Nouvelle version de rAsPiCade : correction d'un bug avec le GPIO et ES2, ajout du support dans retrogame pour faire le "sudo halt" via le GPIO et un bouton, le script d'Upgrade semble fonctionnel
A bug appeared when you use The retrograme program to use GPIO as panel input with EmulationStation2 see In fact, GPIO Input are not recognize by ES2. The basic idea is to create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/10-retrogame.rules and add this line to it:
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="retrogame", ENV{ID_INPUT_KEYBOARD}="1". This workaround is integrated in this release of rAsPiCade.
Retrogames programs have been modified. A shutdown button management
on GPIO15 (for B+) and GPIO 24 on (revB) has been added. See This allow you to
connect a button to shutdown properly the system.
The Upgrade script is normally stable and can be used to upgrade a previous release of raspiade. In the home of Pi just run ./ This will do the git pull and all the stuff thanks to the script located in ~/temp/RAsPiCade-configuration-files.