Auteur Sujet: Site répertoriant les jeux par orientation  (Lu 1972 fois)

Hors ligne nikos69

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Site répertoriant les jeux par orientation
« le: Samedi 13 Février 2010, 19:13:33 pm »
On a surement du déjà en causer mais je retrouve pas l'info. Est ce qu'il existe un site qui recenserait tous les jeux selon certains critères, dont l'orientation. C'est histoire de rajouter quelques trucs auxquels je pense pas forcément dans mon romset.
Mamedata j'ai essayé mais ca marche que sur pc et j'ai un mac.
Lok'tar !

Hors ligne wanou

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Site répertoriant les jeux par orientation
« Réponse #1 le: Samedi 13 Février 2010, 19:30:54 pm »
Tu trouveras tout ce dont tu as besoin là:

Datobase pour Mame


Hors ligne funkycochise

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Site répertoriant les jeux par orientation
« Réponse #2 le: Dimanche 14 Février 2010, 07:54:06 am »
tate powaa...

Hors ligne aganim

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Site répertoriant les jeux par orientation
« Réponse #3 le: Dimanche 14 Février 2010, 09:25:51 am »
Sous certaine version de Mame tu peux trier les jeux par orientation :)

ça aide pour choisir :)

Hors ligne nikos69

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Site répertoriant les jeux par orientation
« Réponse #4 le: Dimanche 14 Février 2010, 09:52:21 am »
Tu trouveras tout ce dont tu as besoin là:

Datobase pour Mame


J'ai essayé leur moteur de recherche mais ca donne rien du tout si tu spécifies juste l'orientation sans un nom de rom.
Lok'tar !

Hors ligne kleptor

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Site répertoriant les jeux par orientation
« Réponse #5 le: Dimanche 14 Février 2010, 11:21:43 am »
J'ai même l'impression qu'il n'y a rien de répertorié dans l'orientation vertical.

J'ai testé en tapant une lettre ou un chiffre comme recherche et y a rien qui sort.

Hors ligne nikos69

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Site répertoriant les jeux par orientation
« Réponse #6 le: Dimanche 14 Février 2010, 11:26:42 am »
J'ai même l'impression qu'il n'y a rien de répertorié dans l'orientation vertical.

J'ai testé en tapant une lettre ou un chiffre comme recherche et y a rien qui sort.

Ouep, c'es très con quand même c'est LE truc qui m'intéressait  >:D
Lok'tar !

Hors ligne wario

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Site répertoriant les jeux par orientation
« Réponse #7 le: Dimanche 14 Février 2010, 12:59:51 pm »
J'ai trouvé un bacth pour trier le set MAME version 0.90 sur The Prinny Parlor

Filename: VMOVE.BAT/HMOVE.BAT (moves all vertical/horizontal roms)

This little batch file was put together to seperate the vertically/horizontally orientated games in MAME from the vertical/horizontal ones. This is really useful if you, like me, have a cabinet with a vertical monitor and don't want to waste hard drive spacewith the vertical/horizontal games. It will move all vertical/horizontal roms (originals, clones, parents and children) to C:\ROMSVERT\ It will also copy the 24 required bios roms ( etc)

Exract this zip file into the folder where your MAME roms are
stored (usually C:\MAME\ROMS).
Run VMOVE.BAT and read the instructions.
I gonna win !!!

Chuck Norris a fini Super Mario Bros sans sauter. (c)Chuck Norris Facts-Fr

Hors ligne nikos69

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Site répertoriant les jeux par orientation
« Réponse #8 le: Dimanche 14 Février 2010, 13:32:14 pm »
Le truc c'est que je veux pas me prendre la tête à mettre un set complet sur ma borne et faire un tri après, je voudrais juste savoir quelles roms chopper et qui tournent en tate. En gros ce qu'est censé faire arcade hits.
Lok'tar !

