pifba est dans rAsPiCade. il fonctionne très bien. Il est en version standalone et aussi en libretro. La version standalone est moins gourmande en ressource..; surtout pour un Pi1.
Attention la version libretro est activée par défaut. Il faut editer le fichier es_systems.cfg pour commenter la partie lifba libretro : pour cele il suffit de commenter le chemin vers les roms, et le décommenter pour pifba standalone ... comme suit
<!-- A "pretty" name, displayed in the menus and such. This one is optional. -->
<fullname>piFBA Finale Burn Alpha</fullname>
<!-- The path to start searching for ROMs in. '~' will be expanded to $HOME or %HOMEPATH%, depending on platform.
All subdirectories (and non-recursive links) will be included. -->
<!-- A list of extensions to search for, delimited by any of the whitespace characters (", \r\n\t").
You MUST include the period at the start of the extension! It's also case sensitive. -->
<extension>.zip .ZIP .fba .FBA</extension>
<!-- The shell command executed when a game is selected. A few special tags are replaced if found in a command, like %ROM% (see below). -->
<command>clear; /home/pi/pifba/fba2x %ROM% > /dev/null 2>&1</command>
<!-- This example would run the bash command "snesemulator /home/user/roms/snes/Super\ Mario\ World.sfc". -->
<!-- The platform(s) to use when scraping. You can see the full list of accepted platforms in src/PlatformIds.cpp.
It's case sensitive, but everything is lowercase. This tag is optional.
You can use multiple platforms too, delimited with any of the whitespace characters (", \r\n\t"), eg: "genesis, megadrive" -->
<!-- The theme to load from the current theme set. See THEMES.md for more information.
This tag is optional; if not set, it will use the value of <name>. -->
<!-- Here's an example system to get you started. -->
<!-- A short name, used internally. -->
<!-- A "pretty" name, displayed in the menus and such. This one is optional. -->
<fullname>Libretro FBA Finale Burn Alpha</fullname>
<!-- The path to start searching for ROMs in. '~' will be expanded to $HOME or %HOMEPATH%, depending on platform.
All subdirectories (and non-recursive links) will be included. -->
<!-- A list of extensions to search for, delimited by any of the whitespace characters (", \r\n\t").
You MUST include the period at the start of the extension! It's also case sensitive. -->
<extension>.zip .ZIP .fba .FBA</extension>
<!-- The shell command executed when a game is selected. A few special tags are replaced if found in a command, like %ROM% (see below). -->
<command>clear;/home/pi/retro/retroarch -L /home/pi/retro/fb_alpha_libretro.so -c /home/pi/retro/retroarch.cfg %ROM% > /dev/null 2>&1</command>
<!-- This example would run the bash command "snesemulator /home/user/roms/snes/Super\ Mario\ World.sfc". -->
<!-- The platform(s) to use when scraping. You can see the full list of accepted platforms in src/PlatformIds.cpp.
It's case sensitive, but everything is lowercase. This tag is optional.
You can use multiple platforms too, delimited with any of the whitespace characters (", \r\n\t"), eg: "genesis, megadrive" -->
<!-- The theme to load from the current theme set. See THEMES.md for more information.
This tag is optional; if not set, it will use the value of <name>. -->