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[size=8]mais si on contredis Aubrel, on va encore le véxer et il va nous crier dessus ....[/size]
çà tient debout.Mais faut pas oublier que c'est devenu PACMAN à cause de Américains.Donc, Fuck n'aurait pas existé en américain, on connaitrait surement PACMAN sous PUCKMAN.Donc la traduction foireuse n'est peut etre pas applicable dans ce cas.
[size=8]surtout que vu que j'ai émis aucune théorie ca va etre dur de me contredire sur ce coup là... [/size]
Un vrai mystère tout celà
Certe, mais tout celà n'explique pas la différence de décoration. Il y a juste la forme qui est identique dans l'ensemble mais pour le reste....
They also change the artwork to make the cab cheaper to produce.
When Midway releasedPac-Man in the United States, the company also redesigned the cabinet's artwork, as the Namco-style artwork was more costly in the United States, the company also redesigned the cabinet's artwork, as the Namco-style artwork was more costly to mass produce, as well as being considered too stylish for the American market. PUCK MAN was painted overall white featuring multicoloured artwork on both sides with cheerful Puck-Man characters in different poses while Pac-Man was painted yellow, with very simple and easy-to-stencil artwork onboth sides and front.
LOL Voici une photo que j'ai prise il y a deux semaines en Italie...