Hors ligne wario

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Site répertoriant les jeux par orientation
« Réponse #9 le: Dimanche 14 Février 2010, 15:54:33 pm »
Si tu cherches une liste tu peux commencer par ces 680 jeux verticaux :

'99 The Last War - 99lstwar
'99 The Last War (alternate) - 99lstwra
005 - 005
1941 - Counter Attack (World) - 1941
1942 (set 1) - 1942
1942 (set 2) - 1942a
1943 - The Battle of Midway (Japan) - 1943j
1943 - The Battle of Midway (US) - 1943
19XX: The War Against Destiny (US 951207) - 19xx
4 Fun in 1 - 4in1
4 Player Bowling Alley - bowler
600 - 600
800 Fathoms - 800fath
Acrobat Mission - acrobatm
Aero Fighters - aerofgt
Aero Fighters (Turbo Force hardware set 1) - aerofgtb
Aero Fighters (Turbo Force hardware set 2) - aerofgtc
Air Duel (Japan) - airduel
Air Gallet (Taiwan) - agallet
Ajax - ajax
Akkanvader(Japan) - akkanvdr
Alcon - alcon
Ales no Tsubasa (Japan) - lwingsjp
Ali Baba and 40 Thieves - alibaba
Alien Invasion Part II - alieninv
All American Football (rev E) - aafb
Alley Master - alleymas
Alpha Fighter / Head On - alphaho
Alpine Ski (set 1) - alpine
Amazing Adventures or Mr. F. Lea, The - mrflea
American Horseshoes (US) - horshoes
Amidar - amidar
Angel Kids (Japan) - angelkds
Anteater - anteater
APB - All Points Bulletin (set 1) - apb
Arabian - arabian
Arbalester - arbalest
Argus - argus
Arkanoid (World) - arkanoid
Arkanoid - (Revenge of DOH (World) - arknoid2
Arm Wrestling - armwrest
Armed Formation - armedf
Armed Police Batrider (Japan, version B) - batrider
Armored Car (set 1) - armorcar
Ashura Blaster (Japan) - ashura
ASO - Armored Scrum Obect - aso
Assault - assault
Astro Blaster (version 3) - astrob
Astro Fighter (set 1) - astrof
Astro Invader - astinvad
Asuka & Asuka (Japan) - asuka
Asylum (prototype) - asylum
Avengers (US set 1) - avengers
Azurian Attack - azurian
Bagman - bagman
Balloon Bomber - ballbomb
Baluba-louk no Densetsu - baluba
Barrier - barrier
Batsungun - batsugun
Battlantis - battlnts
Battle Bakraid - unlimited version (Japan) - bbakraid
Battle Cruiser M12 - bcruzm12
Battle Garegga - Type 2 (Denmark / China) - battleg
Battle Lane Vol. 5 (set 1) - battleg
Battle of Atlantis (set 1) - atlantis
Battle-Road, The - battroad
Bells & Whistles - blswhstl
Bermuda Triangle (Japan) - bermudat
Big Pro Wrestling!, The - bigprowr
Bio Attack - bioatack
Birdie King - bking
Birdie King 2 - bking2
Birdie Try (Japan) - birdtry
Black Hole - blkhole
Blades of Steel (version T) - bladestl
Blast Off (Japan) - blastoff
Blazer (Japan) - blazer
Block Block (World 911106 Joystick) - block
Block Carnival / Thunder & Lightening 2 - blockcar
Block Gal - blockgal
Blue Hawk - bluehawk
Blue Print (Midway) - blueprnt
Bomb Bee - bombbee
Bomb Jack (set 1) - bombjack
Bombjack Twin - bjtwin
Boomer Rang'r / Genesis - boomrang
Bowl-O-Rama - bowlrama
Buggy Challenge - buggychl
Bull Fighter - bullfgtr
Burger Time (Data East set 1) - btime
Burnin' Rubber - brubber
Caliber 50 - calibr50
calipso - calipso
Capcom Bowling (set 1) - capbowl
Car Jamboree - carjmbre
Carnival (coctail) - carnvckt
Carnival (upright) - carnival
catapult - catapult
Cavelon - cavelon
