bon alors,
j'ai ce module disponible ici ce tuto :ça fonctionne tres bien mais avec la touche "ESC", je voudrais quitter avec une touche joystick de la borne car je n ai pas fait de hack clavier.
fusionFile := CheckFile(emuPath . "\fusion.ini")
FileRead, fusionIni, %fusionFile%
GUI_ID := FadeInStart()
7z1 := 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractDir)
; Setting Fullscreen setting in cfg if it doesn't match what user wants above
currentFullScreen := (InStr(fusionIni, "FullScreen=1") ? ("true") : ("false"))
If ( Fullscreen != "true" And currentFullScreen = "true" ) {
StringReplace, fusionIni, fusionIni, FullScreen=1, FullScreen=0
SaveFile(fusionIni, fusionFile)
} Else If ( Fullscreen = "true" And currentFullScreen = "false" ) {
StringReplace, fusionIni, fusionIni, FullScreen=0, FullScreen=1
SaveFile(fusionIni, fusionFile)
hideEmu := (If Fullscreen = "true" ? ("Hide") : (""))
; This allows us to send variables, that when empty, are not sent to the Run command
RunEmu(executable, "-auto", "-gen", romPath . romName . romExtension, emuPath, hideEmu)
WinWait, Fusion ahk_class KegaClass
WinWaitActive, Fusion ahk_class KegaClass
Loop { ; looping until Fusion is done loading game
Sleep, 200
WinGetTitle, winTitle, Fusion ahk_class KegaClass
StringSplit, T, winTitle, %A_Space%
If ( T3 = "-" )
If ( hideTitleBar = "true" ) {
WinSet, Style, -0x40000, Fusion ahk_class KegaClass ; Removes the border of the game window
WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, Fusion ahk_class KegaClass ; Removes the TitleBar
DllCall("SetMenu", uint, WinActive( "A" ), uint, 0) ; Removes the MenuBar
Center(Fusion ahk_class KegaClass)
GUI_ID2 := FadeInExit()
Process, WaitClose, %executable%
7z2 := 7zCleanUp()
GUI_ID4 := FadeOutExit()
WinActivate, Hyperspin
RunEmu(exe,param1=0,param2=0,rom=0,relativepath=0, option=0) {
Run, %exe% %param1% %param2% "%rom%", %relativepath%, %option%
Center(title) {
WinGetPos, X, Y, width, height, %title%
x := ( A_ScreenWidth / 2 ) - ( width / 2 )
y := ( A_ScreenHeight / 2 ) - ( height / 2 )
WinMove, %title%, , x, y
SaveFile(text,file) {
FileDelete, %file%
FileAppend, %text%, %file%
GUI_ID3 := FadeOutStart()
WinClose, Fusion ahk_class KegaClass