sympa l'utilisation de l'imprimante 3D.
elle t'a couté chère cette petite imprimante?
OK je viens de modifier le câblage, le bouton start est ok pour toutes les emu, chouette.
gngeo les bouton 3et 4 sont bougé mais c'est normal, je pense de toute façon que PiFBA va le remplacer.
Par contre que ce soit ADVmame, pisnes , pi drive ou PiFBA, les boutons P1 et P2 sont mappé différemment. il n'y aurait pas une erreur sur le nouveau schéma avec une inversion entre le bouton 6 et le 4 du P2?
Pour moi le P2 le bouton 6 a était mis comme sur le schéma sur le pin 5 et le 4 sur le pin 16
voici le fichier /home/pi/retro/retroarch.cfg
input_player1_a = "ctrl"
input_player1_b = "alt"
input_player1_y = "space"
input_player1_x = "shift"
input_player1_start = "num1"
input_player1_select = "num5"
input_player1_l = "z"
input_player1_r = "x"
input_player1_left = "left"
input_player1_right = "right"
input_player1_up = "up"
input_player1_down = "down"
input_player1_joypad_index = "0"
input_player1_a_btn = "0"
input_player1_b_btn = "1"
input_player1_x_btn = "2"
input_player1_y_btn = "3"
input_player1_select_btn = "7"
input_player1_start_btn = "6"
input_player1_up_axis = "-1"
input_player1_down_axis = "+1"
input_player1_left_axis = "-0"
input_player1_right_axis = "+0"
input_player1_l_btn = "4"
input_player1_r_btn = "5"
input_player2_a = "a"
input_player2_b = "s"
input_player2_y = "q"
input_player2_x = "w"
input_player2_start = "num2"
input_player2_select = "num6"
input_player2_l = "e"
input_player2_r = "t"
input_player2_left = "d"
input_player2_right = "g"
input_player2_up = "r"
input_player2_down = "f"
input_player2_joypad_index = "0"
input_player2_a_btn = "10"
input_player2_b_btn = "11"
input_player2_x_btn = "15"
input_player2_y_btn = "16"
input_player2_start_btn = "19"
input_player2_up_axis = "-3"
input_player2_down_axis = "+3"
input_player2_left_axis = "-2"
input_player2_right_axis = "+2"
input_player2_l_btn = "17"
input_player2_r_btn = "18"
je pense modifier 2 lignes:
input_player2_y_btn = "16"
input_player2_r_btn = "18"
input_player2_y_btn = "18"
input_player2_r_btn = "16"
Toutefois, à chaque redémarrage, la config est écrasée. Je ne comprends pas.
même si je fais la modif avant de lancer un jeu la config n'est pas utilisée.
Autrement dans un premier temps je vais inverser les 2 pins du B4 et 6.
A moins que mon Xinmo soit different du votre...
dans le .emulationstation/es_systems.cfg j'ai:
<!-- A short name, used internally. -->
<!-- A "pretty" name, displayed in the menus and such. This one is optional. -->
<fullname>piSNES Super Nintendo Emulator</fullname>
<!-- The path to start searching for ROMs in. '~' will be expanded to $HOME or %HOMEPATH%, depending on platform.
All subdirectories (and non-recursive links) will be included. -->
<!-- A list of extensions to search for, delimited by any of the whitespace characters (", \r\n\t").
You MUST include the period at the start of the extension! It's also case sensitive. -->
<extension>.zip .ZIP .smc .SMC</extension>
<!-- The shell command executed when a game is selected. A few special tags are replaced if found in a command, like %ROM% (see below). -->
<command>clear; /home/pi/pisnes/snes9x %ROM% > /dev/null 2>&1</command>
<!-- This example would run the bash command "snesemulator /home/user/roms/snes/Super\ Mario\ World.sfc". -->
<!-- The platform(s) to use when scraping. You can see the full list of accepted platforms in src/PlatformIds.cpp.
It's case sensitive, but everything is lowercase. This tag is optional.
You can use multiple platforms too, delimited with any of the whitespace characters (", \r\n\t"), eg: "genesis, megadrive" -->
<!-- The theme to load from the current theme set. See THEMES.md for more information.
This tag is optional; if not set, it will use the value of <name>. -->
<!-- A short name, used internally. -->
<!-- A "pretty" name, displayed in the menus and such. This one is optional. -->
<fullname>SNES9x Libretro Super Nintendo Emulator</fullname>
<!-- The path to start searching for ROMs in. '~' will be expanded to $HOME or %HOMEPATH%, depending on platform.
All subdirectories (and non-recursive links) will be included. -->
<!-- A list of extensions to search for, delimited by any of the whitespace characters (", \r\n\t").
You MUST include the period at the start of the extension! It's also case sensitive. -->
<extension>.zip .ZIP .smc .SMC</extension>
<!-- The shell command executed when a game is selected. A few special tags are replaced if found in a command, like %ROM% (see below). -->
<command>clear; /home/pi/retro/retroarch -L /home/pi/retro/snes9x_next_libretro.so -c /home/pi/retro/retroarch.cfg %ROM% > /dev/null 2>&1</command>
<!-- This example would run the bash command "snesemulator /home/user/roms/snes/Super\ Mario\ World.sfc". -->
<!-- The platform(s) to use when scraping. You can see the full list of accepted platforms in src/PlatformIds.cpp.
It's case sensitive, but everything is lowercase. This tag is optional.
You can use multiple platforms too, delimited with any of the whitespace characters (", \r\n\t"), eg: "genesis, megadrive" -->
<!-- The theme to load from the current theme set. See THEMES.md for more information.
This tag is optional; if not set, it will use the value of <name>. -->
les 2 sont donc présent et utilisent les même jeu de roms?!? /home/pi/roms/roms_snes9x