provide the games:
emu\game1 Mame 0.96
emu\game2 Mame 0.106
emu\game7 Final Burn Alpha
emu\game9 ZiNc 1.1
emu\game11 Nebula 2.25
emu\mult1 Mame 0.96u3
emu\mult2 Mame 0.106
emu\mult7 Final Burn Alpha
emu\mult11 Nebula 2.25

to add older roms to the system get your self a nice script editor as you need to do some additions to some files to get the system working.

what i have been doing is runing mame32 on my other pc finding the roms i want to add playing the rom once which genorates the .cfg file and the .nv nvram file then copying them over to c:\emu\game2 there folders cfg and nvram and to  D: \filebak\cfgbak\game2\ same files the system reads off this partition. After that i have copied over the rom to c:\game_roms\roms\ the snap file in C:\emu\snap seems to have most of the sreen shots already installed.

now for the editing.

files of intrest

D:\filebak\cfgbak\batch\game.ini (game delay launch file)
Scroll to the bottom of the file add new line with romname=delay as shown on next line

 C:\emu\batch\game.bat (pointer file tells the system which emulator to use to launch game)

scroll down till you get to the end of the games list will see something like this
if%1==rampage goto emu2 make a new line copy and past the last line change rampage to rom name then save

do the same to multi.bat in the same folder not sure if this is needed but did it all the same.

Then its back to drive d:

D:\filebak\english\lstbak\files\game.fav scroll to the end of file and add the following.
rom menu title
i not sure what it does exsactly but thought i would add it as was used earlyer in the post.

last file to edit the one which is important if you dont space this right it wont work properly as i found out earlyer.

D:\filebak\english\lstbak\files \game-0.lst
the way i did it was to copy the first discription and the 11 spaces after then paste it at the end of the file then edit it first line is rom name second line is menu rom title eg.

Ghosts 'n Goblins

I did exactly everything that is shown, with puyo puyo sun game STV on my 3000 in 1 (The Bios STV is already on the card). I have the game that appears in the list but it does not start. What can I Do?