Centipede (revsion 3) - centiped
Change Air Blade (Japan) - cairblad
Checkman - checkman
Cheeky Mouse - cheekyms
Chequered Flag - chqflag
Chinese Hero - chinhero
Chopper I - chopper
Circus Charlie - circusc
city Bomber (World) - citybomb
Colony 7 (set 1) - colony7
Commando (Sega) - commsega
Congo Bongo - congo
Contra (US) - contra
Cosmic Alien - cosmica
Cosmic Chasm (set 1) - cchasm
Cosmic Guerilla - cosmicg
Cosmo Gang the Video (US) - cosmogng
Cosmos - cosmos
Crazy Balloon (set 1) - crbaloon
Crazy Kong (set 1) - ckong
Crazy Rally - crzrally
Crush Roller (Kural Samno) - crush
Curve Ball - curvebal
Cutie Q - cutieq
Cybattler - cybattlr
Cyvern (Japan) - cyvern
Daioh - daioh
Danger - Ufo Robo (12/1/1986) - danger
Dangerous Seed (Japan) - dangseed
Dangun Feveron (Japan) - dfeveron
Dark Warrior - darkwar
Darwin 4078 (Japan) - darwin
Dazzler - dazzler
Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (bootleg) - redufo
Desert War - desertwr
Devastators (version Z) - devstors
Devil Fish - devilfsh
Devil Zone - devzone
Dig Dug (set 1) - digdug
Dig Dug II (New Ver.) - digdug2
Digger - digger
Dimahoo (US 000121) - dimahoo
Dingo - dingo
Dirt Fox (Japan) - dirtfoxj
Disco No.1 - disco
DoDonPachi (Japan) - ddonpach
Dogyuun - dogyuun
Dommy - dommy
Donkey Kong (US set 1) - dkong
Donkey Kong 3 (US) - dkong3
Donkey Kong Junior (US) - dkongjr
DonPachi (Japan) - donpachi
Dorodon (set1) - dorodon
DownTown - downtown
Dr.Micro - drmicro
Dr. Toppel's Tankentai (Japan) - drtoppel
Dragon Blaze - dragnblz
Dragon Saber - dsaber
Dragon Spirit (new version) - dspirit
Dream Shopper - dremshpr
Drift Out (Japan) - driftout
Dyger (set 1) - dyger
Dynamic Ski - dynamski
Eight Forces - eightfrc
Electric Yo-Yo, The (set 1) - elecyoyo
End, the - theend
Equites - equites
ESP Ra.De. (International Ver 1998 4/22) - esprade
Exciting Soccer - exctsccr
Exed Exes - exedexes
Exerion - exerion
Exterminator (US) - extrmatn
Eyes (Digitrex Techstar) - eyes
F-1 Grand Prix - f1gp
F-1 Grand Prix Part II - f1gp2
Fantasia - fantasia
Fantasy (US) - fantasy
Fantasy '95 - fantsy95
Fast Lane - fastlane
Faster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert (prototype) - sqbert
Fighter & Attacker (US) - fghtatck
Fighting Hawk (Japan) - fhawk
Fighting Roller - fightrol
Final Star Force (US) - fstarfrc
finalizer - Super Transformation - finalizr
Fire Barrel (Japan) - firebarr
Fire Shark - fireshrk
Fire Trap - firetrap
Fire Truck - firetrk
Fly-Boy - flyboy
Flying Shark (World) - fshark
Free Kick - freekick
Freeze - freeze
Frogger - frogger
Front Line - frontlin
Funky Bee - funkybee
Funky Fish - fnkyfish
Funny Mouse - funnymou
Future Spy - futspy
Galaga '84 - galaga84
Galaga '88 (Japan) - galag88j
Galaga '88 (set 1) - galaga88
Galaga '88 (set 2) - galag88b
Galaga (Namco) - galaga
Galaga 3 (alternate set) - galaga3a
Galaga 3 (Midway) - galaga3m
Galaga 3 (rev. C) - galaga3
Galaxian (Namco set 1) - galaxian
Galaxian (Namco set 2) - galaxiaj
Galaxian Part X - galapx
Galaxy Wars (Universal set 1) - galxwars
Galivan - Cosmo Police (12/16/1985) - galivan
Galmedes (Japan) - galmedes
Gals Panic (set 1) - galpanic
Gals Pinball - galspnbl
