Location Date Local Time ActivityWhat's This?
Roissy Charles de Gaulle, France 02/11/2011 7:42 A.M. Package data processed by brokerage. Waiting for clearance.
02/11/2011 7:42 A.M. Registered with Clearing Agency / Shipment submitted to Clearing Agency
Ontario, CA, United States 02/10/2011 7:40 P.M. Departure Scan
Ontario, CA, United States 02/09/2011 5:44 P.M. Pickup Scan
United States 02/10/2011 10:28 P.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS
edit : 17:37 Everything is going well.
Roissy Charles de Gaulle, France 02/11/2011 4:09 P.M. Registered with Clearing Agency / Shipment submitted to Clearing Agency
Another important stuff for the cab.
edit 20:27
Roissy Charles de Gaulle, France 02/11/2011 9:20 P.M. Package data processed by brokerage. Waiting for clearance. / Released by Clearing Agency. Now in-transit for delivery.
edit : to follow the restoration