Lol bon pour info, le dev est quand mm super sympas, voila ce qu'il m'a répondu..
Je lui avait fait un mail avant que Angel ne résolve le pb avec son loader.
La nouvelle version permet de lancer les dsk direct ! (bon ok on se tape le chargement, mais on peu voir les démo des hackers :smile: et puis choisir si on veux des pokes :cool: )
Hi Bravo,
This has been implemented in 2.0 Alpha 8.
I have made an all in one arcade cabinet (a real Coin up)
It contain Mame, Nes, SMS, Genesis, Amiga ... emulator.
I use a frontend for select game and emulators.
I desperetly search for an amstrad emulator with the ability to automaticly launch a game when you associate the name of the rom.
c:\WinApe.exe GryZor.dsk
And it automaticly try to launch gryzor by a run "gryzor" in real Full Screen.
You do a great job with this emulator thanks for your work and for your interrest.
Here a pic of my arcade machine an a link to the front end skin i have release.