Game Paradise - Master of Shooting! / Game Tengoku - The Game Paradise, The - gametngk
Gang Busters - gbusters
Gaplus (rev. D) - gaplus
Gee Bee - geebee
Gekirindan (Japan) - gekirido
Gemini Wing - gemini
Ghostmuncher Galaxian (bootleg) - gmgalax
Ghox - ghox
Gigas (bootleg) - gigasb
Gigas Mark II (bootleg) - gigasm2b
Go Go Mr. Yamaguchi / Yuke Yuke Yamaguchi-kun - yamagchi
Goindol (World) - goindol
Gomoku Narabe Renju - gomoku
Gondomania (US) - gondo
Grand Champion - grchamp
Grand Cross - gcpinbal
Green Beret (Irem) - greenber
Grid Seeker: Project Stormhammer (World) - gseeker
Grobda (New version) - grobda
Guerrilla War (US) - gwar
Gulf Storm - gulfstrm
Gulf War II - gulfwar2
Gun & Frontier (World) - gunfront
Gun Bird (World) - gunbird
Gun Dealer (set 1) - gundealr
Gun.Smoke (World) - gunsmoke
Gunbarich - gnbarich
Gunbird 2 - gunbird2
Gundhara - gundhara
Gunlock (World) - gunlock
GunNail - gunnail
Guwange (Japan) - guwange
Guzzler - guzzler
Gyrodine - gyrodine
Gyruss (Konami) - gyruss
HAL21 - hal21
Halley's Comet (US) - halleys
Hand, The - thehand
Heart Attack - heartatk
Heavy Barrel (US) - hbarrel
Heiankyo Alien - heiankyo
HeliFire (revision B) - helifire
Hero - hero
High Way Race - hwrace
Hoccer (set 1) - hoccer
Hopper Robo - hopprobo
Hot Pinball - hotpinbl
Hot Shocker - hotshock
Hot Shots Tennis (V1.1) - hstennis
Hotdog Storm - hotdogst
Hunchback - hunchbak
Hunchback Olympic - huncholy
Hustler, The (Japan version M) - thehustl
IGMO - igmo
Ikaki Warriors (US) - ikari
Image Fight (Japan) - imgfight
Intrepid (set 1) - intrepid
Invader's Revenge - invrvnge
Invinco - invinco
Invinco / Deep Scan - invds
Invinco / Head On 2 invho2
IPM Invader - ipminvad
Ixion (prototype) - ixion
Jack Rabbit (set 1) - jackrabt
Jack the Giantkiller (set 1) - jack
Jackal (World) - jackal
John Elway's Team Quaterback - teamqb
Journey - journey
Joust 2 - Survival of the Fittest (set 1) - joust2
Joyful Road (US) - joyfulr
Jr. Pac-Man
Jump Bug - jumpbug
Jump Coaster - jumpcoas
Jump Shot - jumpshot
Jumping Jack - jjack
Jungler - jungler
Juno First - junofrst
Kageki (US) - kageki
Kaitei Takara Sagashi - kaitei
Kamikaze Cabbie - kamikcab
kangaroo - kangaroo
Kaos - kaos
Karate Champ (US) - kchamp
Kick (upright) - kick
Kicker - kicker
Kid no Hore Daisakusen - horekid
Kiki KaiKai - kikikai
King & Balloon (US) - kingball
King of Balloon (English) - kingofb
Krazy Bowl - krzybowl
Krull - krull
Kyros - kyros
Kyukyoku Tiger 2 (Japan) ktiger2
Lady Bug - ladybug
Lady Killer - ladykill
Laguna Racer - lagunar
Land Sea Air / Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen - lsasquad
Lasso - lasso
Last Day, The (set 1) - lastday
Last Duel (US set 1) - lastduel
Last Mission (US revision 6) - lastmisn
Legendary Wings(US set 1) - lwings
Legion (ver 2.03) - legion
Lethal Crash Race (set 1) - crshrace
Lethal Thunder (World) - lethalth
Levers - levers
Liberation - liberate
Lightning Fighters (US) - lgthfght
Lizard Wizard - lizwiz
Lock'n'Chase - lnc
Loco-Motion - locomotn
Logger - logger
Looping (set 1) - looping
Lunar Rescue - lrescue
Lupin III - lupin3
Macho Mouse - machomou
Macross - macross
Macross Plus - marcrossp
