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arparp[/url]"]Hello community,first thank you very much ladyada for devolping this nice thingi!I am an industrial design student and pushed the pov a little bit forward..-- designed a housing, made it rotatabel, accessory style.the project was about "making the world a better place" and I thought about communication with unknown people.And here is my project:Some sketches first Then some renderings with an snap in rotationringsoldering without a board to fit the case *holymoly* I use ladyadas board for programming and put the controler into the socket after that ..tada -- the pov!around the necksome impressions .. it says "where is the stairway to heaven"Iam working on version two with much stronger leds for day use, a docking station to reload the li-ion akku and writing the txt on it -- perhaps using the usb port -- in future I want to send the text on it via sms ..with the roPOV you can ask for the way, make contacts to people etc ...
a quand un jacky qui mette ca sur sa voiture