Mad Gear (US) - madgear
Mad Shark - madshark
Magical Spot II - magspot2
Mahou Daisakusen (Japan) - mahoudai
Major League - mjleague
Mania Challenge (set 1) - maniach
Many Block - manybloc
Mappy (US) - mappy
Mariner - mariner
Mars - mars
Marvin's Maze - marvins
Master of Weapon (World) - masterw
Mat Mania - matmania
Maze of Flott (Japan) - mofflott
Mazinger Z - mazinger
Mega Zone - megazone
Megadon - megadon
Mercs (World) - mercs
Meta Fox - metafox
Metal Hawk (Japan) - metlhawk
Mighty Monkey - mimonkey
Mighty Guy - mightguy
Mikie - mikie
Millipede - milliped
Minefield - minefld
Minky Monkey - mmonkey
Mission 660 (US) - m660
Mister Viking - mrviking
Moguchan - moguchan
Money Money - monymony
Monster Bash - monsterb
Monte Carlo - montercar
moon Alien Part 2 - moonal2
Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu) - mooncrst
Moon Quasar - moonqsr
Moonwar - moonwar
Motos - motos
Mouser - mouser
Mr. Do! - mrdo
Mr. Do's Castle (set 1) - docastle
Mr. Jong (Japan) - mrjong
Mr.Kougar - mrkougar
Mr. TNT - mrtnt
Ms. Pac-man - mspacman
MX5000 - mx5000
Mysterious Stones - mystston
Namco Classics Vol. 1 - ncv1
Naughty Boy - naughtyb
Navalone - navalone
Nebulas Ray (World) - nebulray
Net Wars - netwars
New Fantasia - newfant
New Sinbad 7 - newsin7
New York New York - nyny
Next Space, The - tnexspce
Ninja Emaki (US) - ninjemak
No Man's Land - nomnlnd
Noboranka (Japan) - noboranb
Nostradamus - nost
Nunchackun - nunchaku
Oli-Boo-Chu - olibochu
Omega Fighter - omegaf
Orbitron - orbitron
Out Zone (set 1) - outzone
Over Drive - overdriv
Ozma Wars (set 1) - ozmarwars
Pac & Pal - pacnpal
Pac-Man (Hearts) - pacheart
Pac-Man (Midway) - pacman
Pac-Man Plus - pacplus
Pac-Mania - pacmania
Paddle Mania - paddlema
Pandora's Palace - pandoras
Passing Shot (2 Players) - passsht
Peggle (Joystick) - peggle
Pengo (set 1) - pengo
Percussor, The - percuss
Perestroika Girls - perestro
Performan (Japan) - perfrman
Phelios (Japan) - phelios
Phoenix (Amstar) - phoenix
Phozon - phozon
Pickin' - pickin
Pig Newton (version C) - pignewt
Pinball Action (set 1) - pbaction
Pinbo - pinbo
Pioneer Balloon - pballoon
Pisces - pisces
Pit, The - thepit
Play Girls - plgirls
Play Girls2 - plgirls2
PlayBall! (prototype) - playball
Pleiads (Tehkan) - pleiads
Plus Alpha - plusalph
Polaris (set 1) - polaris
Pollux - pollux
Pooyan - pooyan
Pop Flamer(protected) - popflame
Popper - popper
Port Man - portman
Pound for Pound (World) - poundfor
Power Surge - psurge
Psychic 5 - psychic5
PuckMan (Japan set 1) - puckman
Pulsar - pulsar
Punch-Out!! - punchout
Puzzle Club (Japan prototype) - puzlclub
Q*bert (US) - qbert
Q*bert's Qubes - qbertqub
Qix (set 1) - qix
Quantum (rev 2) - quantum
Quaterback - quarterb
Quester (Japan) - quester
Qwak (prototype) - qwakprot
R-Shark - rshark
Radar Scope - radarscp
Radar Zone - radarzon
Rafflesia - raflesia
Raiden - raiden
Rally Bike / Dash Yarou - rallybik
Razzmatazz - razmataz
Red Alert - redalert
Red Clash - redclash
Red Robin - redrobin
Redline Racer (2 players) - redlin2p
Regulus (New Ver.) - regulus
Rescue - rescue
Return of the Invaders - retofinv
Riddle of Pythagoras (Japan) - ridleofp
Road Fighter (set 1) - roadf
Roc'n Rope - rocnrope
Rolling Crash / Moon Base - rollingc
Rompers (Japan) - rompers
Round-Up - roundup
Route 16 - route16
Ryu Jin (Japan) - ryujin
S.R.D. Mission - srdmissn
S.S. Mission - ssmissin
Safari Rally - safarir
Samurai (Sega) - samurai
Samurai Aces (World) - samuraia
Samuria Nihon-ichi (set 1) - tsamurai
Sand Scorpion - sandscrp
SAR - Search And Rescue (World) - searchar
Sasuke vs. Saturn - satansat
Satan's Hollow (set 1) - shollow
Saturn - saturn
Scorpion (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) - scorpng
Scramble - scramble
Scrambled Egg - scregg
Scud Hammer - scudhamm
Seicross - seicross
Sen Jin - Guardian Storm (Korea) - grdnstrm
Sengeki Striker - sengekis
Senjyo - senjyo
Sheriff - sheriff
Shippu Mahou Daisakusen (Japan) - shippumd
Shoot the Bull - shootbul
Shot Rider - shtrider
Shuffleboard - shuffle
Sinbad Mystery - sindbadm
Sinistar (revision 3) - sinistar
Sky Adventure (World) - skyadvnt
Sky Alert - skyalert
Sky Base - skybase
Sky Bumper - skybump
Sky Fox - skyfox
Sky Lancer - skylancr
Sky Smasher - skysmash
Sky Soldiers (US) - skysoldr
Slap Fight - slapfigh
Slick Shot (V2.2) - slikshot
Slither (set 1) - slither
Solar Fox -solarfox
Soldier Girl Amazon - amazon
Son of Phoenix - sonofphx
SOS - sos
Space Attack (upright) - sspaceat
Space Bomber (ver.B) - sbomberb
Space Chaser - schaser
Space Dungeon - sdungeon
Space Fever (color) - spacefev
Space Firebird (Nintendo) - spacefb
Space Force - spcforce
Space Fortress - spacefrt
Space Invaders - invaders
Space Invaders '95 - Attack Of The Lunar Loonies (World) - spcinv95
Space Invaders (CV Version) - sicv
Space Invaders (Logitec) - invaderl
Space Invaders (SV Version 2) - sisv2
Space Invaders (SV Version) - sisv
Space Invaders (TV Version) - sitv
Space Invaders Deluxe - invaddlx
Space Invaders DX (Japan F3 version) - spcinvdj
Space Invaders DX (Japan) v2.0 - spacedxo
Space Invaders DX (Japan) v2.1 - spacedx
Space Invaders II (Midway, cocktail) - invad2ct
Space Invaders Part II (Taito) - invadpt2
Space King 2 - spcking2
Space Laser - spclaser
Space Odyssey - spaceod
Space Panic (set 1) - panic
Space Stranger - sstrangr
Space Stranger 2 - sstrngr2
Space Trek (upright) - spacetrk
Speak & Rescue - speakres
Speed Ball - speedbal
Speed Coin (prototype) - spdcoin
Speed Rumbler, The (set 1) - srumbler
Spiders (set 1) - spiders
Springer - springer
Spy Hunter - spyhunt
Stagger I (Japan) - stagger1
Star Force - starforc
Star Janker (Sega) - starjack
Stinger - stinger
Storm Blade (US) - stmblade
Strata Bowling (V3) - stratab
Stratovox - stratvox
Streaking - streakng
Strider (US) - strider
Strike Gunner S.T.G - stg
Strikers 1945 - s1945
Strikers 1945 (Japan) - s1945j
Strikers 1945 (Japan, unprotected) - s1945jn
Strikers 1945 II - s1945ii
Strikers 1945 III (World) / Strikers 1999 (Japan) - s1945iii
Strikers 1945 Plus - s1945p
Sundance - sundance
Super Bagman - sbagman
Super Basketball (version G) - sbasketb
Super Bond - superbon
Super Breakout - sbrkout
Super Bug - superbug
Super Casino - sucasino
Super Cobra - scobra
Super Contra - scontra
Super Glob - suprglob
Super Invader Attack - sia2650
Super Pac-Man - superpac
Super Pinball Action (Japan) - spbactn
Super Punch-Out!! - spnchout
Super Qix - superqix
Super Real Darwin (World) - srdarwin
Super Space Invaders '91 (World) - ssi
Super Stingray - sstingry
Super Zaxxon - szaxxon
Superbike - superbik
SWAT - swat
Syusse Oozumou (Japan) - ssozumo
Tac/Scan - tacscan
Tactician (set 1) - tactcian
Tail to Nose - Great Championship - tail2nos
Taisen Quiz HYHOO (Japan) - hyhoo
Taisen Quiz HYHOO 2 (Japan) - hyhoo2
Tank Battalion - tankbatt
Tank Busters - tankbust
Taxi Driver - taxidrvr
Tazz-Mania - tazmania
Tee'd Off (Japan) - teedoff
Telephone Mahjong (Japan) - telmahjn
Tempest (rev 3) - tempest
Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 1) - terracre
Thunder & Lightning - thunderl
Thunder Dragon - tdragon
Thunder Dragon 2 - tdragon2
Thundercade / Twin Formation - tndrcade
Tiger Heli (set 1) - tigerh
Time Limit - timelimt
time Pilot - timeplt
Time Pilot '84 (set 1) - tp84
Time Scanner - timscanr
Time Soldiers (US Rev 3) - timesold
TNK III (US?) - tnk3
Toki no Senshi - Chrono Soldier - tokisens
Tokia / Scramble Formation - tokio
Tomahawk 777 (Revision 1) - tomahawk
Toobin' (version 3) - toobin
TouchDown Fever - tdfever
Tower of Druaga (New Ver.) - todruaga
Tranquiliza Gun - tranqgun
Traverse USA / Zippy Race - travrusa
Tri-Sports - trisport
Trick Trap (World?) - tricktrp
Triple Punch - triplep
Tron (set 1) - tron
Truxton / Tatsujin - truxton
Truxton II / Tatsujin II / Tatsujin Oh (Japan) - truxton2
Tugboat - tugboat
Tunnel Hunt - tunhunt
Turbo - turbo
Turbo Force - turbofrc
Turbo Tag (prototype) - turbotag
Turtles - turtles
Tutankum - tutankhm
Twin Cobra (World) - twincobr
Twin Eagle - Revenge Joe's Brother - twineagl
Twin Hawk (World) - twinhawk
TwinBee - twinbee
U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (Japan) - earthjkr
U.S. Classic - usclssic
UniWars S - uniwars
Up'n Down - upndown
V-Five (Japan) - vfive
Valkyrie No Densetsu (Japan) - valkyrie
Valtric - valtric
Van-Van Car - vanvan
Vandyke (Japan) - vandyke
Vangaurd (SNK) - vanguard
Vanguard II - vangrd2
Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision 1) - vaportra
Varth - Operation Thunderstorm (World) - varth
Vastar (set 1) - vastar
victory Road - vicroad
Video Eight Ball - 8ball
Video Hustler - hustler
Video Pinball - videopin
Vimana - vimana
Volfied (World) - volfied
VS Gong Fight - vsgongf
Vulgus (set 1) - vulgus
Wall Street - wallst
Wanted - wanted
War or Aero - Project MEIOU - wrofaero
War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze - warofbug
Warp & Warp - warpwarp
Water Match - wmatch
Water Ski - waterski
Wild Western (set 1) - wwestern
Wiping - wiping
Wiz - wiz
Wonder Planet (Japan) - wndrplnt
World Tennis - wtennis
Wrestle War - wrestwar
Xevious Atari (set 1) - xeviousa
Xevious (Namco) - xevious
XX Mission - xxmissio
Yamato (set 1) - yamato
Yosaku To Donbee (bootleg) - yosakdon
Youjyuden (Japan) - youjyudn
Zarya Vostoka - zaryavos
Zaxxon (set 1) - zaxxon
Zero Hour - zerohour
Zig Zag (Galaxian hardware, set 1) - zigzag
Zing Zing Zip - zingzip
Zoar - zoar
Zodiack - zodiack
Zzyzzyxx (set 1) - zzyzzyxx
I gonna win !!!

Chuck Norris a fini Super Mario Bros sans sauter. (c)Chuck Norris Facts-Fr

Hors ligne nikos69

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« Réponse #10 le: Dimanche 14 Février 2010, 18:20:05 pm »
Excellent, merci bien  :-*
Lok'tar !

Hors ligne gottlieb

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« Réponse #11 le: Dimanche 14 Février 2010, 18:45:11 pm »
superbe travail pour cette liste :-*
Manque nombres de boutons et si mode cocktail accepté :D :D :D
un bon debut pour trouver des jeux pour cocktail  :-*
merci wario ^-^
A la maison  ;)
bornes: racecab speed up Gaelco, table cocktail Taito SI part II ,cockpit Sega Space tactics, 1 borne Karateco, 3 bornes Jeutel, tactile megatouch et 1 mini borne enfant
flipper: silver slugger, pin bot, Whitewater,Indianapolis 500
Billard: superleague diplomat
dart: Lowen royaldarts ...
Jukebox jupiter mirage 120
Ma gaming room :-*

Hors ligne kleptor

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« Réponse #12 le: Mercredi 17 Février 2010, 20:39:37 pm »
Manque nombres de boutons et si mode cocktail accepté :D :D :D
100 balles et un merci  :D

Jolie liste

Hors ligne wario

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« Réponse #13 le: Mercredi 17 Février 2010, 22:42:08 pm »
Je n'ai aucun mérite, j'ai juste copier/coller ce qui est sur le site de Prinny Parlour dont je parlais dans le post précédent.

Vertical Mame List

Announcement -- The 'VerticalMameList' is officially finished.
JoyMonkey's Rom Sorter Script is my preferred utility.

I have compiled a list of vertical games (mostly original and with no clones) supported in Mame. The purpose of this is to enable vertical monitor Mame users, and/or, small hard disk drive Mame users, to use only vertical Mame games and keep HDD space to a minimum.


Mame.66 version of 'VerticalMameList' containing 682 games/roms, using 664 megabytes of storage space.. Small zipped text file, (9kb), can be downloaded from here.
I gonna win !!!

Chuck Norris a fini Super Mario Bros sans sauter. (c)Chuck Norris Facts-Fr

Hors ligne gottlieb

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Site répertoriant les jeux par orientation
« Réponse #14 le: Mercredi 17 Février 2010, 22:58:21 pm »
Merci quand même pour cette liste wario ^-
A la maison  ;)
bornes: racecab speed up Gaelco, table cocktail Taito SI part II ,cockpit Sega Space tactics, 1 borne Karateco, 3 bornes Jeutel, tactile megatouch et 1 mini borne enfant
flipper: silver slugger, pin bot, Whitewater,Indianapolis 500
Billard: superleague diplomat
dart: Lowen royaldarts ...
Jukebox jupiter mirage 120
Ma gaming room :-*